Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1412

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INDEX. xli Canal Road NW, D. C., Pege- Cape Charles City, T/T1., Page. appropriation for reconstructing retaining appropriation for improving aidsto navigawall ... . ... 926 tion ... 161 Caml Zone (sec also Panama Canal), Cape Charles, Va., appropriation for fortification expenses. . . 179, appropriation for light vessel for station off. 160 _ _ _ 819, 1307 defic1ency_ appropriation for quarantine for relief and protection of American station, remodeling buildings, etc. , 467, _ seamen in. .. T.: .. . ._ _529, 1335 _ 826, 1025 deficiency appropriation for fortification for quarantine station, public works 349 war expenses under ...,. :- . . 201 Cape Cod Canal, Mass., _ por Relief, §tc.,_ pail American seamen m,. 463 exammauon and appraisal, etc., of, to be or rmy ospi care .. 480 made . 262 for war expenses, sanitation, etc 597 _ purchase authorised if report be favorable. 262 census of, to be taken m 1920 by Governor condemnation if no contract made . 262 of . 1292 C Iapprpepnaulop gn costs, etc ... 262 district court to try offenses against mili- apc ear wer . . tary property, sea defensive areas, apfpropriatiomfor impngvembeznt ofw 906 etc ,.. 89 or improvement o , a ve 11mmg' - offenses under Ngtional Defense, Es» f you . ... E. ia. . nw 906, 1278 pionage, etc., ct . . ... 231 or 1mprovement 0 , ow ilmingoffenses under Trading with the Enemy ton 254 1278 Act . _ ... _ .. 42 5 preliminary examination, eu., to be made, ’ officers serving m, not required to pay rent of wateryvayf1nmBesuiort, N. C., to. 1288 for Government houses. . .. 855 below Wllmmgtou, N.~C. . ... . . 1289 rules, etcéé goxxrrging vessils territoriag Cape ]{ay_ N_ _[ , _ wars, emad_ e y vemoro wu { ·· my · can is Ecanama om; m me of we, ee. no “""’°"é‘5;. . 344 a v € · , , 1mm. · $8 p0$®10· . Ifltiblr operationiof, under Federal control m time site at, aumoygzodf? ____ TK _______ 721 E Z3 ?f ·--· · -·-··-·--··-······-···· 455 compensation, suit, etc .. .-. 721 ·’ '"' ’. . Cape 8'parteland Tangakr Light, Momma mming Of **°1gh*.bY Shlpper bn °t°‘* °r appkropriation for annual contribution:. 522,1328 §“s1£1 T3; 1°Z€Z “’”“°‘““ ‘md°' 1290 Cm Tm Afm c,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Flaw °° ° ’ ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘ Capprtgpdutgorijorgvvmm hospital ·------ 529,1335 P~¤m,g¤gy ¤¤=¤·¤*¤·=¤¤¤· ¤*·=·· <>* harbor 263 'L’§.rJP“'m% an ior to nm., ... 168 e made - » · Cancding Machims, Postal Bmw, -or improvement of harbor . 251, 909, 1284

  • PP*¤P¤¤¤¤¤ *0* ml wd Pmhsg, , ""l’;£".l.‘E2*;’.$,;".;’$%.. for me on

of .. 11 7 experimental mail distributing ma- ’ . °XP°“B°B ----· ; ·. ~···-~-··-----·--·- 1021 chiues _____________________________ 750 · creation and composition of , . . . . . 512 Pay, etc, tmvglgpg mechmidam ____ 1197 apppmtment by the President . 512 O depciency appiopnauon for .. 33, 842 forbgdm fgmpgcgg?1 $gg’;`gé 512 GW 1/, . . . . Caexcise ex On, an by producer, so .. me g;;;d¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¤ wxh z>¤r¤<>¤¤¤y 1¤=¤r- 512 ne. Sugar, ____ · ··-··—-------···-·-··-·---~- appmposoon for investigating, mms, <->1¤s¤b¤1¤w <>f GgX§rgm¢¤¤ ¤¤¤1>1<>r¤¤¤ md dm·=¤· as-» 0*; =·~¤· *·y·¤*··d¤¤*=· , tm. i$°%‘?t%§e b$’$‘i£”.m.· 513 etc. .r.. . 98 . C fo: inve%ig—ating insects affecting ... 994 salary ··-~·-·······-·······-·- mw (ugar isniezs . . ····················· *··· appropriation for experiments, etc., in live- °h5“'m*mBh1P$ *l“°'“¤9 ····-····~·-·-·· _ · · · 513 C _ stock production in ,.,.,,,,,,.,, 1005 €mP1°}_g§€§*{v${(;;:·_§’gLO;:§v1;1€Bw not Bublect 513 armmes, . . ·--·-·········—- , excise tax on roducts of, using prohibited WY restncum · ············ . ··········· 513 child laiior _ . , ... 1138 °xP°m;fo$§1‘;*;5g§’% °l’°·» mblect *9 *1* 513 b°°Zifi$iY'?.B. fiii? ff? ¥.€1E*Z‘i?i‘i me rest s>f¤i>¤§,q¤i1;,¤·{g¤?» ¤téY{¤i}¤i€=?¢i$¥¤Y:$ 513 Cannon, Honorable J0sephG., For*nu:rSpeaker P1'1Pc1Pa_° C9} 9 1¤‘1‘§11'1€S -·----- ; ··-- 513 I of the HWS? of Rgpreggrantpvesg to investigate determine whether issue deficiencgr appropriation for 01.1 portrait of . 27 of cofgomtmnv mic-! 8°c}mm’° 11"&‘ @(,,,,0,, Dm [O Rim., after e compatible with national appropriation for construction of bridge 1m€1"’St· ······ ; ·~-·-····-··~·-···· 513 across, near Leupp Indian Agency, appl xcable to stock in excem of $100,000. 513 C Ariz ,__,,,,_,_,..,,., . ,,.. 570 unissued secunues mcluded ...,... - 513 an ton, Q. Dah. no authority over ordinary business borrowappropiiationifor asylum for insane In— ing, not for capital . 514 diana .. . ... 586 renewing existing indebtedness M4 Cantrmrnent Camps, Panama Caml, resale of authorized issues .. . .. 514 appropriation for construction, etc 819 securities imued by railroads under under direction of the Governor .. 819 Federal control ... : 514 Cantor, Jacob .-1., bonds of War Finance Corporation .. 514 deficiency appropriation for contested e1e<;~ no approval of legality, worth, etc., of tion expenses . 27 securities construed by actwu of .··- 514