Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/235

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CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS. FIRST SESSION, ‘ SIXTY·FIFTH CONGRESS. JOINT MEETING. Ai>ri12,1917· Resolved by the House of RepTama¢tta·(¢he sem Mmmm), ‘H‘°°“`R“"N°‘”" That the two Houses of Conigress assemble in the Ha.l1 of the_ House tw§°<>*¤&* rg;B?;: of Representatives on Mon ay, the, second day of April, nineteen rmm hundred and seventeen, at eight oclock and thirty minutes post meridian, for the urpose of receiving such commumcations as the _ President of the llhited States shall e pleased to make them. Passed, April 2, 1`D17. ‘ liay 8,1917. ARMY APPROPRIATION BILL. [n.¤m.Re¤.,1~:¤.7.] Resolved by the .Ho· eg Re esentattvee (the Senate concurring), That in the enrollment of the bill”(H. R. 13) entitled "An Act making bu.?-my approprhtizm a propriations for the su port of the Arm for the fiscal year ending cgmmm in cmu. Jiine thirtieth, ang ei&®n, gd fag qtheze ”**j,¤,§,,°‘i_j*§;f°‘°*‘· th Cl , is au mz an ' gghetsithe filgiirgi "$75,EIO0,"‘i>n psig; fbrity-two, line sixteen, of said bill, as the same were stricken out by the amendmentpf the Senate numbered seventy-eight, the conference report on said bill and amendments to the contrary notwithstanding. Passed, May 8, 1917. ARMY EMERGENCY INCREASE BILL. my 18,1917. Resolved by the House of Regrresentatives (the Senate concurring), [H’C0n.MS·’Nq°&] T bat, in the em·ollment of the ill (H. R. 3545) entitled "An Act to mw! °"'°'¤°¤°Y*°‘ authorize the Piésident to increaie tglmppigahly gh; M.iliii;u‘ybEstab- mcopycm m moulishment of the nited States," the er e, an e us ere y au- “ ’ _ ‘ thorized and directed to strike out the word "membe1·" in the ,fifth Amipim line of the matter inserted by the committee of conference on said bill and amendment and to insert in lieu thereof the word"number". Passed, May 18, 1917. STATUE OF SEQUOYAH. _ U ¥¤¤¢ 4.1917- [H.c¤¤.1>.e¤., 1.] Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), NM T bat the statue of Sequo ah, presented by the State of Oklahoma, §‘§§‘§,°P‘}‘,S,§qc§‘f’§,’§;, to be placed in Statuary lglall, is accepted in the name of the United g¤¤1¤ of g_¤sr¤ ¢¤ Sltates, ang that tl? tihanks of C<;ngress Pe tendered to the State for ` t e contri ution 0 the statue o one o its most eminent citizens illustrious for his distinguished civic services. , Second, That a copy of these resolutions, suitably e and duly authenticated, be transmitted to the governor of O oma. Passed, June 4, 1917. 1581