Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/145

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124 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 125. 1916. B°P‘Y“'°“*· lands, $100,000, to be repaid lproportionally out of any Indian moneys hld h ythU'dS_ 'lbl by e rn trust or otherwrse e mte tates an avar a e law for such reimbursable purposes and to remam available until ex- §;"',;’y,,,, pended: Provided, That no part of said sum shall be used for the — ¤¤¤¤i¤¤¤r¤·¤*i¤¤¤- survey, resurvey,classiHcation, or allotment of any land in severalty on the public domain to any Indian, whether of the Navajo or other tribes, within the State of New Mexico and the State of Arizona, who was not residing ufpon the public domam prior to June thrrtreth, mpmn nirieteepl hundred and ourteen. d {dl h' _ * · ort econstruction repair an maintenanceo `tc es, reservoirs, lsgwh mm ¤· and dams, purchase arid use df irrigation tools and appliances, waterrights, ditc es, lands necessary for canals, pipe lines, and reservoirs for Indian_reservations and allotments and for drainage and protectron_of rrrjrgable lands from damage by Hoods or loss of water p,{,‘}§,,°§§*““°‘ “°" gights, rnclrglling expsipiies of gecessary sérrveys investigations tg etermrne e easr y an estimate cost 0 new ro e ts an power reservoir sites on Indian reservations in accgrddiiize with v0r.:a,p.asa the provisions of section thirteen of the Act of June twenty-fifth, nsmrrunanmow. nineteen hundred and ten, $235,000, reimbursable as provided in the v¤, p.583. Acgdoii) first, nligpteen hundregh and fourteen, and to remain Pmeu. av a e unt' expen : Promkled . at no art of this `- U°°"“"°“°‘ ation shall be_expended ou any irrigation sgstem or rerilgrlii-egtlihh pi-oyect for_whrch specific appropriation is made in this Act or for _ which public frmds are or may be available rmder any other Act of 1¤¤v·¤¤¤i¤¤1>•¢¤>¤- for pay oi: one tglrlief inspector of irrigation, who shall be a e urigatron engineer, ,000; one assistant inspector of irrigation, who shall be a skilled irri tion en eer $2,500* f thelm` g d incidental expenses of twogr:spector$ irrigationsinldludliig sleepiirn - car fare and a dper of $3 m lieu of subsistence when actual? _ employed on ut in the Held and awa from des' ated head; ,,§§§°,0“,§‘_'”“"°“‘s °‘ quarters $3 200* ih all $244 700* Profmklejalso Thatltdlit to exceed I V ! 7 7 ' seven superintendents of irrigation, six of wliom shall be skilled rmfatron engineers and one competent to pass upon water rights, S _ _ an one HeId·cost accountant, may be employed. ,m;',§P’°“*“¤ ‘*¤“°' For the suppression of the traffic in intoxicating liquors amon Indians, $150,000. The provisions of sections twenty-one hundred M ( M d I and forty and twenty-one hundred and fort -one of the Revised R_ 'gf_°—§°cs_ **2,*;,; Statntes of the United States shall also apply to beer and other zriiélpggvzg sm ilntoipcpitrngdhquom named ipr the Act of January thirtieth, eighteen ··· · un re an ninety-seven wenty-ninth Statut t L gve hundred and six), and the possession by a_pers•dn8of in£i,1og;icdl;i§§ quors rn the country where the mtroductron is prohibited by treaty gr Federal statute s all be prima facie evidence of unlawful intro- . . uction. £§?§’,$‘ §§§,',§§§; f For- gh? regpf and care of destitute Indians not otherwise provided · or an or ~ e prevention an treatment of t b ul t ilmaigbhpogt, and other contagious and infectiollrseldiseldszleisd, i;:£)d¥rh'g _ po ation of patients to and from hospitals and sanatoria h§',?,;;,‘:S§$;, ,0, mw 15352,000 ljlrqvtdlegl, Thai; not_ to excileed $90,000 of said amormt may p . xpene in econsructr · Gmm {mmm a unit cost of not exeeedingm;1ll$T00g?Hg1vid1;d0_§`uIi·l5§}lverhO'l"h§;tll.lilil.; .,,c_ * appropriation may be_used also for general medical aiid sur-gies} treatmprit of Ipdianls, rncludmlg the maintenance and operation of . T i_ enera osprta s, w ere no other f ds. li bl ‘ r¤§»%§d_f° hm me gpm gist pprpioripz And furtilslfzlr, Tllirzgtillsllili p;iiovi)sci)1in8ill§ieJald)d:l;, V¤1.3s, .584. Q uglli ·, lime 8611 un d { · · P Statutes at Large, page five hundred alrixd eiglild the cost of erection and equipment of hospital; authorized the in to $15,000 each, is hereb amended so as to approve the e e digg of additional sums for the purposes named not exceedin32n500uiii I