Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1652

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INDEX- eolxxxi Vocational Rehabilitation Act—C ntin ed. P¤8¤· W Ea . ymm . treitmgpt aogiphysical, etc., rgstgirgcgion of gggmprggodtidraqgbomu, as- Pa? B3 P°”°¤¤ Pu"' MTBE, istun ... . to be controlled by War or Navy deiicieiicy iaigiblopriation for furnishing 696 D?P“rm}ePt ---· · ·----·•·-•-······- 618 information of distribution of labor remedial trazmng processes by coopera- to ____________ _ ________________ ___ 376 tionpf Boar with the lbepartments. 618 for advances for transportation of to cooperation of the pepartments yvith secure employment, war expenses,. 496 Board for continuous vocational W return, gccguunng, guy ____ _ _________ 497 um-“m%, · · --·-·---·-··---·-·--···- 618 ·19¢¤,D· C'- (¤¢cMinilnumW‘ La ,D.C. . plans estabhs ed by the Board for con- Wagon and Vehicle Service, xml Yue Megs tmuous process of vocational reha- senger Service, Mail); bilétzigion tiahgzglcoopemtion of War Wagon Servwe, Postal, an avy e ments . 619 den ‘ 110 { hid . nnconditioiéal gifts may be received by the W mesncgreiiiljwliv?. . gr.  ? 492 Boar 619 ahoo, N b ., to be gaid into the Treasury and made a for public building .. 111

 {und for vocational reha- 6 Wagpeton, N. Dat., .

1n’ . . . 19 £pr¤pmtm"fIndianhl ... 57 usgffor expenses of maintaining courses 619 W2“ 1;e]i•:p:·(b;>rktim$· lsdian school- 34, 380 appropriation for expenses; available im- excise tix on, bought for use . 1124 mediately, etc.,  : .. 619 Waiste, for buildings, facilities, etc., for mstruc- excise tax on, bought for use. 1124 · it-i2;Z‘$,;ee4ea·:;,;eets·‘e»z ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘‘‘‘· 93 "%£fp~p¤»"‘“’·‘£‘iaa. re msinuhrlve as-¤».~ rm- mvnmg, érc., of 619 wasbingunrs birthplace ... 1ss, 660 for tuition m institutions, etc ... *619 for yvatchman, monument and dock at 786, 1240 for placement, etc., of rehabilitated per- Walden, Z, _ _ _ . sons _ ... 2 .. 619 agi;-mgnahon far public bmldrgg .. 111 for special courses of instruction 619 W2: iter Indnhn Reservation, ev., for miscellaneous mechanical appli- a ropriation for irrigation system ..,.. 562 ances, etc . ... 619 Wallgwua National Forest, Oreg., _ for administrative expenses of Board, agprrcilpriateionformxintenance, etc., of 988 employees, supplies, etc 619 Wa eed ATM;] H l, D. C'., quarterly reports of expenditures to be tiled appropriation or 58 with each House of Congress 619 Wirpato Project, ash., _ complete annual report to Congrem ... 619 appropriation for water supply of Yakima former rovisions repealed .. . 620 Indian lands Wlthlll 588 no drail;dexemption to employees here- 0 W for extegrdiggietci; . 588 _.,,.,, . . 62 a er ce , . ., applimutiosrof fund for expenses of men aggrziriation forjmprovement of ... 251 under investiglation o eligibility for War Ba loonelisee Signal Service, Army). training, supp ies, etc. 1179 War College, _ nay, Vocational Training, ele., Army, _ appwpnatxon for expenses 40, 845 appropriation for instructors, eqmpment,59 865 W gr Egintgrxce .. . . . . 58, 864 tc .. , ar o e, _ _ selzction of regiments at posts for in— 59 Wapjgpnpgmatgcon i'or,mamtenance 713 gt.;-u iz _____ _ __,,,,,,_,,,,,,,,,, , ar me vollmgglzonnco, ctc, ,,.. . . 59 records, etci, of, to be filed with C0mmiscourse of military and educational 60 sxouer ofdlnttehrnal Revenue, by per- 1151 training ... . .. sons ma ng _ em . Volunteer Soldier-! Home (see National Home §;xn1shme¤tforia1lure .. 1152 for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers). ta to be by Government de· 1152 partmen e .. . .. W' War Contracts, Informal, etc., W, H. Ritter Lumber Company, _ authority of Secretary of War to adjust, may bridge Big Sandy River and tnbu- pay, etc., clmms for expenses m- taries in Buchanan and Dickenson curred for lands, supplre% etc., uu- Counties, Va ... 757 der agreements made yo cers, etc., Wabash Rirer, during the war 1272 bridgelanghorized across, near Logausport, 249 Icxolnicgtgious _________ _ ____,,,,,,,,,,,,. ,,.. ononprospec e Vincelimes, Ind ..., 84 claims to be presented beforegrniiis 30, 1919; Waccamaw River, N. C., deta1]ed reporttoCongrem ... 1273 appropriation for improvement of . - . . 254 review, etc., hereafter not barred ... . 1273 bndgebputhorized across, Pireway Fury, 342 prosecugion for i·raud;recovery of moneys 1273 . C. . .·-·...-------· pm _ ...-.-·-·- -, ----------- Waccarnayz River, N. _C. and S. C., compulsory testimony provided for "’°“““T£§' °”“““““°“’ °t°" °" ‘° ”° 1289 ju§’§é‘£ %"2L"§£3,‘21?’é.¥u‘§ '$}‘i'§°“”nm¤‘ ;a1 Wacmmgw 6..,. · . · . • · · I n Un-NU jUSUD€Ht, Bw-, N-ifused bY claimant- 1273 appropriation for improvement of . 906 if none offered by Secretary .. 1273