Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/567

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1=·RooLAMA*r1oNs, isis. 1889 While we render thanks for these things, let us not forget to seek the Divine guidance in the erformance of those duties, and Divine mercy and orgiveness for all) errors of act or urpose, and pray that in all that we o we shall strengthen the ties oi) friendship and mutual respect upon which we must assist to build the new structure of peace an good will amongvthe nations. Thmda Nmmm Wherefore,I,WOODRO WlLSON,President of the United States as, r9ra,¤;lr;§¤1¤i¤ass¤ of America, do hereby designate Thursday, the twenty-eighth day of gin'; ‘°°°”m‘““"" November next as a day o thanksgiving and prayer and invite the people throughout the land to cease ugpn that day irom their ordinary occupations and in their several omes and places of worship to render thanks to God, the ruler of nations. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be aflixed. Done in the District of Columbia this sixteenth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and [SEAL.] eighteen and of the independence of the United States of America the one hundred and forty-third. Woomiow WrLsoN By the President: Ronmrr LANsn~:e Secretary of State. Br run Pimsmmvr or rim Umrnn Srsrns or Armnrca. A PROCLAMATION Pomesion and Control of a Certain Transportation System. WHEREAS the organizations for the conduct of the e ress ¤gfi_e_mm mm ml business over numerous systems of transportation which havgbeen duly placed under Federal control, and pertaining to such systems of transportation, have been consolidated into the American Railway Express Company which has been made the sole agent of the Government for conducting the express business, with the result that the entire transportation system of said Express Comlipany has been neréessarily in substance and effect placed under ederal control, an WHEREAS it is desirable, in order to administer to the best advantage the transgortation business and operations of the American Railway Express ystem to make it specifically clear by this Proolamation that the President has the possession, use, control and operation of the entire transportation system of the American Railway Express Conipanv, Possession md m NOW, T HER FORE, I, Woodrow Wilson, President of the troltsken orammm United States, under and by virtue of the powers vested in me by §’f°" E‘*"""""°°“" law do hereby through Newton D. Baker, Secretary of War, take possession, and assume control at 12 o’clock noon on the 18th day of Nove·mb¢·r, 1918, of that certain system of transportation called the American Railway Express Company and all of its appurtenances and property of every kind or nat1u·e, directly or indirectly, owned, leased, chartered, contrlplled, or used in the conduct of, or in connection with, its e. ross usiness. H It is hereby further diriected that the possession, control, opera- niligciigis ibiniliid iii tion and utilization of said express transportation system hereby R°_§l',3Zgp_ 1733, ml by me undertaken shall be exercised by and throiigh William G. l\IcAdoo, heretofore appointed Director General of ailroads, with all the powers conferred upon him by the said Proclamations of