Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/684

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666 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 113. 1918. ' a propriation shall be apportioned to any State or Territorial home tlliat maintains a bar or canteen where intoxicating liquors are sold: ¤°{$?°u°°° mm m` Provwkled further That for any sum or sums collected m any manner from inmates of uch State or Territorial homes to be used for the support of said homes a like amoimt shall be deducted from the aid herein provided for, but this pfoviso shall not apply to any State or Territprialdhome into Jvhich the wives or widows of.sold1ers are admitte an maintaine . cyimk mymdbm _ Back PAY AND noowrr. wulveiuiiwsig. cm For arrears of pay of two and three gear volunteers, for bounty to v°‘· “·*” im vohmteers and 61I' widows_and leg heirs for bo1mty_1mder the C lm 0, ¤_ Act of July twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, and for um. amonmts for commutation of rations to prisoners of war in States of the so-called Confederacy, and to soldiers on furlough, that may be certified to be due by the accounting officers of the Treasury during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and nineteen, $10,000. w" "‘"’“”·“°‘ For arrears of ay and allowances on account of service of officers and men of the Ermy during the War with Spain and in the Philippine Islands that may be certified to be due by the acconmting omcers of the Treasugz during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and nineteen and that are argeab e to the appropriations that have been carried to the surplus fimd, $500. · l¤*•¤°*’ D°P¤’¤¤¤*· DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. P°"**°"°“*“¤¤ rusmo smnnmes. Repair! to Depprb . . . _ . . . . mmmummg. Repairs of buildm . For repairs of Patent Office Bu1l , Pension Office Building, andgzf the General Land Office Buildinaigxjg including preservation and repau· of steam—heating and electric-lig ting plants and elevators, $30,000, of which sum not exceeding $7,500 may be mmm exgended g>r_da_y lab? except: for vsiprla donelby cioptract. al · _ _ apito z or wor at the a ito an or ener re airs i¤giwn’°t°'t°b°m thereof, including cleaning and repairing works of arg Bags for? the P east and west fronts of the center of the Capitol and for Senate and °"’p‘m‘ House Omce Bmldmgs; flagstaffs, halyards, and tackle; wages of mechanics and laborers; purchase, maintenance, and driving of motor-propelled, passenger-carrying office vehicles; and not exceedin $100 for the purc ase 0 techmcal and necessary reference books and mtg directory, $52,000. _ Imvrvvlne around:. a itol Grounds: For care and improvement of grounds surrounding the Capitol, Senate House Office Buildings, pay of one clerk, mechamcs, gardeners, fertilizers, repairs to pavements, walks, _ and roadways, $35,750. ,,§°*’°‘” ‘° ’*°l"°°’» For repairs and improvements to steam fire-engine house, Senate Pmmu and House stables, and repairs to and paving o floors and court- ‘ yards of same, includinglpersonal services, $1,500; this and the three oregoing sums may, in e discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, V0! 36 P m be expended for purchases of articles without reference to section ‘ ’ ' four of the Act approved June seventeenth, nineteen hundred and Emma Calm, ten, concem1ng(purchases for executive departments. Ggggpggiwmtinn for The unexpen ed balances of the_ a propriations heretofore made mom bujjdjng, for expenses of removal of the buildiings or other structures upon •*jm_p‘m_ the land ac uired for the enlargement of the Capitol Gronmds, for grading, sedilmgk and soiling, and preparation of plans for permanently impxroving the same, are reapggsriated and made avail- Comm D C able during the year mneteen hun and nineteen. ·r¤mpm¤ry’qd¤rie¤. Courthouse, District of Columbia: For rental of temporary quarters m§_;¤u__**¤¤ st for the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, $8,000, to be expended under the direction of the Superintendent of the Capitol