Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1528

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INDEX. clvu Iedal; of Honor, Disti inked-Scrvkc Medals Pm- Medical Department, Army—Oofntinued P¤8¤- and Crocus, nt1uued. _ deficiency appropriation for supplies, exno award unlex 6111:.].1*9 subsequent servme cept gu masks, 1919 ,______,,,,____ 1030 m¤"‘;‘;°”r‘;L‘21;l;4I;a;t1;;.;"e;;.;,;i,>al;g 1°5’ ¤.“".,r.*"‘.fi’“°“f°"“'”“°*‘i’,°“'*‘°'i""‘ ······· 1**3** _ _ _ _ au za. on orsu 'es etc. ‘ _ exmhng regulations. . . 1057 peeled .. . . Z 1170 ume lflmlt waved; officnal record re· balance of appropriation for supplies, etc., quued , - . ._. . . : . 1057 1919, covered in . . 1170 delegsuon of euthomty for mmng to flag for supplies for chemical warfare, 1917, Qm09l'B . · .··· · · --~·~· · ·..··--.-... 1057 1918, 1919, covered j_¤____ ____ _ _____ _ 1172 Hisgulguons, etc., to be made . 1057 Army Nurse Corps, of, created; personnel, wv av . . . WY, GV! ------· · . . 879 a topnatmn for public bu11 ° .., . 109 chief nurses increased . . 1211 Meggncrn of Railway E·£plq_v;c{;a+P%{famw Dental Corpslipaesrsonnel established, etc. -. 397 (reg 13oud of edmuon and Con· cn1.isbed_men, grade of stable sergeant sub- _ cxlmpron). stntuted for farrier . 889 1Ied1calC@argtw.s, D. C'., gas masks appropriations to include exggvropmuon for . 946 penses of manufacture, etc. 480 1{ al Corps, Navy, Hampton, Vu., S0ld1ers’ Home transferred relauve posmon of officers, stated 89 _ to, dm-ingthq wu- _________ _ ________ 1042 1{edwal Dgpqrtment, 4rmy, _ hospital furniture, supplies, etc., not reappmprmuon for F1e1d Serv1ce and Corre- nired by tobe transferred without spondence School for medical ofii- _ glmx·getofPub1ic Health Service 1303 com. - - - : ... z 41, 846 increase of one ma`or general and two brig. for pay of enhsted men; lqngevxty .. 45, 852 adier generals to serve abroad during for psy of officers; longevity ... 47, 853 the wu, {rom Medio;} Cnr? _______ 866 for reserve vetenmnsns . . . 47,853 two major generals and {our ‘o;· for contrect surgeons . 47, 853 generals to save in Nntiomlngy, for supermtendent, Nurse Corps 47 om Mediml Reserve Corps. ... 866 for nurses, female. ... 47, 853 Medical Ccgfs iirst lieutennnts may be pro. for hospltul matrons. : . 48, W mot captains during present emerfor rent, field medwal supply depot, gency; examinations ,... - ,..,,,,__ 397 D. C., _ .. 58, 864 officers of Medical Reserve Corps and for rent, Army Meillcal School 59, 864 contract surgeons with specified for rent, Army medxml supply depot 864 servxce may be appointed Bret lieufor supplies, etc .. 60, 865 tenants ..,..,. 889 for mosquito destruction, Canal Zone. . . 60, 865 retirement if physically disqualified in selection of motor ambulances without _ line of duty ... 889 advertising. . , _` .. 60, 865 Medxcal Reserve Corps not above colonel for preventing, etc., ep1dem1cdiseases-. 60, 866 to be distributed in Regular Army for civilian emplogees, nurses, etc . 60, 866 grades 866 for supplies, Hot prings Hospital . 61, 866 no officer of Regular Army discharged, for paying Panama Canal for hospital etc., thereby ... . .. 866 treatment of Canal Zone garrisons. . 61, 866 officers of Medical Corps not qbove colonel for museum; library .. 61, 867 to be proportionatlg distributed in for artificial limbs .. . . 136, 661 mumogngles now gawd ... . . . . 866 for appHe.nces for disabled soldiers 136, 661 nding au orized to Bold medical fortrusses . .. 136, 661 suppzodepot, Waehmghon, D. C 538 for Providence Hosgitsl, D. C 136, 661 payment m junds of department . 538 for Garfield Hospits , D. C ... 136, 662 surgeons to asmst War Risk Insurance for clerks, etc., office of Surgeon Gen· _ Bureau _ . , . . Z .. 399 em] ...,,, . . 784, 1238 to aud m suppreming “Spamsh mlluenza, " deficiency appropriation for supplies .. 30, etc ... 1008 382, 831, 839, 1039 Medical Depqrgment, Navy (sec Bureau of for war expenses, Field Service and Qor- _ Med1cme and Surgery, Navy). respoudeuce School for medxcal Iledwal lfmgum and Lzbrary,_A1-my, _ officers, ,. . .,,,,.,..,,,,...,., 186 appropnauon for preserving specunens, for pay of enlisted men; longevity 188, 356 _ etc .. _. .2 ... : . 61,867 for pay of officers; longevity .. 189, 357 deiimency _ appropmtwn for preservmg reserve veterinarians . 189 _ ¤P€€¤¤€11¤, €t·¢ · - - Z --·-··--·----.-· 480 contract surgeons . . . . 189 Medwal (Ewa, Faeld Servwe and Corresponnurees (female) . .. 189, 357 _ cg Sdwvffw, _ for rent of storehouse for field medical upgrqpmtlcn for Lqstrjucuon expenses 41, 846 sup ly depot, D. C ,,... - . 364 de CIBQJCY upprepmhon for WBI expenses, for suppfles, etc. ; gas masks . . - 196, 364 _ 11'lSti'i1€U0¤ -··---------.----····-·-- 186 for mosquito destruction, Canal Zone. . 196, 365 Ncdwal Reserve Gorge, Army, _ _ selectmn of motor a.mbu1ances._ . _ 196, 364 Wo mayor gen and {our br1gad1er_genfor preventing, etc., epidem1c dm- emls to be appomted to N8t10D31 eases, ____,,,_,,,,,, . . i1ks196, 365 Med Z £rmy frcom .. . -.·.·.· 86 6 for employees, t¤msportmg' su ° , {ca eaerve orps, a , etch . . 196, 365 laws relating to, repealegn .. 708 for sup lies, Hot Springs, Ark., hos- members to be transferred to Naval Repital). ... . .. . ... 197, 365 serve Force 708 for hospital care, Canal Zone garrisons. . . 480 Medical Stores, Navy, _ for museum 480 deiiciency appropnatmn for reserve supply; for war expenses, supplies. 597 War expeuB8¤ .. . . ----·-·------ · 209