Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1555

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olxxxiv INDEX. Navy De partment—Continued. P¤8¤· Necessaries—Gontinued. P¤8°- denciency appropriation for Bureau of issue of licenses for importing, manufactur- Medicine and Surgery, 1919-. .. 1033 ing, storing, mining, distributing, for Bureau of Yards and Docks, 1919 1033 etc., authorized . ... 277 for Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, N hrgirgshmeéiyt for violations . .. 278 1919. . 1033 ec iver, ex. ‘ for contingent expenses, 1919 .. . 1033 preliminaréy exalnination, etc., to be made, for Navy, 1919- ... 1033 of, eaumont to mouth of Angelina chiefs of bureaus 1:% mul]? etc., with similar 717 N ck RTZJ31}. .. 1289 ureaus in ar epartment ... e tek.: a ec wear aeroplanes, etc., no longer uired for war excise tax on men’s and boys’, bought for req activitieg} to belpprchaseill by Post- N inmge ... 1124 master enera or ma' service eenah, Ls. from .. ’ 1194 appropriation for public building 110 delivery authorized, accounting, etc 1194 Negotiable Paper, etc., incurred obligatigns payable goin appro- assignment, egchoby lgnemy, dnot valid riations or urge the ciencies against e r u ess ma e prior to l918 ... I} 600, 832 war or under license; exceptions.- - 417

 and Glziinding allotment, for 1919, 1169 N hl nt, gte., unlawful ... 417

increas .. e ay reg. Navy Department Amuzr, alppnmpriation for improvement of. . 260, 910, 1285 appropriation for services and operating Ne , Major Charles J., supplies. .. 787, 1240 deficiency appropriation for credit in acdeiicienfy appropriation for additional em- 202 N lam 1025 po ees,1918, . e , on . Navy Mail glerks, appointed on Board of Managers, Volunteer Ndesigjaatziox; fgr du;:y;1)tshore stations, etc . . 718 N Soldiers’ Home 1175 GW uP? 3/ @0*-*, deficiency a ropriation for war expenses, apgropriation for study of pla.nt· . 981 N Ye:htab&, etc - . 208 N r 1046 avy a eponset wer au. provisions, for houses, transportation, etc., a propriatioii for ini rovement of . 251, 1275 to industrial workers m, and for their Netherland: and lj g, to 5 9 1325 families. .. s propriation or ... 1 , Navy Ylzrds and Stations, Neges River, N. C., · appropriation for maintenance 722 appropriation for improvement of. 254, 906. 1278 for em§1gencyki,xtensions, etc .. 723 Neutrality (see abt; National Defense, Espionor pu 'c wor . . 723 age etc. , for additional hospitals, etc 723 clearances, etc., denied vessels carrying forrepairs and preservation 726 arms to belligerents, durilnig war for investigating necemity, etc., of ad- when United States is nent . 221 ditional ... . ... 727 armed private vessel to be detained unless for equipmmt for constructing ships, and owner prove that it will not be used _ to meet urgentneeds. . 738 against friendly belligerent nation . . 221 deficiency appropriation for maintei5 1166 restrictéioln on depaigtsiire of armeg vessel for nance ... e 've to ’ rent, uring war for repairs and preservation .. 15; 1167 in whiz: Unitedlgatates is neutral . . . 222 §or waéiaxpenekis, maintenance ... 207, 350 regulatligns (gr nganifests, etc., of vessels 022 or pu 'c wor . . 7 un or oreign pom etc .. for submarine facilities 207 departure of vessel nnlawful,’if statement ger power plant; . 207,488 in manifest false, or clearance re- 222 or repmrs an preservation war ex- fused ... ‘ ". . . penses ... _ ... ,208, 488, 600, 832 punishment for organizing, etc., in United for addigplnal equipment, etc., for build- 488 ggites, or furnishing mone_5&:or,hex~ mg ps .. ition against nation wi w om balances pi; apprzprlatiorgi for handling 11 4 nf at .,, { ... 1. 223 _ app nces a cover m .. -. . . 7 e orcement 0 eparture o oreign vesse time egtended for repprt by Commission on N I or getention if not entitled to leave . I 223 mvwtagation 0 . . . 371 eutra it et, Navy Yearbgfc, £917, _ _ 60 apgropgiiation for expensesfounder .. 522, 1329 appmna norcompilrng .. 7 'ti e nsesun- Nas riuzwpk. gm. { N ° °"°3§.‘T‘?€’f‘I%’f‘2.i’”I*...f..’f‘?f’ te appropriation or eomp1lmg' . . - ... 1215 eutr l` , O enses.4 ainst, Nawiliwili Harbor, Hawaii, puntishi/rierg for engsting, etc., in United appropéiation for improvement of; condi- 28 States for service of foreign govern- OBB .-.-.-. . .. 1 6 ent - 39 Nebraska Natzbnal Forest, Nebr., not dgplicable if for country at war with appropriation for maintenance, etc. of 987 country against which United States young trees from, to settlers on arid lands. . 987 is engapd _,,,,,__________, , ,,__,,,. 39 Neoeasarie.;c($ee aLvo Food Products, Fuel, Nevada, f nl 1 ks e., 'aro'tionorsurver ne ,c , foods, joods, fuel, fortilisers, agricultural pp 1:11;: ,,,.,.,,_ _______ 799, 1251 implements, etc., mcluded as, for for support, etc., of Indians in .. 575 national security and defense- . 276 for support, etc., of nonreservation Inpwvlswns for consorving .·. 276 dxmsin, from unexpended balances. 575 O