Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/569

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548 SIXTY·FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 416. 1916. ,m?d§§’°"‘ °‘ P°"“° it may deem advisable; but acts of the Philippine with reference to land of the lplpbhc domam, tim r, and mimng, here- _ after enacted, shall not ve the force of law until approved by P $81%, l°g,.,v,.w;“ by th, the President of the United States: Provided, That upon e approval - of such_ an act by the Governor General, 1t_ shall be by him forthwith transmitted to the President of the_United States, and he shall approve or dnsaplprove the same within SIX months from and after 1ts511Lxctm%n|;_an sgnlémiplsion for his aipproylal, and if no;. disgpgrzggd w1_ suc imei mea wtesameas'ita n i.a§‘},‘}°“.;’;“;id‘¤Q§.‘;;t sipqcracauy a proved: Pmazed {wut", rm where mas m the hihppme lsifmdshave been or may be reserved for an public purpose of the_Un1ted States, and, being no longer for the purpose for wh1ch reserved, have been or may be, by order of the Presient, under the control of the government of said- islands to be administered for the benefit of the inhabitants thereof, the order of the President shall be relgarded as effectual give the fovernment of said islands full contro and power to administer an dispose of mmmnm Sub such lands for the benefit of the inhabitants of said islands. me umm sums S1ic.h;% hThat gvhile this Act provides that the Philippine %>vemmen s ave the authority to enact a tariff law the trade re ations between the islands and the United States shall contmue to be gov- ,m,m_ erned excluswelyrbg laws of the Congress of the United States: i¤.:g;;:;$pgx;»:;;r;Prqq1ded, That ta acts or acts amendatory to the tarilf of the an Pbilnppme Islands shall not become law until they shall receive the approval of the President of the United States, nor shall any act of t e Philippine Legiilslature affecting immigration or the curren or Mama th. hd- comagze dagrs pif the Pgnlippipesh ine a law unt1l it has men em. gipxjgliotge PIyBSidgnPres1t Shauent o the Urlusted States: Provoded

  • in the foregoing proviso »3€££Q’§&°§0¤t?£%£`£ LH §iEF&,“°‘°“°e

. . . I ‘~ ment and subm1ssion for his approval, and not disapproved ivzvltitllzin such ting; it shall become a law the same as 1f it had been specifically approve . No tax . h,,,,f‘$,H{‘{',,,,,,·°,,, nc. 11. That no egcport duties shall be l ’ed ll ted ¤¤¤¤·•¤=· at exports froné fihe Plngnppipe Islands, but taxeigland;)sri•fents 3: prope v an cense ees or franchises, and privileges, and mtemal tures, direct or indirect, may be imposed for the purposes of the Philitpipipe government and the provincial_ and municgyal iovem- Bonds M mm- ¤;e1;h tpguriec nrespectiyely, as may be provided and de ned y acts M " 2’..Xs°..mi rL‘L‘L1f§aL°i?é?3Z“§§a ”51‘i’r" S1? ?"°°”“"' “’ “"°*°{§’°‘° · e o ‘ the Philippine government or an provingialodls $l?.'K¥.lCll}2&lSSé1($V9Il’;ly; Prom, ment therein, as may be plrhovidedy by law and to protect the ublie m,.,mu...,s_ cred1t: Prmnded, howe·ver, at the entire indebtedness of the pine government created by the authority conferred herein shall ngt g§p1ee3;ig;Sa11;g0<:;1Ip gmc th? S15mb{pfd$15,000,000, exclusive of those mmgmi am 8 Sum inner an f n s, nor that of any Province or up y _ excess o seven per centum of the aggrevate pmpm, um, tax v uation of IIS proaperty at any one time, ° mggmimbu 0,_ Sec. _12. Thatgener legislative xwers in the Philip ings, gxcgpt gpluhleigtasgihgpxiii plrovided, shall vested in a legisllature which of re resent t_ · oérspg, one the senate and the other the house promo. _ . ,P , 'B lY°Sr ann ‘ 9 WO houses shall be designated "'_['hg lnggmngtgapgz Plgihppmeil Legrslaturg lgrggnded, That until the Philippine Le ' · _ at UIQ 9.3 I' · . . “"‘ ippim agi1f1tt¥B’ZE‘»i tim ¤i“i§£i§§?§`i‘I?€§f§2t'hi°“§*“g PEE to the gplyemment of the ytnugpme Islands, except gucgrémmiragglw ?$Lf§i‘$s a”t‘S¤€f§;l`$Y§§.€£i'¥iB'Zti°§m°*J"" *°}‘*“‘*’*;‘“‘? °°mmi·;*Si°¥*· rovided for the Phili ines. W? za mn}? the eglsiatum harem P PP en the Pluhppme Legislature shall