Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/641

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1960 mnnx. Army——Continued. pm, Army—Continued. Page. appropriation for reimbursing Oklahoma appropriation for arms and ordnance for riiie range etc., 1910, 1911 .. 66 equipment  : . 71, 877 for transporting Regulars to National assignment of Massachusetts First Guard instruction camps etc .. 66,874 Corps Cadets, National Guard; re— pay, etc., National `Guard Reserve, at qu1.rements_ , . : -: ... 71 camps, etc ,,,,,,_,,, , ,_,,,.,. . ,.., 66, 874 special organizauon privileges of Nafor pa, , e1;c,, attending Army service tional Guard Contmuéd 71 soioois, and a;¥osts ,,_,,...,. 67, 874 leaves of absence, etc., allowed Govfor officers assign to Militia Bureau; ernment employees on duty with pay and allowances 67, 875 OBicers’ Reserve Corps .-..· 72 for property and disbursing officers of restoration of Government employees, States, etc ,,_..,,__,,,_,., 67, 875 relieved from Reserve Corps duty. . 72 for arms, supplies, etc., for gratuitous services by OfHcers’ Reserve issue ,..,,,,...,,._,... , - , 67, 875 Corps in recruiting, etc., permitted. 72 forgromotion ofrifle practice .. 67,875 for Enlisted Z§teserve_Corps, quartermas— for orses, forage, etc ... 67, 875 ter supplies, equipment, etc ... 72 for incidental expenses of iield instruc— for signal equiprqentr ... -. . 72 tion, etc , 67, 875 for equipment of other schools for lands for Field Artillery encamp= and co egos .. 72,877 ments and , , e ,,,,_. 67 for ordnance supplies forschools, etc. - - 72, 877 for rifle range, D. National Guard. L . . 67 chaplains; preference m appomtments digosal ot nseles target ranges for qnutted _ .. _ .. 72 ational Guard; iieeof proceeds. . T; 67 Blluig vacanc1es_m second lieutenants; for travel of Arxi1’y‘·oHi;era, etc., for , agelumt modried. .: ., 72 National Guard·dti=I?y.'.*;‘.; . - 67, 875 appointment of former officers in Qilifor transportation of supplies, etc .. 68, 875 cers{ Reserve Corps at higher grade; for expenses of Army sergeant instruc- conditions t . 73 tors  ; ,. 68, 875 restriction on details in District of for office rent, inspectors ... . 68 .Go1umbia of Staff, Corps officers, accounting, etc.; stniucgge, em., in- · modified ... - s i.. 73 cluded in N ationalG . 68, 875 American registers issued to transiongevity pay credits for serv- . s ports ‘fMeade’* and "Cr0ok" when ice to persons in other than Regular sold .. . 73 Army who have enlisted, etc ... 875 oicers National Guard as colonels for arms, etc., foxiield service . 68,875 and lieutenant colonels serving in aviation equipment supplies .. 68 call of May and June, 1916, may be reserve supply ... 68, 875 commissioned as such in Oihcersf for supplying newinfantry equipments, Reserve Corps, etc ... . . - 73 etc ... 68 monthly rating ogdpay of ordnance emrequisitions for ... 68 Dpgsayees repeal ,.. 74 receipt, accounting, etc.. 69 e ted men discharged to accept pnor issues to be returned on receipt commissions in National Guard, of new . .. . . 69 1916, to have original status on refunds for former years available to end enlisting; conditions, etc ... 74 of fiscal year 1918 ... 69 enlisted men_ reenlisting after service for expenses of civilian rifle ranges 69, 876 as officers in militia, etc., to have for-arms, ammunition, etc., for riileprac- credit for time therein . 74 tlce ... . .. 09, 876 expenses népon buildings, posts, etc., for transportation of teams . 69 restricte . 74 apportionment; designation of teams for increased pay to civilian employees _ y governors, etc. . 69 receiving not more than $1,800 a forcrviliantrainingatinstmctioncamps 69,876 year; rate .. 74 expenses designated . 70 printing outside of Government Printpay toiaesons trainingto be officersin ing Office in time of war, etc., perthe y; conditions ... 70 mitted ...,,_,,..,_,,,,_,, 75, 877 travel allowancestocitizens attending closing of contract with Navasota 03mpB ... _.; .. _ .:..- 70 Transfer Com any . . 75 for arms,_ammun1tion, etc., for citizen for addition to Econ Springs Military ` training carys ... , . _. . . 70 Reservation, Tex ... 877 no pay to officer, etc., using time Bertram T. Clayton, jr., may be apmqasuring device on work of em- pointedsecon lieutenant, nfantry, ployee ... . . 70 and retired . 877 cash bonus, etc., restricted ... 70 Col. David L. Brainard may be placed no pay to person, not a citizen, ap- on retired listasbrig¤adiergenera1.. . 878 pointed an officer in time of peace. . 70 incurred existing obligations payable for ordnance equipment for Home Guard from appropriations herein . 878 OYEBHIZBYYIOBS . .. 876 exchange of ands Aberdeen ordnance for expenses Council of National Defense 70 proving grounds ,._,_,,,_,,, , .. 878 rent allowance in District of Columbia 71 disbursing officers ma intrust ay- for Reserve OfH<:crs’ Training Corps; ments to other onicers as tgeir quarterrnaster supplies, equipments, agents; responsibility .. 878 etc . _ . . t I . I . . . 71, 876 property and disbursing officers of commutation for unnorms furnished ‘ States to be regarded as officers of by institutions .. . . . 71 the United States ,,________________ 378