Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/637

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1802 PROCLAMATIONS, 1916. W§§§£Sj,g8 ggvggnf Now, therefore, I, Woodrow Wilson, President of the United wi_,ia1e?£sag»yra· States, in compliance with the request of the House of Representa-

  • ’“"“°°°"“'"’“°'“"‘ tives therelof, do appging ialnd prop1ai;nthW€]dnesgsgy, November lg,

1916 as a ay upon w ic e eop e o e United States may ma e iulchicontributiops as they feel) disposed for the aid of the stricken `thuanian eop e. Contributilons may be addressed to the American Red Cross, Washi¤%>n, D. C., which will care for their proper distribution. 6dWITN}?‘1SSf REO§§ I have lliereuntgd set my hand and caus the se o e United States to e . Done at the City of Washington this thirty-first day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand mne hrmdred and [sun.] sixteen, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and forty-first. » Woomzow Wmson By the President: Ronmar Lnzsmo Secretary of State. A¤=·¤¤¢¤¤»M6- Br mm Pimsmmrr or mm Uivrrma STATES or Aumuca. A PROCLAMATION. Mtgjgfl liggpiggs wd WHEREAS, I have received from the Senate of the United States rmmta. a Relsolution, passed July 7 (calendar day, July 10), 1916, reading _ as fo owsz S,,,,R§§$“°'°“ °' """ “Whereas th; atpention of the peoplle of the Unigaerg Sgates has been directed to the e esssituation mw 'c man o the yrians in the Mo1mtLebl;m(prti distract have bcpen placed, andiv that many thousands have eris e rom unger an exposure; an " Vilhereas thousands of citizens of the United States in practically every State of the Union were either born in Syria or are the children of Syrians born in that countrg, and that thousands of American eitizeng are iielated by bloodi an affinity to many of the said sufferin an elp ess peop e· an $‘ Whereas the peoplehf the United States have demonstrated their sympathy for the suffering people on all sides in thqfreat European war, having] hel ed in a practical way the people of elgium, Serbia, Ireland, Po and? and others, as becomes a nation which is neutral in ahis war and on friendly terms with all the belligerents: Therefore e it "Resolved Th t a reciating the sufferings of the Syrian peo lc, it issuggested thaat thegresident of the United States set aside a gay upon which a direct appeal to the symgathy of all American citizens shall be made and an opportunity sha be given for our public·spir- @ people tic contribute to a much·needed fund for the relief of the yrian eop e.’ U Anfdi géliereas, a Resolution wais passciduby the Congress of the nit tates OD. July 18 1916, rea ing as 0 ows: g,§§‘°*““°° °‘ °°'°‘ "Whereas in coimtiiies new engaged in war there are several hun- A1ue,p.150Z dlpeils of tlgousauds of Armenians in need of food, clothing, and s e ter; an " Whereas great numbers of them have been required by conditions growing out of the state of war to leave their homes and their property, deprived of an opportunity to make provision for their most elementary wants, causing starvation, disease, and untold suffering; and