Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1398

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INDEX. xxvu

l { Aviatgkm Section, Signal Corpa, 4rmy—C0n. H86- Baldwin, W H., Pago. enlisted men; ratings of aviation and bal- deticiency appropriation for .. . .. 4 i lgogi iiliechanicilansr: ... 342 Ball Clay, f i pay o a oon mec amcians 4 provisions or ingeaaing su 1 pyoduc. pay, etc., to correslpond with Armyf . ._ 245 tion, etc., of, for natibliizly security authorized strengit of Army and ational and defense ..,,,,,_,________,,_ , __ 1099 Army not ecreased hereby . 245 Balling, C., emergency expenses authorized; purchase exclmige of lands with, to add tc Cache ·_ etc,, oi aerial machines, guns, appli- ations! Forest, Utah .. . . .,... 1209 ances, etc ... : . - 245 Ballo0nSchools(s¢eals0 Signal Sei-vice,A.rmy), l buildings, motor vehicles, etc _ 245 arxuropriztion for establishing, etc. . 848 a av1ationsites,etc.,forstations,bu1ldmgs, Balloons, rm War (see also Aviation Sec- $ etc .. _ . . 245 tion, Corps, Army), g, use oi public lands for 245 spgmgpriatwn or. ., ... . ...,, 42, 348 g improvements etc .. . . .. 245 do cwncy appropriation for ,,,.., . .,,, 137. 356 g construcugetrnoibuildings, etc . gg Balls,_ hx of au buds mid b l Lrg sewerage, etc. . . excise on, , y pro. i roads: ’ etc .. 245 ducer, etc ..., 1122 j subsistence equipments .. 245 WN excise tax on, of all kinds, sold by , fuel supplies ... . ... . 245 producer, etc . ,.. . 316 4 construction machinery, tools, etc . 246 Baltimore, Hd., Q special clothing, etc 246 appropriation for amishnt tneuurer's

travel eggenses at home and abroad..- . . x { ·_office . _ .,.,,,,,..,, , ,,,, 780, 1234

vocatm uauigf otrmmignntstaticn ...,..,.,, 106 pay of additio oficers and enlisted for marine hospital, repairs, etc . 112 men .. 246 for xmgovernent of harbor and chmdevelopment oi engines, aircraft, etc. . . 246 —_ ne . _ 253 , 905 maintenance of manufacturing plants, deficiency appro tion for marine `hcsc etc . .. 246 Sita}, \1il£.:;¤, €i'l3 .---·-------- ·.# 467 aviation technical instruction in schools Banana uk, Fla., _ and colleges ... 247 preliminary examination, etc., of, to be exchanges of old, for new equipment 247 made  » . . .. 263 ~ travel oi foreign instructors m United Bancroft Hall, Naval Academy, States .. . . 247 deficiency appropriation for extension of. . 1166 appropriation for all expenses . ... 247 Band, Military Academy, Amation Suniom _.Army (eee also Aviatkm constitution of ... 623 , Section, éignal Corps, Army). leader and teacher of music to have pay

 appropriation for establishing eight sea- and rank of iirst lieutenant .. 623

· coast. 816 pig, etc., of enlisted musicians .. . 623 provisions for establishing, maintenance, Ba , Army, A eg; .1 .. 245 organization of, for Engineer,Corps regimkztors, { {tary, ments . ... 868 ratings of, etc., in Signal Corps .. 244 twenty additional Infantry, authorized for increased pay for flight duty. .. 245 B during the war . 852 ang , ui-m, B. appropriation forinterpretertolegation and consul general at 520, 1327 Back Pay and Bounty, Volunteers, Barth, Coopcrutwc, B appiopriagon for payment of, Civil Wa:. 141, 666 B exlempt from income tax .. 1076 ack iver, 'a., an s, ctc., appro;`>rint.ion for improvement of . ... 1278 advances by War Finance Corporation to, Baron, . lark R., loaning on notes of business concerns dcticiency appropriation for contested elec- contributing to prosecution of the tion expenses. . ...,. , ,..,..,,, 835 war ,. . ... 508 Bad Axe, Jligh., maximum amount for ... . 508 appropriation for public building . . 106,635 amisting such concerns by purchasing Baggage, I their bonds, etc ..,.,,,, 508 of civilian employees of Army, dying in maximum amount for. .. 508 service, may be sent free to family, 892 prougssog noteshvo be given for; coletc ,_,... ... . . . ... te BeC\l11_’ ... . 508 Bags. Shopping and Hand, collateral for, not required in, based excise tax on, bought for use . 1124 on agricultural products or live Bailija, etc., United States Courts, stock . 1049 appropriation for pay .,_,,, -- . 157,684 for full value of loans, bonds, etc., on dt·Gciency appropriation for pay, etc.. . 841, 1040 additional security 508 Baker County, Ga., advances by War Finance Corporation to, time extended for bridging Flint River by loaning money to assist in exports of Mitchell County or . 389 American products . 1313 Baker, William. M., designation of, as depositaries of enemy credits allowed account; of, as cashier, property, except moneg I . . . 423 Five Civihzed Tribes . . 583 collections, etc., to be e; deposit of Bakersfield, Cal., receipts ... . ... 423 appropriation for public building ,., . 106 bond required . 423 Balances of Trade, _ proceeds from sales of liberty bonds, etc., sales of silver bullion authorized to facili- maybedepoeitedindesignawd- 37, 291,504 tate settlement of adverse . 536 income and excea profits taxes . 504