Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/827

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INDEX. 1989 Mar·ine_ Corps——G0ntinued. _ P¤S¤- Marine Corp.g—Continued. P¤8¤· deiciency appropriation for transportation wearmguumform by persons not in, unlawf ¤·}1§1 1’¢¢1gt¤1¤¤3 ··-·--------·--·-.- 339, . .. 216 , or ta ores 9, 111115- hm tf .. . . 21' for %rpt.l§`);‘i3i;riI}§l,·\Vi1lstand Leon L. 816 Mmgw C’orp;l12e;zgr£ve, 615 119; ye ccoun s . appro nation or ex nses- ... for forage. _ 816 estabgshed, additiloeual to authorized ’ for Qugrtermnster Department magnus. 828 strengtl? .__,.,,,_,..,.,__,_., 593 nance --·---.-- ro ' u tc ... . 593 Army subsistence supplies may be pur- cl§sse:1g:>(i1s1i(tu1?iBnrgrl??,.? ... . . 593 chased by officers and enhsted men- 630 Manne Corps Tmming Camps, band, pay, etc., increased ... . 612 established; regulations governing 614 civil trprpfgoyment of members, re- 612 M appgupnattglcgn for expenses, 614 S C ··-- - - - . .· . . . . . G7"!/ILE 08 , details of officers and enlisted men to assist approprisgrgon for repairs and reservation. 270 Republic of Haiti . . ... for mechanical eqiupment or . . 271 Compensation, etc . or maintenance ..,..., 278 service pay, etc., continued 224 admission of contagious, etc., cases for longevity, etc.,_not affected _ . 224 study . 278 double pay restriction not applicable to light keepers, etc., admitted in, for treatb lrggred officers and enlisted men.-i 582 mentil f .. li . 538 em ar asse rate orgamzation on nava riparian rig ts o o ., convey vessel suggect to authority of officers to commissionergig fiincoln Park- - . 1198 · of organization ,__,,,, : ,... . ..,. 586 sale of, Cleveland, Ohio-? , I . ._ ,, . 390 increase of igéicers and enlisted men, au- 224 M use ¢¥lproceedsfornews1te, building, etc. 390 thoriz ... arivuz . Marine Cprps Resergg established . 233 Mconde Lpa§non granted to . 837 personne reorganiz urine , tate officers; tplroportion to enlisted strength appropriation for ieimbursing New York au orized . 609 and Mamachusetts for expenses brigadier generals, appointment; promo- _ of .. 559, 1170 tions to vacancies ... _- . - 609 Marum, Ind., major general commandant, appoint- appropriation for expenses, Volunteer Sol- _mentsEhei1&ieafterto B., _ ... 609 des _ d1ers’Home. k 296 senior sts. 0 cers made rigacher gen- cienc appropna on or un ey,-als ,..,,. 609 Soélias Home .. . 29 812 rank as colorgl gr 609 Marion, for bu buildin ’ 266 rman t sta o ehgib a na pu c g . P`? ].in:lbrigadier . 610 Mamgps. 0., _ _ _ staff departments, proportioned to com- appropriation for public - . . 266 mjssjoned strancrth __,,_,,.. 610 de cienc a ro nation or pu c ui — g _ E _ y pp p f bh b ld nobiurtherg permanent appomtments to 610 Mad: C?1gig,.E_ ...·.··-----.. . .-.- 18 B - ······.--.-· · · · • • • -·--- · - · y -r dtails to; t ts to u r nsionincreased ... 1560 egrade; tour‘l>Iil::elrI;i1;lz€i1n ... 610 Far·mjl’rnducts, etc., Mutual llssorman t ma b ommission in céxtiona or pethe Ugg; ,conditi?>1is€?etc ... _ . 610 exempt from incdme tan. ., .. 767 equalization of line and staff, for sem- 610 Markets a;_ndAR2gra{t Degiartgtient 'K 111 P1‘0¤10l·10l1S ----··· · -··-·-··· 0 §7'1»¢7|l· W'? 0 $@9 0 30 Bijexadiihastions, etc., for advancements. 610 kets Bureau,,Department of Agnsecond lieutenant vacancies; classes eh- culture); _ _ gible; ages of petty officers, N avy. . 610 appropriation or salaries . 44 3 appointments from crvil life; previous 610 for gieigiterxal {_ .. i .t. 473 Service _________________ _ _________, or _ ri u g in orma ion on mar e .- "'?"““,°.”“"’j...€i§{§,°".§t§"° “°‘°‘“‘“‘°" si rt. ainsgdsiigi$iI$11§gr;§§i$t;ié` ‘;te.;.;;.;.: *73 resiiicgtions on midshipmenl tion of market prices ’of fruits, vegefagnng to graduate ,,,,... . . 611 tables. etc , ----... 473 warrant grades of marins nner and for publishing information as to marketquartermaster clerk estagllished 611 mg, prices, etc., of live stock, meats, number of appointments, pay, etc ..·. 611 etc ._ ... , , . 473 retirement of colonels as brigadier gen- for grading, bahng, etc., cotton; invesersls; service on active iistregnirsd- 611 tigations, etc -.---- 47§¥ restoration to active 1ist_o;i ret1refi_by testing spinning value of grades, etc. - any board for physic _ disability; for studies m credits, ego . . . :. - examinations, etc., requ1red_ ... 611 for demonstrations. etc., o marketing loss of numbers in lieu of suspension from farm products . . .. promotion of,fm1mg1n examinations. 611 for adnimgstratxve expenses . - - - 4_4 reexammation, etc.; effect of failure. . 612 for enforcing Cotton utures Act ... I training camps for instruction authorized, . 614 Merrkets Bureau, Deparhnent of Agriculture. attendance, etc., supplies to be used . . . 614 apipropnation for salaries ... . . 1162 sale ¤f uniforms for --~-----·-~------... 614 ¤r general srpsnsss ----- , ---·-- · ·-----~ 1162 participants to pay for subsistence, etc . . 614 I for distributing infomation on marketappropriation for expenses. 614 mg, etc.. farm products ... . . 1162