Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/289

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270 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cris. 49, 50. 1917. the District of Columbia and in the field such clerical, legal, eering, artistic, and expert services as it may deem advrsa. le, in udirgg the Epatyment of per diem in lieu of subsistence for employees engag in el work or traveling on omcial business, rent of ofnces in the District of Columbia and m the field, and the purchase of books, maps, mm M mm and office equipment. _ paces mt ttm-.; Nothmg_herem contamed shall be construed to delay, prevent, or "* ·°’“’· interfere with the comfpletion of aiify survey, investigation, proj ect, orwork herein or hereto ore or here ter_adopted or authorized u on or for the improvement of any_ of .the rivers or harbors of the_ Cnited States 1:3 with legislative action upon reports heretofore or hereafter presen . Approved, August 8, 1917. . A¤g§{;y6f{*’· mc§;r1>i’eo.—.4¤ Act rc mcse the Act to regurtte commerce, as amended, and

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1,,,,,,,,, gmmm, Be it en<wted_b·y the Senate and House ty Representives of the United ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤- States of Agnerzca in Congress assembled, That section twenty-four of an Act entitled "An Act to regulate commerce," approved Bzebruary fourth, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, as amended, be further mmbcum mp amended to read as follows: lava. P "Sec. 24. That the Interstate Commerce Commission is hereby enm;}&,,f*‘· ¥’· ”“· larged so as to consist of nine members, with terms of seven years, an _ each shall receive $10,000 compensation annually. The ualiii- _ cations of the members and the manner of the ayment 0} their ,,,§,l{@*"""'°""" salaries be8a§1d1alrle:dy provrigehidbyhlpvgéh Suclli enlargengntdpf e commission _ accom t t President by and with the adviize and consent o?ptSr(:rmSeI1I:i:.l21e, ol" tw; additional Interstate Commerce Commissioners, one for a term expir-

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E’*""“°" °‘ ““”'· twenty-two: axis terms of the present cominissioners, or- of any suc- ’ cessor aptpomted to fill a vacancy caused by the death or resignation S of aepiy 0 the present commissioners, shall expire as heretofore pro- ,,,,.,,,,“°°°”°',,,,,_' ‘° '°"° vid by law. Their successors and the successors of the additional ~ commissioners herein provided for shall be appointed for the full term of seven years, except that any person appointed to fill avacancy shall be appointed onl for the unex ired term of the commissioner P°"°*°" whom he s all succeed? Not more tgan five commissioners shall be _ apgornted from the same political party." 1:0. 2. That section seventeen of said Act, as amended be further (mm, M www arriegidedltéo rphad aa} follows: ’ ,¤¤·. mo. . _ at ecommisgi d ‘ Gdjngs · h

E;,,,f°· l’· ’“• manner as best conduce tottgeixiilrb °grl}di}s‘;;altt;li)b(fcl?1mmess 1:155120

the ends ofjiustice. The commission sliall have an official seal which Q be ju cially noticed. Anymember of the commission may Bd- "°"“"“ minister oaths and affirmations and sign subpoenas A majority of the commission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of busigzsgérogthesgt ashmaytge othervgse herein provided, but no commis- ..€···~·*·¤*······¤···· my p¤¤¤m¤u·y` P amp tm EZ cZmm.°““g ?§.."$?§m‘”t§'.lé°lch$£$ make or amend such general rules or orders as’ma be r uisite for the order and regulation of roceedings before it 0; befor? an diviglen 0; theclpmmission, including forms of notices and the gervice appumcteetc. °'°°· “h**u‘·?°¤f°?m»¤¤¤¤¤1’ly¤smaybe,tothosein1rsein the courts of the United States. Any part ma a before the commission or any division thereof and bg heigd Ppcpersou 1‘ b attorney. Everyvoteandomcial t !n‘ no y ac of the commission, or of any