Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1610

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INDEX. ooxxmx Scnentyic Congress, Second Pan American, P¤8¤· Seacoast Defe·n,ses—-Continued. ’ Pass qslsry sllqwsncwscreased ..·--------.-.. 3 appropriation for accommodations for sr- Scwntyiz jlnterature, Imermtoional Catalogue tillery, Philippine and Hawaiian o_, _ Islands ... . .. 655 appropr1ation for expenses, preparation for installing, etc., electric plants, {rom oi. . ._ . : . .: ... 122, 651 unexpended balances - 816 _ fo§iP¤¤t1¤·g_8¤¢]b1¤d1¤8 ...-.·--·..·.. 175,700 for vpslstm fir¤c¤rm·¤1insf·¤11¤1i¤¤s· 816,1306 Smenu c Orgamzatwm, etc., for establisging eight aviation stations exempt from income mx ,__,,,... . ,,,_,,_ 107 6 for _,____,____,__,______,__,_,, ‘ ,,._ 8],6 second_ class mznl rates on publications oi, for supplies, electric plants, insular posincreased, etc . . , ., 328 semions .. . 818 Scott, Hmwrabk George C'., for operating iire control installations, deficiency appropriation for contested elec- insular possessions. 818 Wm ¢XP¢¤¤6¤ ---··-------------··... 836 for constructing iireoontrol installations, Scott, Walter P., _ _ _ insular possessions . 819 deficiencxczpplmpmtion for BGIVICGS . 26 for minor structures for barracks, etc 1306 Swttvn, R0 ., _ _ deficiency a propriation for war expenses, may accept present from Bnush Govern- installing, etc., electric plants .. 199 ment -------------·..-·----··.. ... 1326 for tem barracks, etc., for Coast Scranton, Pa., . 354 apprgglrknon for public building . 111 for searchxights for , _ ,,,__,,,__,, 199, 481 Screw eada, · for barracks and quarters ... 1026 appropriation for standardizing of, by unexpended balances for electric plants, _ Bureau of Standards, etc . . . 808, 1260 etc., covered im-; ... . . 1305 deiiciency appropriation for standardizing, Seacoast Dgfenau, Canal Zone, · etc . 216, 495 appropriation for constructing bgugries, standards for, to be established by Com- etc .. .·.;4;,,,;;..·; ,_,_ 179 mision for the Standardization of for airsbips, etc . .. ;..; 180 Screw Threads, for Army and Navy for purchase of cannon, etc. . . J 180 manufactnuing plants 912, 1291 for ammunition; contracts .. ;-, , 180 Sculpture, for alt , etc., artillery ... 1w excise tax on, sold bg other than artist. . 1123 Seacoast F , Scuppemzing River, N. ., appropriation for supplies for electric apgropriation for improvement oi- - 254, 906, 1278 plants, etc 1305 Sea alt (see Sodium). use of navigable waters adjacent to, m- Seumuat Arzillev-y, stricted .., 266 appropriation for ammunition, etc., for, Seals, Gowrvmwnt 0£:ial, . practice 817, 1306 punishment for udulently afiixing, to for a tering, etc . . .. 1306 certificates, papers, etc . 227 for altering, etc., insular possessions . 1307 using such papers, etc - 227 deliciency appropriation for altering, etc.; forging, counterfeiting, altering, etc . 228 war expenses .. 200 aiiixing forged, etc., to any paper; posfor ammunition for, practice . .. 200 sensing, etc . .. 228 for altering, etc., insular pomeuions. . -. 201 Seamen, Alun, _ _ Seaooaut Baucnes, 4 admision to citizenship of, after three appropriation for construction, Philippine years’ service on American merchant Islands ..,. 818 or Bshiugvessl _ 544 deficiency appropriation for war etmnses, protection accorded, serving on American construction of, Philippine I ds.. 481 vessels, after declaring mtenuon to Seacoast Batteries, Canal Zane, be naturalized ... . . 544 appropriation for construction, etc., Seamen, lintgncan, _ _ _ _ Panama Canal 179, appropriation for life saving testimonials 819, 1307 for rescuing slnpwrecked . : . _ 522, 1328 Seacoast Canmm, Army, · for relief and protection of, in foreign appropriation for purchase, etc., Canal _ countries, etc. :  : ... 529, 1335 Zone, ,,.,,,, , ,,,,,,_,,.,,..., 180 deiic1ency_appmpnnt1rin for rehelf and profor ammunition, Canal Zone .. 180, 819 _ tectionof,mforo1gncountrres_. 347, 382, 463 for altering, etc., Canal Zone. : . 180 insurance against loss ot 11fe or miury by for ammunition for, and practice . 817, 1306 risks of Ws? .-·---- . -. _ -.-.- 1 03 for altering, etc ... . ... 1306 for COIDPODBEUDD for detention when for ammunition for, insular possessions-, 1307 _ C§ph1!‘€d· -_ -·-·---.-..-·--···.. 103 deficiency appropriation for war expenses, policies authorized; rates. . . Z .. 103 purchase, manufacture, etc.; con- Searrwrfa Insurance, Dgvmon of Manne and tracts __,____,____,_,,_,,..,... . .,,, 199 _ [see olao War Risk Insunnce Bureau), for ammunition for . . .. 199 provrsionsr<;1¤t1¤g_io. . Z ·-···-·.· 398 for ammunition, etc., for practice: . 200 Seamzrfa llfqswn, Rm de Jmusm, for purchase, manufacture, em., insular 200 S apgwmm for .. 530, 1335 pomessions ...,... . wf gn'? for ammunition for, 1919 1031 authority to issue by Federal, State, etc., for ammunition for, Panama. Canal, 1919. 1032 court 0mCl3IB . ..--- - - · ; · - · ; -··~· 228 Seacoast Ddemea, for propegtar atolenketc., in violation of appropriation for accommodations for a.rl:ir Unit StAi§¤_ W --·--····-···----- 228 lery, Hawaii . - . 130 used in committégla felony. : 228 temporary cantonments for oversea for ill use in aud of forgarrisong ,,,__,________,__..,.. 130 eign Government, etc .. 228