Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/471

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450 SIXTY-FOURTH V CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 313. 1916. shi mont. of an virus, serum, toxin, qr malogpus products manufscgmxad M the {Initod States, and the nppprtatgon of such products °°“•°“¤¢ ‘”'°"'* intended for use in the treatment of domesuc ammals; and to ample u°°' °°°` the Secretary of Agricultuic to collect and dissemingnte mformatxon 1;,,,,,;,,,.,,, concerning hvc stock, dairy, qther ammal products; to prsfpnre and disseminate rc rts on smmal mdustry; to ognploy sud payévrom the appropriation made as many persons m the 01t•Y of _ ash- ’1‘¤1>¤¤¤¤¤. ¤•r¤¤¤. ington or elsewhere as he necessary; tq puqchuse m the °°°‘ open market samylm of all tu rculm, B81&.‘II1S, 8.I1t»1t»0¥1I1B, or 21.1;;.19-

 · Q us roducts,0f 0m' orrdomcsticmau a.ctum,wh1churoso m

gtlgc Ignitcd States, foxtgtilho detection, prevention, treatment, or_cura of wlisusebof domestic animals. to test the sums, and to dxssemmnte

  • "¤°‘**°°; the results of said tests in such manner as he may deem best; to

u°'e°°"° pumhase’mddosta·oydisaas¤dcr¤xp0ssdani1na1sorq¤amntinetho / umn whenever in` his judgment to pmvcnt_ the Tread of gleumpneumonia, tubemulosns, or other dnsoasas of anmmls rom one i md tsivta to another, as fgllows: _ _ _ an "} ¤*¤•°°,l°¤ ¤““* or ins tion an quarantine wo , ding nsqeuuy NL expenses f§1?cth¤ eradication of scabics in sheep and cattle, tfho tion of southern cattle, the supervision of the tra.ns£0rtation of vo stock and tha inspection of vessels, the execution of t c pwcnty-mfhu hourlaw the inspection and quarantine of imported ammals, mc ud- , r . . . . mg the establishment and muntenanqo of qnarantme staywns and the alteration of bui  ; the mspcctwn work relative to the existence of agsontagiougo , and the tubsrculin and mallein test- ' ’0f imitn ', $532,7 ; S¤¤¢h¤r¤¤•¤1•¤¤¤· Pnibr all naccuafy for the eradication of southern cattle D"“°”°"°°'"°'k° ticks; $632,400, of $50,000 may bs used for live stock and dairy demonstration work, in cooperation with the States Relations ` Service, in areas freed of ticks; and of this amount no part shall be Promo. used in the purchase of animals for brcedin%1}_:;;rposas: Provided, ¤¤L?’$'€°.2.°{’sr'?i'}.,’L°»ZC however That D0 part of this appropriation sha used in the E13- chnse of materials for or in the construction of dipping vets upon d not owned solely by the United States, except at or axpositious where the Dcisinrtment of Afnqulture cxhnhits 0l‘.fi81Il0Etl‘&· nous; nor sh _ any putt 0 thas appmprpuop used m the punchass_ of mstmals or mixtures for use nn dnpping vsts cxcp 1; m experimental or dcmcnstraiuon work carnod on by the 0$m£s or aggnts 5 the Bureau of Amms}1 Industry. _ d 1>¤iry¤¤¤¤¤ry. or necessary expenses or mves ataons an cx riments in dairy industry, cooperative invastigstioxggof the dairy inggstry in the various States, injection of renovated-butter factories and markets, gzwm. k mg $277,470: Prov•@1 , That $5,000 of this sum shall be used for invesm_ °'“° '”" ° tigations, experiments, qnd demonstrauons m connection with the m:;?n11f:5{,1u·c and marketing offchcpsc. _ d Animal husbsndry. or necessary expenses or mvcs ations an experiments in ,{$Z'f§";.¤i,,§’,,';,”_°*“" husbandry; for cgcgriments in Egimd feeding and breeding, xncludxng cooperation W1 the Spam agricultural experiment statxons, mcluding repaurs and addmons to {md erection of buildings absolutely ncccssujy to cayry on the experiments, including the employment of labor m the c1ty of Washington and elsewhere rent outns r um 1>· · r co · ’ Pm Sl 0 1SFI'lCt 0 lumbm, and all other necessary expenses, Hmggu mmmy $208,320: Promdegl, That_0f the sum yhus appropriated $25,000 may mmm. be usgd for experiments m_the breedmgrand maintenance of horses p,,,m,,,,,,md,,,_ fog mnhtary purposes: Provaded further,_ hat of the sum thus apprognutqd, {37,00Q meg be usgd for exginxnents m poultry feeding and rcgadmg, mcluding e fepding and cding of ostriches and investi- I gamons and experiments m the study of tha_ ostrich industry; sumuamm. Fo1·_ all ncqcssm&n?penscs fqr scmnniic mvestxgamons m dxscascs of ammuls, gnclu t,he mmntenance and improvement of the bureau expemment SCBEIOII at Bethesda, Maryland, and the necessary