Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/1002

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INDEX. 2163 Vase, Eliza E. (unllow), Fw- Waitman, Vmlvkzm H., P . _pens1<m . ... 1308 Wpensiou increased . . .,.,,.,... . 1;g(;2 T/ose, Earrwt E. (wulow), alcqield Drainage District, Nebr., P€¤¤10¤ ·------··-·-·-·--··-·-··-----.. . . . 1309 assessments on allotments of Omaha and Winnebago Indians iu; approved . . . 142 W. paymhizgg; reimbursable from Indian 5 ···-·-.. . . . . _ _________ Waalkezs, Johanna E. (wnklow), rights of way for ditches, approved· M2 Wpenmou .., . .. . . . . 1596 gm; f()r_ _____________ _ _______ ’ 143 abash Q0unt%7Ind. Wake_ficl<}?aE¢‘§¢;lyn (widow), may bndge abssix River, Wabash, Ind- . 251 nsion increased _______,_________,____ 1219 Wgbagh, Ind}; d W bash R Wgejield, Mw., ° ` ri ge authorize across a iver at. 251 condemned cannon gum ______ `Wgbaash Riveirli md ash Wake_]'ield, Va., ted to H l 841 ri gc au ori across, Wab , Ind 251 appropriatiou for watchman reconstmction of bridge authorized across, pp pwd dock at ... ;. . .7. .{1T?lWw?n;3 1097 Silvcrwood, In 50 for maintaining grounds, Washingtoxfs 7 'Wamster, Adolphus J., birth lace ._... 291 Wpeusion .. 1385 Walden, N. I2, awamaw River, N. O. and S. C'., aiatglopriatiou for public building .. 269 appropriation for imgrovement of 395 Wa , Samuel C., Waddle, Nemq; J. ( ), Wpension increased 1521 Wpeusicn increased 1273 aldxm, Elizabeth (wqkiow), adsworth, Francisco, Wpcusion ... . .. 1224 Wpensiou increased 1265 alker, A. S., adsworth, Herbert credit in inbemal revenue accounts ... 1348 Wpension increased 1295 Walker, David, adsworth, James W, Wpension increased 1257 appointed on Board of Managers, Volunteer alker, Ella A. (wwvw), Soldiers? Home 1134 Wpemaiou increased 1337 Wadsworth, Margaret J. (widow), alkerz Isaac N. (insane), · Wpemaiou increased 1218 Wpeusxon tglguaxdian of 1386 ajie, Fiklelah M. (widow), alkerz Isa' , alms Isaiah Pittman, mion . . 1245 wpeusxon increased 1415 13%);:4 Earnzrs, Di C., mw wstdh _ alker, James F., 17 a riaticn or ° mry' ’ mum increased .,,...,, 13 ppmpof . ... ;. Q .. 857 Wgacrz John, Wag amr, Aarem enjcmin, Qu umm increased ... , 1483 g Benjamin, Wgaerz Jofxn P., usiou increased 1293 Wpeumon increased 1265 · %g0ner, Stella H. (unlimv), GUM, Jouph, migu ___,_,,,,.. , .. 1428 Wpeusion increased .,. , 1515 H7g;ne·r, Adelakzde (wzliow), Gum', Julia A- (widvw). ugigu increased .. . . 1242 Wpeumou . . .. 1399 Wggner, Augustus, alien Ozyv F., mjon increased _,,,,,,,. . . . 1509 wpensxoxgincreased . ... 1259 Wggner, Fred J., alker! Rzghard W. mon increased ,_,,,,,.., . . 1575 Wpensxon mcrcassé . ... 1334 Wggomrr, Henry, alker, Robert, nsion increased 1207 Wpensiou increased .. . . 1566 Wglil, Wilhhm F., allcer, Samuel II., nsion increased 1489 aayment to, for injuries . 1366 Wgoo, Nebr., " 'alkure," Stwmalnlp, up ropriation for public building._ . Z . . . 269 yo be enrolled and icensed na “Republic". 914 degciency appropriation for public bmld- Wall, Qhzhgr J., ing ..,,,... 19 Wp;2l:m‘;>_nl}.uc(§·'ease:i. . 1329 Wah koota Siam: Indians, Minn., u q a mm y, " ., _ clxfigns for restoring annxximies, etc., to be Fmukhq County and, may budge Snake brought, in com of Claims . 1195 Rwer. . .. 235 digtribungn, gu; ___,__ · ________ , ,,,____, 1196 Walk; Walla, Wqgh_, procedure; attomeys’ fees, etc. 1196 condemned cannon grunted to, for Spanish Wahpeum and Sissewn Bcmds of Simwc In- Wqr Vctemns qamp ----~--- 832 dianaé wd S f d Wdbcg, Ehzabeth C. (wxdow), 1529 all claims c , against Uni mes re erre nswn - ..-------·- to Court of Claims _ . 47 Wgflacg, Egan B., _ moneys found due to be placed to crednt peuswn mcrensed -·-··-···-------——-- MSI 0 Indians ---·---· · ·----··· 47 Wallace, Frances I. (wnhfow), W huucwanbc/;eg:·L¤ttcmey¤’ fees .--.·-.----- 48 pension _,,_ _ __,,,,,,,..,,.,.. - . 1485 a perepriatiou for Indian school . 144, 982 Wgggrsgffmcrésed _______ _ ________________ 1522 Wdglgciefgly gfpropriation for Indian school- 829 Wallin John T (Tl 8, “l ., Z . " .. Wpeusion mcmma 1459 p¢¤¤¤>¤ m¤¤>¤¤¤¤ --··-- - -—--·-----·-··—·- M8 ait, Hannah (whlow), Walls. Chayles, 1566 pension mueand ... . 1398 www mcr¤¤¤¢d --—-·-··---—-··--·-···- ·