Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/425

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rnocnamrrross, isis. 1759 ether constituf the governmental o anization called the tU0§ited States Fuelngdministration. rg AN D WHEREAS it is essential in order to carry into effect the provisions of said act, and in order to secure an adequate supply and equitable distribution, and to facilitate the movement of certain necessaries hereafter in this {proclamation specified, that the license powers conferred upon the President by said act be at this time exercised to the extent hereinafter set forth, , umm NOW, THEREFORE, I, Woodrow Wilson, President of the miacteertainccalmd United States of America, by virtue of the powers conferredon me §§,,,,,,2{"§,"’“,,,‘,§"f’,,,,§’; by said act of Congress, hereby find and determine- and by this ¤•¤·•¤¤¤ proclamation do announce that it is essential in orderto carry mto effect the purposes of said act, to licensecertain classes of distributors of coal and coke to the extent hereinafter provided: mm M “_ All rsons, firms, corporations and associations (except those speé mae. ’ ’ ciggall exempted by said act of Congress, producers and miners of coal, and manufacturers of coke, distributing exclusively their own product, and retail dealers, as defined in the United States Fuel Administrator’s Order of October 1, 1917,-Publication No. 7) engaged in the business of distributing eoalor coke as jobber, broker, selling agent, purchasing agent, wholesaler, or rn any capacity whatsoever, are hereby required to secure a license on ‘or be ore April 1, 1918, which license issued under such rules and regulations governing the conduct of the business, Ugg from time to time bglgescribed bg;tlre“Pi·esident_of the States or by the U d States el Admiinstratbr actingby virtue of the authority heretofore as aforesaid, or hereby, delegatedtohimby thePresiderrtr “¤ 1, H mb The United States Fuel Administrator shall supervise, direct and ruuaemmsmaz. carry into effect the provisions of said? act, andthe powers and authority thereby given to the President, as the sameapplies to coal, coke, and other fuel, and to any and all practices, procedure and regulations authorized or re urred under the provisions of said act, including issuance, regniation, and revocation, in the name of said Fuel Administrator, of licenses under said act, and in this behalf he shall also do and perform such other acts and thintgs as may be authorized or r uired of him from time to time by irection of the President, aiid under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed b the President from time to time. For all the pruposes aforesaid gre United States Fuel Administrator may make use of the said governmental organization called the United States Fuel Administration. Arlplication for licenses may be made to the United States Fuel ht u` dministrator, Washington, D. C., upon forms prepared by him for that purpose. Any person, firm, corporation or association, other than those here- ,,,,,,,P‘,‘§‘*f,,,,‘}‘f}°“‘ '°"""" inbefore excepted, who, without a license, issued pursuant to this proclamation, or whose license shall have been revoked, knowingly engages rn or carr·ies on, after the date aforesaid, any business or whic a license is required under this proclamation, will be liable "”°" ”‘ m to the penalties prescribed by said act of Congress. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be aihxed. Done in the District of Columbia, this 15th day of March, in the year of our Lord 1918, and of the independence of the United [ssrn.,] States of America the One Hundred and Forty Second. . Woormow Wnsox. By the President: Ronnnr Lmsmo, Secretary of State. 120808°—vor. 40, rr 2--29