Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/486

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1918. 1811 ‘ ‘ Sec. 8. That the President may by proclamation extend the pro- **"’*· P- 91* visions of sections five, six, and seven, or any of them, to_an(y vessel of foreign nationality under lcharter $10 a cititalen offthe Umte States or other person su ]ect to the juris 'ction ereo ." "Sec. 10. That the President may by proclamation require that (rio citizen of theglarlpteild States, or othpr person sub]ect tph the jufisiction thereof, s c arter an vesse 0 foreign nation `ty un ess the instrument in which such charter is embodied and the rates, terms, and conditions thereof are first approved by the President. After the making of such proclamation it shall be unlawful for any such citizen or person to make any charter of any such vessel, or comply with or perform any of the rates, terms, or conditions of any charter thereof, or to operate any such vessel under any charter, without first obtaining the approval thereof by the President. Whenever any such charter is apgsoved it_ shall be unlawful, without the approval of the President t obtamed, to make any alterations in such charter or additions thereto or deletions therefrom, or to make or receive any payment ri; dcghany act with respect to such vessel, except in accordance wit su c arter." AND WHEREAS, Section 2 of said Act provides as follows: ‘ ‘ Sec. 2. That the President may exercise the power and authoriim **”“· P· ***3- gereby vested in him through such agency or agencies as he sh etermine from time to time." AND WHEREAS, the necessities of the war require that the con- Erol nogv exercise? over shipping by the United States Shipping Board e ma e more e ective; NOW, THEREFORE, I, WOODROW WILSON, President of ,_,}‘, §_P°v°§ the United States of America, acting under authority conferred in ig sgprpval vi the Section 5 of said Act, do proclaim that hereafter vessels of the United ` sms bcmssm poise ‘;;“2;2· .2; over, or sa vess W1 or wi a o gross burden, gbr over, excepting vessels plying exclusively on the inland rivers and canals of (the United Sitates, lwgessels operating in the Great Lakes or other inlan waters, an vesse operatmv exc usive y in the coastwise trade of the United States, shall not thereafter be chartered unless the instrument in which such charter is embodied, and the rates, terms and conditions thereof, are first approved by the President. _ Under authority conferred in Section 8 of said Act, do further ,,,,X‘§;§,§}§‘,y °',,,,{${j,`}§§ proclaikmlitlpat the pgovisionsil of iaid Sectiprii 5, and of tlus1P¥oF1ama- 3{mdf¤¤¤¤¤·¤¤ *¤· tion, s a e an they are ere y exten e to any vesse o oreign nationality under iharter 30 a citiizlen of the United States or other person subject to the juris rction thereo . _ _ Under authority conferred in Section 10 of said Act, I do further ,,,,€?§‘§§,'Q,*§.,,{?,§]‘{1,§"§l,,,,Z‘Z proclaim that hereafter 13; citizenhof titre lg1n§.edhStates or other per; °¤*S*¤¤*¢¤<>· son sub`ect to the juris 'ction thereo , s a c arter any vesse 0 foreign iiationality unless the instrument in which such charter is embodied and the rates, terms and conditions thereof, are first aplirdmlci bybthilpmsldenth U d St tes Shi B d h P d I gmd °° o erey esignatete nite a pping oar aste ,,,°w°” if- · agency through which shdall be exercised all powgr andf autléorgty gmigismt Smppmg conf rred u n the President in Sections 5, 8 an 10 o said ct witherespecixto the classes or descripltions of vessels and the trades specified in this Proclamation. Suc power and authority may be exercised by said United States Shipping Board through such agents or agencies as it may create or designate. _ Auumit to mt Nothing contained in this Proclamation shall be deemed to with- pnlgwful Expo? me draw from the United States Shipping Board or the War Trade Board ““*’°“°"· any authority now exercised, direct y or indirectly, over {01%% or AW P_ m American vessels, by virtue of powers conferred under Title of '