Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/792

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1954 INDEX. Indvkm Department——Continued. Pam Indian Department-Continued. P¤8¤· appropriation for fullilling treaties with appropriation for irrigation, Fort Belknap Coeur d’Alenes, Idaho .. . . 133, 976 Reservation, Mont ... 139, 980 for Thomas B. Le Sieur . 977 for fulfilling treaty with Crows, Mont.. 139, 980 for per capita to enrolled Sacs and Foxes, for civilization, etc., Northern Chey— Iowa, from tribal funds . 977 ennes and Ampahoes, Mont .. 139, 980 for school, Haskell Institute, Kam 133,977 for "line riders" Northern Cheyenne Kickapoo Reservation, Kaus ... 133, 977 Reservation, Mont ... 139, 980 for bridges, Pottawatomie Reservation, for civilization, etc., Rocky Boy’s Band Jackson County, Kans . 133 of Chippewas, etc., Mont . 139, 980 for lands, etc., for Chettimanchi Indians, for cattle, farming implements, etc., for La. ..,.,.,.,.,. 133 Blackfeet In ians, Mont., from tribal for school, Mount Pleasant, Mich .. 133, 977 funds . ... 139 for Joseph Bradley .,.,. 133 for strip of land for Flathead Agency for school, Pipestone, Minn ... 134, 977 reserve. .. 139 for schools for Chippewas of the Mimis- agricultural timberland on Flathead sippi in Minnesota .,. 134, 977 Reservation, Mont., opened to homehomestead patent to Richard Daeley. . 977 stead entry .. . . 139 for eivilization, etc., of Chipgaewas in for irrigation, ‘ Flathead Reservation, · Minnesota, from tribalfun s- 134,977 Mont.; payment of construction amount for employees; preference to charges, etc .. 139,980 Indians . ..,,,,.,.._.,_...,. 134, 978 for irrigation, Fort Peck Reservation, emrplagyment of Chippewas in bui1di¤.§ Mont.; payment of construction _ ‘ s, etc 34, 978 charges, eu:. 140, 980 electric light gant, White Earth for irrigation, Blackfoot Reservation, Agency, etc., inn .,.. 134 Mont.; payment of construction drainage assessments on Indian reeer- charges, etc. 140,980 vation lands approved . 978 work on specified gigojects to be done payment for benefits of ditches, etc.. . 978 by Reclamation rvice 141 reimbursement from tribal funds; allowance for passenger carrying verights of wa}; ... . .. 978 hicles on irrigation projects .. 141, 980 no patent in ee until all assessments announcement of construction charges; reimbursed ,... 978 assessment; payments. 141 for annual celebration, White Earth return of tribal funds used for con- Band of Chippewas, Minn ... 134, 978 struction .. . ... 141 sale of land to Mahnomen County, reimbursement of construction cost Minn.; distribution of receipts to from tribal funds, etc ... 141 Pembina Band of Indians . 134 payment of operation and maintenance corrected descri tion of land granted charges, etc ... 142 to Northern leiinnesota Conference water rights to Indians continued . 142 of Methodist Church ... 135 rules, for use of water, etc., to be preadvances to individual Chippewa scribed 142 Indians of Minnesota, from perma- for school, Genoa, N ebr ... . . . . 142, 980 nent fundf. ,,____,__,,____,,,__,_ 135 dra6ina5$ assesgmaits oi;) allotments of pe ent 0 ovgin ex enses, etc., m as an inne agoes, Wake— Kglm sales ofbping timlher of Chip- Eeld drainage district, Nebr., appewas of Minnesota 135 proved; payments ·reimbureable; for bridge across Mississippi River, (`ass rights of way . . . ... 142 Lake Reservation, Minn., from Chip- assessments on other restricted allotpewa funds. ,,,.,,,,.,.,..,,,, 978 ments, approved; reimbursement, for per calpita to Chip was reinstated etc ... 143 on ml s, from tribalpgmds .. 979 forsugport, etc., of Indians in Nevada. 143, 981 for expenses ogvgeneral councils, dele- forsc ool, City, Nev .. 143,981 gates to ashington, etc., from for farm sites, etc., for nonreservation tribal funds ,. 135, 979 Indians, Nev . . ... 143 for burial ground for Fond du Lao Band for irrigation, Pyramid Lake Reservaof Minnesota, from tribal funds . 136 tion, Nev 143, 981 for educatmn, etc., of Chippewa boys, for land and water rights for Washoe from tribal funds .,,,__,,,_,,_,___ _ 136 Tribe, Nev . - ,,,,,___,_,,, 143 assistant to Attorney General to serve for school, Albugiuerque, N. Mex . 143, 981 on commission to enroll Chigpewas Santa Fe, N. ex .,,,,,,,,, 143, 981 of White Earth Reservation, inn,. 136 for attorney, Pueblo Indians, N . Mex. 144, 981 for expenses of enrollment , reappropria- for highway Mesa Verde Park to Gallup, tion ..,..., 136 N , Mex., Navajo Reservation. . . . 144, 981 for completing enrollment ...,...,,, 137 for fulfilling treaties with Seneeas, creation of Red Lake Indian Forest; N. Y ..,. 144, 981 administration, etc .. . ., 137 Six Nations, N; Y . .,,., 144, 981 enrollment of Chippewa allottees modi- for school, Cherokee, N. C. ,,,,,, 144, 981 fied, etc. . . ... 979 for support, etc., of Sioux of Devils for investigating condition of Indians in Lake, N. Dak .. . ,.. 144. 981 Mississippi ... . 138 Fort Berthold Agency Indians, N. for support, etc., of Fort Belknap Agency Dak ... - .,,..., 144. 982 Indians, Mont ... . ... 138, 980 Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewas. Flathead Agency Indians, Mont". . 138, 980 N . Dak . ,.,,,,,, ; . . 144. 982 Fort Peck Agency Indians, Mont". 138, 980 for school, Bismarck, N. Dak 144. 982 Blackfeet Agency Indians, Mont. . . 138, 980 Fort Totten, N. Dak .. 144, 982