Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/854

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2016 INDEX. _ Naval M ilit1kx—C0ntinued. Fw- Naval Reserve Flying Corps, Pagc. acceptance of commmsions in, by Navy or composed of transfers from Naval Flving _ Marine Corps officers permitted ..,.. 599 Cdrps ... . ,. i ., . 592 resxgnatnon of, if _ by Secretary surplus graduates of aoronautic school; of the Navy: authonty of Secretary commissions and promotions . . . . 592 not limited by .····.·----.-·.. 599 members of N ava.1 Reserve Force skilled line officers for deck, engineering, or aero- in aeronautics. 592 nautic duties only . 600 active service requirements for grade, rank, officers and enlisted men authorized to etc ... 592 attend service schools; conditions. . 600 retainer pay ,,,,,,, , ,_,,,__,____,_,_______ 592 serviulundlglavy or Marine Corps for in- 600 transfelxg of pgobationary officers, N oval on .. 0 to . ,., 585 pay, allowances, etc., limit of pay 600 su1denl;q§§rem?? _.,.,,,.., , ,,____ 585 annual estimates for expenses required 600 aviators,. ...,.,,..,,.,,,,,,,,,.,,,____ 535 Naval Militia Afairs Di·m.s·i4m, Navy Depart- Naval Reserve Force, ment. appropriation for e enses· use of balance- 593 appropriation for clerks, etc. .. 98, 559, 1101. 1172 pp rellainer pay ggm N alvy and Marine OI miscellaneous expenses ... 98, 1102 Corps pay appropriations,. ,.,,,,,__ 593 pe able from “Arming and Equipping for officers mil ,,,..., , ,,,__ 11 68 § . . . ,, » _%ge _ SNS} Mimi? _ .-.----...· 98, 1102 for transportaucn, etc., enrolled men ,... 1170 deiicxency appropnauon for additional em- for clotlung, etc., gratuity . . 1172 Mplpyees, 1917 ·--... 814 for organizmg, recruiting, etc- ...,. . 1174 Naval alma Board, for maintenance of schools, etc., of inappmphrilsfgpln for per diem for, to be eswggg f sn-uction. ... . . 1174 ` -·-··--~--·---·-------·-- , 1172 or tm.nsp0rt:mg` remains of members, Naval Observatorp, _ dying abroad ...,.. 1181 appropriation or assnstants, etc . 96, 1100 for retainer and active service pay .. 1181 or computations, books, apparatus, established; classes designated ... 587 etc . 96, 1100 composition; enrollments, and transfers for for contingent ezgensos ... 96, 1100 smvice in time of war .,,,., 587 for care of groun , etc ... 96, 1100 insular citizens admitted to naval auxilfor observations of solar eclipse, 1918. . . 1100 im-y reserve ,,,.., , ,,,,_,,.,.,,,__ 587 for additions to shop building .. 1100 administrative regulations, etc., to be made 587 motor truck authorized for 22 to be prdergd into active service by the 58 Naval O axiom, Chek o , F991 Gm -·-··--- - -·····- ; ·--- ;· · 7 to be withfrgnk next after The 558 ¤¤1k¤» d%Y§<;s9¤» €t<>·» deck 0i' 9¤g1¤€6¤¤8 587 [DUB ... · · · y ···· · ·--······ · · ······· orders from. considered as from Secretary of C0mmi$$i0¤Sy mT1¤S¤» PMB wd rank ·—·--- 587 the Navy _________________________ 5,53 termpf enrollment; oath . @87 details of omcm o§1Navy and Marine Corps provlpwnal rgk ontiirst enrqilment il -·-· ¤>87 {0,- dm wi; ______________________ 558 asmgnmen o ac we servme; con ·macaptain appollnted as, to have the rank, _ tion on examination,_et.c ,,, 587 etcw of admjml ____________________ 558 appointments and promotions subject to retired rank, em, to be of gmde whence egumnatmn, etc., by board of naval _8 demled__________,_________ ____ __ · O C€I`S 1 . .._ U 7 Avaval 0 ’ l`9l73.1D€1' 2].dd1l,101121,l to 6l‘\'l<‘9 pay; · appropriation for clerlgs, etc.! Navy De- §°“d‘?°}‘”j · · · éa ····· ···· £ ······· purtmeut. . .,,,, 951098 *’°°¤;’9 ment: 1¤<l¤;<>¤S t Kay 0¥`»’9 ¢ ----~· deficiency appropriation for additional em- m "°'?°;‘ * {BP gm ul Y ····*·‘·‘····· 588 P‘°Y°°°’ 19** ··-·--·—·--——·--·-·-—— ***3 §€§l§?°2m°1J°£é2€’ 252%;; new ‘ xl: MM! Pmwm RWM lowgdg . i . ¥° . -.-5 1. . ass ¤vpr¤pri¤¤i<>¤ fm <=¤¤¤¤d>· ¤¤d we ---· 750 1179 vemmeut and administration br. . . I - - Q ass Naval Projectile Plant, glstinvtivo badge or button to be issued to; apprpiprlpdprgggrprecdon, equipment, etc. {Hg punishment for unauthorized wearm1 0 increased 17 mg . . 588 Naval Records and Library, Naw Department, P9·Y· €l€·» when ?·€Yi\’°]Y_€mP]°Y9d§ when _ appropriation for clerks, etc ..,..,,,. 94, 1098 _ ¤0l· U} active QBYVICG ····-····--··· OSS deiicienci appropriation for continuing actwe servnce reqmred throughout the _ u licgtron Naval Records of the _ WM`- Bt? -·····-—- _· -_ ···-··----———·- 088 Rebellion __________________________ 814 umform gratmty; for traming 589 Naval Records of the Rebdhbn, for W2.? SGTVICG; d€dl1Ct10I1 OH with- wl deficiency _ appropriation for continuing f dmwak *3, *··‘·‘ 2 ···‘‘· j' j ‘l‘ ‘ °°9 publicamm _____________________ _ _ _ 814 pre ergpprepgsséiscr seruce on nan. a. a 1- 589 Naval Reserwv , transferstto classes allowed on application . . 589 eumlligiilgigf Persons of s*”·g°mB Pl`°f€$‘ 591 Hag or pennant for; not in lieu of national Q . . ·········· . ·············-··— - ‘ en . . . 5o9 }`i‘}“b—6c*m°P§? "xP‘?n°Dc° of Qmfenl ··-— 591 schools oglgnmps for imtruvtion to be estabmuumuyn actxw ?§B€fTVi€€ to quahi} ... 591 { - lished; admissions _________ _ ______ 589

  • ¤_1g¤¤*=x¤¤¢ Clfmcy ···· · ·········-·· §91 qualification certitlcata for enrollment

_”·m* mmner pa? ······· ; ·········—·-· **91 l in class of reserve . 589 Jvaval Reserve, Fleet (see Fleet Laval Reserve). - appropriation for expenses . .589