Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/392

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SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 79. 1917. 373 (Thirt -e` hth Statutes, p e three hundred and five) entitled "An C°¤’*'“°“¤¤ mh Act toyaiillhorize the Presixdint of the United States to locate, con- r°$$[§;c,'p_305_ struct, and operate railroads in the Territory of Alaska, and for other purposes," $4,000,000, to continue available until expended. Authority is anted to expend from the {appropriations for the “°‘°"°m°'°· construction ang!. operation of railroads in aska, not exceeding $750, for the egurchase, maintenance, repair, and operation of one motor~pro ell , passenger-carrying vehicle for official use of the Alaskan Elhgineering Commission at Seattle, Washmgton. Care and custody of insane, Alaska: For care and custody of °“'°°""s‘”"’· persons legally adjudged insane in Alaska, including transportation and other expenses, $29,000. sanrr nnrzannrns nosrrran. H§§,‘§§,,§}€°"°*"“ For the construction, equipment, and furnishing of such semi- mglgdmml bm"` permanent buildings at Saint lizabeths Hospital as may be required to'HI·ovide additional accommodations for patients, $200,000. T to th e Secretarylof War is authorized, dur·mg the emergency, mpegs. ° °' to transfer to the various public hospitals for the care the insane, atients of every class entitled to treatment in Saint Elizabeths Hes ital and that are admitted on order of the Secretary of War. 1 i The Secretary of War is authorized to transferfrom any military guess fro; mmnfi hospital to the nearest available public hospital for the care of the mfm Pubm MP insane any insane patient who is in need of treatment, preference being given to the hospital nearest to the place of the 8]patient’s _ enlistment. The superintendent of such public hospital sh possess ;,,;*,§°dl§‘;,',§Y °’ '°’°" the right to retain the aforementioned class of patients in his hospital in the_same manner and to_ the same extent as now possessed by the = Supingtendent of Saint Elizabeths Hospital. _ _ Ps t fm cm e upermtendent of Samt Elrzabeths Hospital, with the approval gn-$;° ,,,,‘§,, · of the Secretary of the_Interior, shall transfer to the various public ,;*3; *0* Wm £ hospitals out of the various appropriations made by Congress for the ' support and treatment of patients in Saint Elizabeths Hospital a sum sufficient toapsay for the support and treatment of patients sent to public hospit as herein lzliréivided, based zlpon the per capita cost of maintenance m Saint abeths Hospit , said payment not to gxceed at any time the exact cost of support and treatment of suc patients. The Secretaxgeof War is authorized to grant a revocable permit to mw .i°L•`Z°:¤l°Q the Saint Eliza ths Hospital for the use of such portions of land as “°*"““"· are at present not under lease and such other portions thereof as leases thereof expire, of that portion of land lying along Anacostia Flats which has been reclaimed by the War Department and is ’ valuable for farming purposes. Adm Interned persons and prisoners of war, under the Lurisdiction of pes¤m¤ssl$livgi,iiiii>‘l°° the War Department, who are or may become insane ereafter shall be entitled to admission for treatment to Saint Elizabeths Hospital. coumnm msrrrurrox mr: Tim naar. ,°§§,§gmD‘gL*}_m“i*¤“°¤ For additional amount for the removal of the college women’s N"' °°"““°"·°*°· dorm1tory,_ and the construction, equipment, and furnishing of a new dormrtory, necessary repairs, or replacement of walks and grading of groimds adjacent to said dormitory, including all material, personal and other services, and for eac and every p ose m connection therewith, to be exlpended imder the direction ld-lfpthe Superintendent of the Capitol Bu' ding and Grounds, $21,000.