Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/818

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1980 INDEX. Lnghegnouse Keepers, etc.-Continued. _ Pm- Lighting, Buiwings, _ l‘¤&¤· treatment of, and assxstants, at manne appropnatxon for fixtures, completed bu1ldh iggpntals. .. HE .··.. _ .----- 538 Hxipgs .. B ..-.- Ei .i . Y ----. 273 p ysn examma non o apponntees nec- ures to e ai or rom construc- _ essary hereafter .·.-...-.-.. 538 tion funds ofpnew buildings, ew --.. 273 L htlmue Tenders · tg _ _ , _ for_gas, etc 273 apipropnatxon for expenses of . 317 Lnghtnmg, _ _ _ f or af officegsisggdtcrevzi. .1 . . appropnatnon forfrmvesugating means of ef wee ¢ , nu onz . . . rotection m ...,.. 114, ll1'

 to have radio equipment  538 Likens, épadk M. (wulgw), 8

Ing _ ,6 f of 317 increajed ... . 1455 approp¤a_on orexpensee .,... 8, ym um ., El|’_B$l$¤$ of keepers, etc .. 318 Llplgrugion . - .. 1521 depcxency appropnatnon for supplies. .. . . 32, 83 , Will M., or repairs .. pension ., 15*3 for keepers, etc": ... t . 826 Lt lam, Ala., I proclarnatnondmngu:§location_of,reserva» budge authorized across Perdido Bay, to tions 1;:1 Honol u, for%t; 1817 Dur MGumrmI1;gs Pomt, Fla., from . . . . 235 declanng avassa Islan , . ,, a uz, arguu ., house reservation ... . ... 1763 'on increased . . .Z ... , 1225 renewing land for,_in Honolulu, Hawaii. 1751 Ln'l‘l:mWell•bm H, _ Islmna, Hawau .. .. 1769 pension increased 1386 D¤9k¢l•v¤•¢§, Beacons, and Fog Signals (acc L1mbo¢¢r,_0rlando C., _ Aids to NINFUOII). pensxosn increased .,., 1323 IJWh“°'“·'€·’_ BWMM, eporlnwrgt of Commerce, Lune Barrels, Standard, appropriation for Commrmoner, deputy, large and sgmll sizes of, established. .. 530 ew ·--··-. _ U-: . 110,1112 lime sold m mterstatp and foreiE;xdcomfor aids to navigation ... 316 marco not specifically mu , nm-

··=§é}*¤¤¤·gg¤·; ·-·~·---- ,-·-. -··--- gg . k,D¤·w*¤1-.--W--1;,;--, -—--
6,;, —-·-- 530

or _ ouse . ee es mar req so nn for eqollicerdan crewsofvesels egsmallbarrel  :.:... 530 _of z 318 regulauons, etc., to be made; vanatnons forinspectors m the ileld, etc .,. . . . . 318 _ allowed . . ... . .. 531 deficiency appropriation for regairing mterstate smpments 1f unmarked, etc., damages, etc., Gulf of exico unlawful Z . 531 hurricane, 1915 . _ . I ,..,.. . . . 25 when less than standard S1Z& .. 531 for damages claims, collmons with penalty; prosecuuons .. . ... 531 vemels of. .,.. 26 _ effectxve January 1, 1917 . . 531 {grr expenses . . . gg, gg ;n_forci;nfter .. , ... 531 es ..., _ ,,.,.. Immng, ura w ow, , for lighthouses, repairs- ’ 32 pension increased 1439 for buoynge .. _ .,,,_ _ _ ,_ 32, 326, 330 Ltncoln, Bzrzhflace of Abrahagn, for reparring hurricane damages, ards to title to lan , etc., embracing, at Hodgen- _ nawguou, Gulf of Meunco, 1916 820 v1lle, accepted; cond1t.1on . . . . Z - 385 gg Bock L1ghtStauon, Alaska,. gg mdowxgernit formglantenance as public 385 onmes ... . . ance ., for of rivem ... 830 to be under control of Secretary of War. . - 386 _ for light 830 Lincoln, Caroline (widow), ands to navgupnn etc., authorized in pensnon increased ... - .. . - 1432 "’°"‘“ "?‘“"}“ ‘‘‘‘‘ 1; ‘‘····‘‘·· 1 · 53’ ""'?;"‘¤’Z""'i."1§’.,.°f"'?‘1§",;,,1, L. 1., emergencytransero veme,personne, gi o lrtmp o am °nco acetc. to service of Na Arm · ce from 38F

 ...   , lr: 602 Lincoln, lfzry (daughter), J

personnel subject to Navy or Army laws, pension . , , . 1340

 .. :. . .   ..   . m Lmooln,   to   Abraham, 991

a ons verning prescn .. a ropna on or co ruc on .. exchange ofDEn;ds, Scéiooner Ledge dggcienpcy appropriation for construction, I on, were ver at m u e ... 5 _ Crum Greek, Pa .. ...,., (T ...,. , 239 limit of cost increased ..,, 15 hght keepers and assmtant to be treated Lincoln llfaukmal Form, N. Mez., free at marine hospntals, etc . 538 a propnation for maintenance, etc., of. 459, 1147 . .. . P “°».d.,""2.’§$.*‘§.3}'°‘{°2,£" ?.?J»$°· H°"“‘ ···· 5* ’“"‘“""* ’Y”'&"· 1 bu b ud- 7 eas 1 en . seago ves- aronaonorucu.1 ·ren - ml tsnfilgirglthonzizedl- . .. S 538 dggdgncy appropriiation for plxtiglic build- 1 e o ouse reserve on to cituam ing ., . ... 8 Massa, authorized; condition ... I 241 condemned cannon granted to 841 Tomplnnsvxlle, N. Y., general depot, of- Lincoln Park, Chabago, [ll., _ _ Ecu, and laboratory ... - 537 riparian hte of manne hospital on Ilake Inghzmg, D. _C., Mxcgngnn, conveyed to commassxonappropriation for expenses. .. T ,... 692, 102) ers of, for pe.rk_extension . . 1198 _ _¤h0rter_mght1y periods authorized 692 Lincoln Rock Ltght Sgatgon, Alaska, Loghtmo of Rovers, dencienciagppmpmuon for . 826

uon for erpenses of .. 317 Linwlnk p _ place, D._C.,

y appropriation for ... 830 appropriation for repaus . 291