Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/843

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2162 INDEX. Naval Reserve Force-Continued. Pew- Navigation Bureau, De ment of Com- hasunexpended appropriations for Militia and ·m;rcg—C0nt1nue . Volunteers made available for ex- appmpréation for motor] boats, etc., gow 1258 nge; _ , __,_,,,_,_,,,,,,,,, 712 g orce nav1gation laws . Naval Segfice, 0 for preventing overcrowding of passen· ’ vpersons in, exempted from selective draft. . 78 ger and excursion boats .. ,. .._806, 1258 i amt Station.: (see also Navy Yards), for enforcing wireless commumcation deficiency appropriation for batteries, etc., 0 N hlawsé . _ ... 8 06, 1258 f r . . ,. 37 aviga 'on, ommwsirmzro Naval States, appropriation for, deputy,) clerks etc . 1257 appropriation for investigating grading, authorized to change name_ oi steamer handling, etc., oi .. 992 N "C?ldera" to "A. T. K.1,nney" .. 502 .Vaz·uZ Training amps, avigation gws, deficiency appropriation for construction appropriations for enforcement of . 806, 1258 and equipment, ,..,,. . .. 600, 832 Navy (see also Navy and Manne Corps Inbalances of apgropriations for, covered in. 1174 crease),f 1 _ 704 X L Tr { i tation appropriation or nava service ... . .

1;; in gigtizg for Cali?ornin_ _,,, - .,.. 712 schedule of all pay and allowances to

gn- Rhode Island .. 712 be sent to Congress 704 for Great fialres . 713 for pEy,tT11scellar;epus . for Saint e em; _,__,,,,,_,,,,, . .,.. 713 co ec gnava informa ion .. deficiency appropriation for Rhode Island. 16 limit clerical, etc., services at yards forilvgzxéeappnsgs, California . _ and stiiatrous . E - . ._ . Z gg e s an ,..,..,,..., . .., .. interne persons an pnsonerso war., Great Lakes ,,._,_,,,.,__. . .. 206 payment for damages to private Saint Helena . . .. 206 property in European country not an for Saint Helena ... . S32 enemy, if not over $1 ,000 705 {or California .,. . ... 102.4 recovery bypatentee for use or_ manu- Naval Volunteers, National, factureo invention witlioutheense; 705 Acts relating to, repealed .. 708 improvements fo war fronts leased members transferred to Naval Reserve from State, etc., torevert to lessor- . 705 Force or Marine (logs Reserve . 708 salvage service to vessels in distress; status, pa ,etc. retain until transfer. 708 ’ payment 1f by specially equipped cy I Naval ll;’zarI allege, Coaawra Harbor Island, vessels, etc - . ., for contingent .. . .. appropriation for maintenance 713 allowances to officers abroad for un- Nararsota Transfer Company, usual conditions. . . _ .-;. 706 relieved from Army contracts for hay; for expenses, government of Virgm settlement, etc . 75 Islands . z. . 706 Namiyable Waters, for expenses, civilian Naval Consulting appropriation for preventing pollutioniz f Board . etc . 1, 645 or investigation o fue oi , etc . regulations prescribing use of, to be made. . 266 testing plant, Philadelphia, Pa. . . . 706 posting in conspicuous places directed. . 266 for aviation, general exgensa ... . 706 punishment for violating . . .. 266 damages to property { aircraft .. 706 regulations to be prescribed for use of, to for marine schools, New ork, Massachuprotect life and property from dan- setts, and Washington ... I .. 706 gers of ordnance practices, etc.-. 266, 892 for care of lepers, Guam and Cu11on.:. . 706 areas by submarine mines, etc. 892 for Bureau 0 Navi@tion;transportation river and bor improvements on .. 892 and recruiting . - ... 706 transportation of explosives on. ... 267, 892 for recreation, enlisted men ... . . 707 no uéxsreasonaléle interference with food 9 for contingent]! ... .;/,07 lung` in ustry 89.. or gunnery an engineering exercises. . 07 permits to be issued for .. 892 for outfits on first enlistments, allowance details of public vessels to enforce .. 893 increased .. 707 posting of, in public places directed 893 clothing gratuity, Naval Reserve Force 707 punishment for violations . 267, 893 civilian clothing on discharge for bad iunsdiction conferred for trial of offenses. 893 cgnduct, etc ,.,,,,,,,_.,. . . . 707 Namyable Waurs, Watersheds xr? (see Con- for equipment supplies, instruments,etc. 707 V ’ fservation of Navigable 'aters, etc,). f gYf()(jO‘[l'\l)i,iS§ Tsting, etc ,,..,,..,...,.. . {myc non, _ ~» or ocean an a ·e surveys .. investigation of development, etc., of, as Naval Militia and National Naval Volpart of interstate and foreign com- 269 unteers merged into Naval Reserve 708 IDBTCG . . Force .. . ... . . . .rVavigation Bureau, Department of Com- Medical dandmlgpntal 1§£eserveFG0fp6, 708 Q6?} _ _ merge in ava eserve ores,. appmpriaticgn Egr Commxsioner, deputgé Z£I"aval1;lI)ent{1.§¥’Gorps created .. Q3 c er e ... 5 1257 leet ava eserve retainer pay for of shipping commiesioneigg Naval Reserve Force, qualifications, 710 c er e .. , l2'7 service, pay etc for contingent expenses . . 805, 12g? moneys for Militia and Volunteers for uniform admeasurement of vessels, made available for Naval Reserve 712 etc .,.. 805 1257 Force . for instruments for counting pamen- , Division of Militia Affairs transferred gers . 805, 1258 to Bureau of Navigation 712