Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1381

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X INDEX. Antiaircraft Defenscs, Arm.y—Ccmtinued. Page- A ppoquiniminlc River, Del ., P¤g€- unexpended balances for searchlights for, appropriation for improvement of . 252, 1277 °°"“‘°d in ···-·---·--—····-·----·- 1305 A ppraisers B0ardvfGe¢wral (see Board of Gen- AMi¢‘ir¢*¤f¢ G'”‘·;· Armyv . 4 eréml Appraisers). “p}éZ°E¤’Z"3iT,°I{}tiY§}}2Z?“. .° .".g.’.°TY?°. 1 I I i 2 . I ZZ 24 Appngmce f¢·¤m;¤» Nw ,28 deficiency appropriation for purchase, etc., app (Kimi mn or pay ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ j ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘··‘ ‘ wm- gxpgngeg _______ _ ______________ 193 Approprmtgvrgs (see also Deficwncy Approfor ammumtion for. ... 198 Il”'*”¤Q“S); balances of appropriations for purchase, annua , for: smking fund. . .: _ . 1312 etcq Og, 1917, 1918, 1919, covered in_ 1171 annual esumates of, for foI't1fi0B.t101]S, etc., O Avmkwm Battle Field, Md., Mz M? made hereafter --·--·----. ]·>09 appropriatiou for repairs, preservation, aPPI`°Pm*'·*0¤ for Pregming ¤tat°m€¤t of P etc ...,.,,___ , _,____ 130,6,56 first sgssmu, 64t Congress . 171 for sgyerinmudeut .__,,_,___, 130, 555 for pregariug state61§%ngoi, first and sec- 697 m' o Ls., , _ on sessmns, _ ongress .

°*’?";’*"i“‘i°“‘°"’“"‘i°"“i"’i“€’ ····· “’“ §2%'é?§§c§”£§b$°§f?a’Z%"€f."§Z%“§§f$’°E“°§"" {333

ntzmon 0 0 » · , TB · - - provisizéii for increasing supply, production, . d€·’dcieugy appropriation Act, 1919, second - 1161 sti., of, for national security and fo; gclizmgéé · --·--··-·--····-··- 423 ggng6__________________________ O GH 8 HCI .,,,.,.. Anticoxins, etc., on account of war expenses, ctc . 182, appropriation for purchase, etc., for 345, 459, 594, 821 treating diseases of animals . 979 for fiscal year 1918, continued through Antitrust Act, 1914, July and August for the Arm ,_ Deprchibition of officcr, etc., of common partment of Agriculture, ang Discarrier having interest in purchases trict of Columbia .. . .. 843 thereof deferred t.0Janua.ry 1, 1919. . 431 including :>5>entions authorized by law effective January 8, 1918, to new cor- from I ¥ 1, 1918 .. 843 porations .. 431 for District 0 Columbia, half from reve- Antitnwt Laws, mms thereof. . 844 appropriation for investigation of viola- ratio of giishributiou each month 844 tions, by producers, etc., of food- not avmlablp ltgeyond date when regular stuffs ,,,__ , , ,: ,... , ...,,.,.,. 124 apprqpnauous made ... 844 for expenses qmforcing . . . 155, 681 to be 111 11eu of amounts hereafter made, use forbidden for prosecuting labor etc  : .. 844 organizations, etc .. . . 156, 681 pay of employees, etc., continued until axociation of farmers, eq: . . 156, 681 changed by regular appropriations. . 844 pending cases uffecnng rzulroads to pro- regular appropriations avmlablc and obceed to final determination . 458 ligatmns ratified from July 1, 1918. . 844 execution of judgment may be stayed, for Hscal {wr 1918, for Department of Agri- OH applicatcion of the United States. . 458 cu ture, ctc., continued through prohibitions of, not applicable to asso- September, 1918. . 957 ciatious solclyin export trade . - 517 through October, 1918. .. 1008 excepting trade witbm the United for food production, etc., continued - States, and domestic competitors. . . 517 through November, 1918 .. 1019 no agreement undul affecting domestic for Army ... 40, 845 prices permittegi . 517 for Military Academy .. . . . 90, 620, 1336 Antwerp I’a`ge<ms, for sundry civil expenses .. 105, 634 interfering, etc., with Government owned, for r1yerand_harbor improvements. 250, 904, 1275 unlawful . _ 533 §0r }i1;£;m=}§1c and consular service 519, 1325 uuiihment for 533 or ll u epartment. - 561 Apagze, eee., Imlmm, Okla., for the qaval service .. . .. . . . . 704 appropri:§.iY1P fqzlr agency expenses f mm ;0l’ peutgfns. . : ... 7;;; 1174 tri a uu s . , .. 577 · 0I' 861*1/’1C8 . . 7 , 1189 for support, etc., of, from tribal funds. . 577 for fggislative, executive, and judicial ex- Apuche Natimuzl Forest, A1-iz., pauses . 757,1213 appropriation for maintenance, gn; of ____ 985 for fortifications. ...,__ 815, 1305 Apalnchicqla _Bay, Flu., for District of Columbia ..,,. _ _____ 918 A ap£rzp¤?t1¤?I for improvement of . 255, 707, 1279 { gcr Deparfmenltf<g)(.»}gdcuI§;ue ..,, 973 pa rr mn a. .a., = or cu tum stimu tion, etc ...,,, 1045 appropriation for public building . . - . 106 for :§;1;enses, lst session 65th Congrem 1 Apalachicq!rz_Rivrr, glu., for purchase of obligations of foreign govappmprmtmn for improvement of . . - - 1279 i emments allied with United States for improvement of channel m Saint An- g in war ... 35, 289, 504, 1313 _ drews Buy, Fla. ..., 255, 907, 1279 Q for expenses of issuing bonds and cer¢ifi· App/zanregfqr Dmabled Soldiers, Surgical, Q catea of deposit for war expemwg, 3pp}·gpn;1u:;»]] fqrifptnishijgg ,_,_,_,,,,,, 136, G6} é gig ___,_ , _,_,____________ _ ______ _ 37, 292 Appmnzzzgrzntis Dwnswn, Post Office Depart- ¤ for payging war rugk msumnce losses and re- ~* v · UID I°€[H1U.XDS . _ appmpriagion for superintendent, amist- i for maintexyance of War Risk Iusiuamge 100 BH -..·-·-.----»- . 800, 1252 g Bureau _ __________ _ _______ · Appainhnfm ga Treagugy Depammmz, 5 for survey, etc., water diversion from Great mo appropmuon for chief ofd1V`lSlOD, etc. . 771, 1226 Lakes and Niagara River ,,______ _ _ 241 APP°’M“€>·* !‘*i¤€*· P1-- , = for ¤¤¤¤i<>¤ <==mp¤<>y¤es of Congress. xs: sm., appmpnatmn mr improvement of. . 204, 906, 1278 Q 6.5;}; Congress ___________ _ _________ 242