Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1625

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ochv mnnx. Special Taxes, 1918——C0nti.nued. H86- Stamford, Conn., Pilserepeal of Emergency Revenue Act of 1914. 1132 appropriation for improvement of harbor. . 251, provisions continued for collecting ac- 905, 1276 crued specml, etc., taxes .. 1133 no expense for lands . 1276 Spectacle Reej Light Station, Makin., public wharf by local interests reapproprismon for improvements .. 686 quired ... . ... 1276 improvements, authorized 608 Stamford, Tex., Spahes, approqpriation for lpublic building .. 111 appropriation for investigations of plants Stamp ax, Inwma Revenue, yielding , - . 981 promissory notes secured by pledge of Sp1ks(see National Defense, Espionage, etc.). Libertjy bonds, etc., exempt from. . 514 Spirits, Distilled (see also Beverages), Stamp Taxes, itle XI, Revenue Act of 1918, internal revenue tax on .. 1105 levied on specified documents, etc., in lieu war excise tax on medicinal, sold by pro- of former tax .. 1133 ducer, etc. . .. 317 exemptions; Federal, foreign Govern- Spokane Agemy, Wash., ment, State, etc., obligations ... 1133 appropriation for support, etc., of Indians indemnity bonds to United States 1133 at .. . . 587 cooperative building and loan associar Spokane Indian Hospital, Wash., tron bonds 1133 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of 564 mutual ditch and irrigating compa.nies’ Spokane Indvlans, Wash., _ bonds . 1133 appro tion for fulfilling treafly wzth 587 unlawful use of stamps, etc .. 1133 or mounds for, from trib fnmds 588 penalties and punishments for . 1133 Sponge Ffaherwies, cancellation required· methods authorized . 1134 appropriation for expenses, protecting. . 168, 694 preparation of suitable stamps;, Sporting Clubs, etc . .. 1134 internal revenue tax on dues, etc., of . 1112 outside contracts authorized; time limit. 1134 war revenue tax on dues or membership collection of taxes omitted by mistake or fgeow 319 fraud . . . ... 1134 S ing ution of stam or e y t- zgzise tax ori, sold by producer, etc . . 1122 masters . . 1134 war excise tax on, sold by producer, etc. . 316 accoumtability, etc., monthly transfers Springrield Arsenal, Mass., to interna.} revenue . 1134 appropriation for extending wing of mill- assistant treasurers and deposibories 1135 ing shop . . 128 bond, etc . . . 1135 for power plant for hill shops 128 Schedule A . . ... 1135 for replacing wom-out, etc., machine bonds of indebtedness etc.; corporate setools .. 128 curities; renewals- 1135 for alterations . 654 based on amount secured . 1135 for maebjnery for manufacture of rides. . 654 of indemnity and surety 1135 for lighting system in shops; reappro· rate if premium charged; reinsurance priation- . 654 exemlpt- .. 1135 deiiciency appropriation for electric power, capital stoc ; original issues. . ... 1135 etc. . . 353 ii without face value. .. . 1135 for laboratory, etc .. 353 to be attached in stock book .. 1135 for alterations, etc .. 1026 sales or transfers, etc .. . 1135 for roads ... . ... 1026 if without face value . ... 1135 Springjicld, Mass., deposits for collateral exempt .. . . . 1136 time extended for bridging Connecticut br0kers’ deliveries exempt ... 1136 River by Hampden County and 1187 aflixing stanlip in stock book, certifi- Sqbuare 63.9, D. C., cate, or b' of sale . 1136 uildings on, owned by United States, to punishment for delivery without be arranged, etc., for employees on stamp. ... 1136 war work, and their families ... 551 sales of Eroduce on exchange for future Square 673, D. C., de 'very .. 1136 temporary railroad siding to medical sup- stamped bills of sale etc., required 1136 ply dyot in authorized ... 538 clearing house transfers of stamped con- Squares 226 a 228, D. C'., tracts exempt. . . . . 1136 deficiency appropriation forre , etc. to details required on bills of sale, eto . 1136 buildings for use of ’I€;£.1ry be- punishment for sales, etc., without partment. 348 stamped bills. 1136 Squares 612 and 613,_D. C., for immediate delivery in cash not taxdeiiciency appropnation for clearing titles able . .. 1137 in, for use of parks, etc.; half from drafts, promissory notes, etc . 1137 District revenues .. 10 if secured by Liberty bonds, etc., ex- Sguirrels, Grmmd, empt; condition ... 1137 up ropristion for destroying .. 1048 eonveynces of realty . .. 1137 Stajp College, Army, to secure a debt exempt 1137 apgropristion for instruciion expenses., . 41, 846 customhouse entries; warehouse withdrawde ciency appropriation for mstmction als . . .. 1137 expenses .. 186 foreign passage tickets, except to Canada Staf Cor , Army, General (see also General or Mexxco . ... 1137 giirf Corps, Army), rates exempt ... . .. 1137 age limit extended for voluntary enlist· proxies; exemptions., ... . . . 1137 ments in, under Army Emergency powers of attorney; in pension, etc., (298%, Increase .. 885 and bankruptcy, exempt .. 1137