Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1358

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cmu INDEX. Natalmal Guard—G0ntiuued. Paw- National Guard——Co11tinued. PSR- disciplinc to correspond with Army regula- annual estimates to be submitted. .; . 213 tions ... . .. 206 expenditures restricted to appro riauons. . 213 assembling for drills, encampmeuts, etc., drafted into military service witg Army. . . 340 required; time necessary ... 206 Government employees in, volunteering minimum number to be present; dum- 206 for military service, to be rleistored tion . . . to ositions on termination thereof- 624 inspection by officers of Army; nature of Naval Mrilitia. provisions . 593 reports. . . 206 officem and enlmted men exam t from rv participation in érmy encampmeuta, 206 strictionGagainst paying gouble salmsmeuvem, e ... aries to cvemment em 10 ees. . 120, 582 allotment of expenses; pay, etc., while payment authorized of men gnl1};xted by sttending Z ... 206 States to cvmplew organizations for command to be retamed by Axmy muster into service 624 ofiicers. . _ ... : . 207 sergesmts to be enlisted in Arm for duty _ dctmls from Army for msizuqtxon ... 207 with o nizations of; zuiziitional. . 189 mstruquou camps may be Frouded for 207 travel pay on from military servdetséls oiéingy office? or . ¥§e,all0wedfromA1mytransp0rt&tion pay ora eu ance, e c. , 17. ...,. ‘ 810 pay for attendance at Army qncampments, Natekmal Guard, D. C. (see also Militia, D. C.), etc., may he made at txme of muster double pay restriction not applicable to. 120, 582 for full pemqd. ._ ... _ _ 2 207 drafted into military service with Army. . 340 auth0rt1:$yd to IQBCBIVE H;I:Z!'|1Ctl0Il lll mlb- 207 National Guard Reserve, semcc sc oo . . .. organization authorized under national deat militarypopts, etc. . 207 fense Act; constitution of .. 202 d€Pt:i};é *30-, limit ···--- ·-·— _ ··-·~ - - 207 pay, eg.Nomm%we% while training 2 y 0 cern an enlisted en wi atio um - . 20· - for duty with .. . ... 208 drafted into military service with Arm . . 340 i’€ti¥€d 0$¢<·>!¤ ---·-· - --·---·-·----·---- 208 National H or 'sabl ol nteer 0l· Subject laws governing Army when in 208 dm? f D2 ed V u gr . $0 V?¤€i'V1¢€-·;--·_ -..-... appro rimon for expenses, Dayton, Ohio. 293 courb mgrug]; cqnggtuuou, procedure, Elwaukgg Wig _______________ _ ______ 294 etc _______________ _ _______________ 208 To _’ _________________________ 5 geueyal; authority for, powers, etc .. 208 Hagillgigle Va . . .. ggs ¤P•><>¤¤1:¤¤th¤ri¢y for, powers, ew ... 208 Leavenworth Kaus- . ... 295

  {gf powers, etc  gg; Sanga Monica;. Cal  . . . - 295

7 °""""""’· .,--.-,,.,,..-.--... approval for digmjgggl required _________ 209 D8¤$ilili€II¥g]T_-Iii ________________ _ _ _ _ gg: arrests, execution of process, etc .. - . 209 Johnson bit}, Tenn _ 296 my ¤;)e;·§i¤:¤;¤xc<;§§8<i1w of, fvr Mmm; 209 f B1tt1§Mou1§aén Saiiitarium, s. Dak- . 236 . ··-·· ; --·--··—·--· t ing, a mnc es .. . 2 7 mte; dGt€I'ID.lDBt10I1 of BGTVICG .. . . . . and expenses of man. stuff, etc., officers. . ... 209 ’ my vf ¤¤1i¤¤¤d men: drill ¤¤rvi¢¤ r¤q¤i¤>d- 209 1m:E1Zr;§&£érb` }2{1$é`i¢` ééihééi ii£¤Z»ié11` gg;

          • 3 ¢°mP¤*¤*i°¤ of ¤t~*€¤d¤¤¢€ ·····-· 2]*) deficiency appropriation for Dayton Ohio -29 825

other actud ¤¤i1i¤ry<1u¢y ·~-·~ · ··-·-·- · 210 for Lgqvguwgrth Kang Y · ’ 29 d*¤*>¤¤i¤8 md ¤<*<>¤¤*i¤8 by Q¤¤¤·=¤- Mmmm Ind., .. ZffZZjZfZZfZIZ§`zs 812 ¥°°'Ft°r CMF'- Army ·········-··--- 210 for Hampton Va . . . . - . 1 812

  • ¤¤¤;;;1¤¤J ¤¢¤<>¤ of S¢¤¢¤¤ ¤¤q¤i¤=>d» 210 for mms M6q¤¤iaH é§;i1M1i¤£,`s. bék. 812

time for State legislation ., . ,,._, 210 gg; 'g:gx;?§B°aEQt%$Q:é '°'`°°`'‘ ° '‘‘`'` °° be drafted mw mlm3"Y semce in cam appohxted members of Bdsirzil · I d . °* 'mi iP€’i°d °* ¤*>"i°¤ -·-----~·--- 211 John w west James w W&d8l$;i’)gHh· <i¤¤¢h¤¤2¤d wm ¤¤i1iti¤ ¤¤<i ¤¤bi<·=¢¢ to 11 H Markhém and Géorge Black, 1134 laws governing Volunteer Army 211 N · l '· ` - ` C0 . . to Hi . atuma Lzormjy for the Blmd, D. C., mmmmd ;;"§,m§ ,,§‘;ft;.; ············· 3%% N¤¤¤*°y·3;¤°¤*¤* --=··---·----··--=- "°»1°38 1::: gms rg peusmp lawsgqended tm . - • 211 atwna Bzrthplace Memarml Asso- P gm ;gr;¢¤¢¤  ;<;;_={11_¤;>fj>_ 211 delxvcgyg Omgmmsy www gow dollar 12 s·>¤¤¤¤ me *0 be Pmvided —--·——-·--·--- 211 National MEM 1;;;,2 ‘``‘` ‘°```°°°°`````‘ ‘”°"gf;f§ {mm AMY md N***i°¤¤l 211 aboxished by nationél defense Act 203 issue of mm, ammunition, etc . zu Namml 5f·v·¤M¢#· . , . temporary promotions, em, in Army due $PP¥'0PYii§t10l1 for preservatxon. etc., 1\ava;o 9 to details to, in time of wu .,,,,,,_ _ 2]] Anz -1 ·-·-·····-·~·-·--·---··--·-· 13- staE officers; terms limited ,___ _ _ _ ~ 212 f°r.Pr°t"°u°n’ etc ······················ 309 permanent Status not affected ______ _ 212 deficxency agpmpriation for Mukxmtuphysical examinations required when w°“P· tam 1917 ····• · ·. ····‘‘‘··· 818 called gum active A1-my service ____ 212 placed unqler control of Nauoual Park _ when discharged __,__,___,____________ 212 Sémcé ··--··~··--··-- · ·~-···—···-· 530 1 benefits debarred States, etc., not com I - National NWW U0mP¢my· . . . P Y . , __ _ }¤g, mmonal defense Act, etc, , 212 deficiency sppropmmon for ... 81¢ provisions A phcab}0 only to langi forces- . 212 Natnbnal Miucum, miquota ted_with Naval .. 212 sppmgxttion for sqlaries, fixtures, etc 230 Bn and mgulatxons for, to be msued . 213 or eating. lightxng, etc ... 280