Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1456

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nmnx. lmv Education Bureau, Interior Department, ?¤£¤· Eight Hour Law—Continued. Pivappropriation for Commissioner, clerl;s66’ 1249 applicable to rgilway mailmclerks at ter- 753 etc ,,,.,... . ... an t offices ... for investigatinp rural and industrial edu- _ overtime pay for emergency excess work- 753 cation, school hygiene .. 796, 1249 Etght gow Standard Workday, for traveling expenses . . 796, 1249 deficiency appropriation for expenses, for books, etc ,.. 796, 1249 _ Commission on . 3 for inixgstigating schoolandhome 1249 Eighteen; Sgeet and Wrginia Avenue N. W, for I Z I 1 . 796; 1249 dencielngiy hppropriation for temporary for documents, apparatus, etc 796, 1249 ce building for War Department, for investigating city schools, etc 797, 1250 care, etc . .. 598 for kindergarten education investiga· Eiyhth Judicial Circuit, tions ...,.., 797, 1250 appropriation for messenger, etc., drcuit for printing and binding report of Comin 700 _ Mt court of agpsals . 812, 1264 missioner L=gh` tnkt deliciency ap rgpriation for reconstruction, ’ E`gep0t for, New Orleans; La., authorized. . . 608 etc., oipo ces .. 17 El Paso, Ta., for investigating school and home garden- appropriation for public building .. 108 ing . . . . 31 may bridge Rio Grande River . . . . 396 Education, Commissioner of, consent, etc., of Mexico required ... 396 appropriation for, clerks, etc .. . . . . 796, 1249 Eldorado, Kam., _ _ for traveling expenses - . 796, 1249 appropriation for public building. . ._ 108, 635 for education of Alaska natives under hmitof costincreissd, public building at. 1158 f supervision ,.. 150, 676 Eldorado Nat13onafgrFo»reat, Cal. 986 "a¤mdmg"annrert ro'tionnmintenance‘.o or ... 174, 700 Egrnngmwm, ’ deficiency appropriation for education of punishment for specified corrupt practices _ _ Alaska natives ... . ._ ... 31 _ at geneml or special. , 1013 d1str1but1o1l;;$:‘»{)remdeer to natives, etc., of 677 Electric Cars, etc., { ostal Service, mm Alas . ... . ... appropriation or mail` transpo ° n Education, Vocatiznal Seee Vocational Educa· pp pby.-. .. 748, 1195 tion, Federal for). pa to‘ be determined by Interstate Educational Imtitut1bns, gommerce Commission. -_ ,. 748 admissionstoentertainments,et»c.,forbsne- substitution of wagon service authorfit of, exempt from internal revenue 1121 deh ized ..,. : . . .} .. : ...,... 749 tax. ., . ...,... . ... ciency propriatron or transadmisaions for benefit of, exempt from war 319 portagn by .. . ... 381 revenue tax ... ._ . ._. - El dnb Q gp d¤\R°d msn may be {W ¤P°‘¤*1 Zppmpggtizn lor investigating destructive md techmcll tmning mz ······· :· - 957 effects of high power, etc .. . . . . 807 contracts authorized for subsistence, in- Emma Fam Portable, . °tm°h°D* Fic. ‘' ‘‘'‘‘‘‘’°'‘'‘‘'‘ 957 excise tax on, sold by producers, etc .. 1122 Educatw1wé0Organtzation¢, 1076 Electric Plums y t income tax .. , , · » , Sgsolggclasgl mail {ates on publications oi, 328 ¤PP¤>P¤¤l·l0¤ for ¤¤¤¤ll¤¤*¤¢°» 6*% $@42 847 Emdgncylzgd gw,,'0me VZ, °``````````'````°``` for maintenani ce, etc., seacoast iort,i6· ’ appropriation lor, to secure methodsof, in { ---· ··-~ ~ ~······- i· (26» UO5 Ejmwwg Depmtment `'````°```````` 777 or t·1OD8,_f1¥0lJ: unetrpended balances.: 816 appropriation for establishing eliiciency fo!' 1¤¤¤\Ih¤8» 9l#¤·» P•¤¤¤¤ Gnd *0**** mtinggy investigngng sdmiuisuutivo · licatrons . . . 819 personnel, etc . 1 . . 763, 1223 for marptenance, etc., Panama Canal delicienéy appropriation for investigations, 3 for ;§s*';%‘;l;*°*}g}·éé£ ·-··- 1307 B ..., . . . . · · . ’ for rent; retention of quarters in Winder _ Cmd Z°“°··_- · ; —··-····· ; -········ 107 Building revoked, . . ._ . . . 184 d€6¤€;¤&Y ¤PPmP¤¤¤<>¤ Y0? m¤1¤¤¤¤¤¤¢¤, 187 for eellflill T .. {lil]? .€??. ff 460 for ir;=¤$l1i¤s. etc-. at '¤¤¤¢¤¤¤*= f<>¤i6¤- -t¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤y*°¤m¤’¤y°* -··-··- 4*** t...,,,£‘.?.l“§a‘£?£§;;‘c*£‘}?.‘i“·c,;tr;;,el·;.; ····· 632 Egsimpumcc fcc amccsugascg methods of we of _ 1¤¤ light and power pep handling, etc . 991 mt --····~····--·--- . ---·· . ····· S2, 857 for cXpcc1mc¤e1 shipments. ... 991 Meg f¤>¤¤· to be deemed m uw 028 for market news service on .. 1047 €““rY ····-·· j ··•·-············· 1 for stimulating production of . . . 1047 Electric Po·u·er Transmission, Egypt, cdndergnation of land for of way for, riaf n for t and consul general y persons making 11111111- appmpat Clnoiro if 520, 1326 tions of war, etc., for tgz, United Eight Hour Law, States, or IYS 811186 .-· - -····--·- 895 applicable to watchman, messengers, and property in present use therefor exlaborers in first and second class post _ cepted 895 05ces ,..,,,,, 703 proceedings under State procedure . 895