Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/848

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INDEX. 2167 Navy—Continued. Pm- Navy ond Marine Corps—Qontinued. Pmpmclamation taking lands inMary1¤.nd gud additional officers, etc.; midslupmeu to be · Virginia for ordnance proving qommissmned on graduahsm 86 youd,. _ ,_ ,,,,,,.,,.. . ... . 1790 appomgmeut of ymrrant oiiigerq . 86 prohibitions on liquor traffic and houses of promotmm of heuhemnt (jumcr grade) i11 fame, etc., near Army cmhps, ex- gud exgmgns .-. 86 tended to places under nav juris pmmotngm m N avy to commander and _ diction . .. _ 393 lugher grades ... : . 86 promotion of officers by selectmn extended computations for, in be made semm.unutc Stai Corps . 718 _ {Hy, etc . _ .. 86 ration commutation increased to 40 cents. . 397 meetings, recommeudatmns, etc., of after January 1, 1918, rate not to exceed Board of Admuals . 86 40 cent.; ______,, , ...,...,,, , . . . 397 permanent status of oiljcae 114;; affected by 86 recruiti allowance to postmasters for tempo ap m en .,... . selguzing elistments un, repealed 754 rights, etc.?<YenL11::ed men not abridged 86 registrants for draft, formerly sewing in, pay, etc., tobenmdcr hemporary appointmny reeulist therein or in Marino mgm: . Z .- _ - 86 Corps _,_____________,_,_,__________ 956 to grade, gte, on termr 86 meportsoiexummmg` boardsforpmmotion na no pomry to be acted upon by Secretary of the promotions allowed ._ .. I . ,_ 86 the Navy _,__________,____________ 90 of tem¥omry appgmunents; hmgt- . . 86 retireddofiicerxl maycibe ordered :0 active ¥°*¤'6¤¤u?;_0 oficm with WmP°¤¤Y 0¤m· 86 u in imc war- romo ion, . ions,  : .; . etc? . {P .. 717 - ponmmergt, §t_01'1g1D31 gada; except 1f ma.ybetemp0mri1yadva.uccd;limit,etc. 717 ti for drsgbgw-·-li-·£--·;-·-il; -·-·- g nu-al post roadqdetails of omccrs or enlisted ml [ Wlgegg ° P 3; dlsabmbatitgg · men, without their consent, for- :5* lg tenants d R ° Y}; hidden li _______________________ 1292 g 6*1 ‘ Ufing P?$€m 87 workoupu 'c road¤,othertha¤inen- . . · -···· : ······················· an campixcnts, etc., bx} to be 1203 mmm° gum] Em dc'? wthm" 87 cwnnce or compensa on e .,,, 120 ··-·· ; --·····-· r --·····-·· : · · six mouths gratuity to gyepeiigiary rg quam dfb:¤w*2rm¤m* P*Ym“*°¤ d¤¤¤8 87 ulmtgdmgu gg - ".'_"'1"T `‘‘‘' ': ‘‘‘‘ ?§§q€dwmmdij‘?»“0‘2»c¤v§°a§t§, mvoggggggggmmbeby P¤*¤d<~=¤*= 8, M »$‘¤‘5¥?%»‘¥»‘€ !'“'m»··* ‘é&‘¤»>‘¤»¢·¤¢·%¤s massa: me b2*&*;I:c*· 8’ to higher ranks; limited to regular captains, repealed ______ ____ 87 · advancements `'`'``` `’ ‘ 89 retirement of Mgring Cgrpg cqlguglg gg brigtxmber, etc., may be condemned for use oi. 888 Edie!. (anemia repealed 87 travel allowance increased to enlisted men, pay of Navygemisted men é' I ‘ ' discharged aim November 11, 1918. 1203 the W “““g 87 two representatives of, to be a.p(¥>oiuted on not credited-ioguoiiiuouo - . l I . 87 C°mm*“i°¤ for S*¤¤d*” iZ¤'=i°¤ 0* or com Guard to be an Navy mms pay` 87 Screw Threads . .  : . . . 912, 1291 Coast and Geodetic Survey vessels uniform clothing, etc., may be retained on ml etc may be tmmfmedzo Army <1i¤ch¤-rge fr<>m,¤fwr¤¤rv¤¢¤i¤ PM or Iiluvvrservice . av ent war. . . 1202 msgs ``'°`' uniforms. etc-, my be f¤¤’¤i¤h¢d M ¢<>¤¢ ¢<> ;3¤l;0n;¤v;}i;3b?;1cir;g§?§¥m$1i¤uo£`¤}`A§{x§§ 87 0mC€I'S . 1054 0!.Nav.y __"_____________ 88 Vice Adguiml tohave allowances, etc., of a. Held Omcmfm be a pointed _ Lieutenaup General in the Army. . . 717 graphic and gwdgtic emducem Bu. 88 "°"”·“°““J “€h”*b1Hmj°“ P‘Z°Vi‘?‘€d f°" P°"‘ examinations etc. · no paybreductioni 88 sons discharged for_d1sa.b111ty from. . 617 pension benefits 8 ’p1icab]e_ _ _ _ _ 88 war estate tex notppphcable to persons relative mm: Army and dying m, during present wur ... 325 Omcém _____ _ _____________________ 88 Navy and Marim Corps Increase, pay when not on military duty ... 88 temporary increase of enlisted Strength of regulations to be made for .,.,., 88 Navy ... . .. 84 position of Medical Corps officers stated, . , 89 of Marine Corps. .. 84 command of fleets, etc.; designation of six enlisted period established, during war ..,. 85 o£Hcers for .._, , _,,, 89 additional officers authorized for tempo- given grade of admiral or vice admiral. . . 89 mry increase ... 85 selection in time of war from rear admimaximum grades aud ranks 85 mls or captains; pay  ; ..,,,,,.,. 89 original appointments to be in lowest in time of peace, from rear admirals. . . 89 grades 85 no vacancies created by . 89 restrictions 011 higher grades . 85 regular rzmk resumed when detached- 89 existing vacancies un be ¤up§§ed._ . 85 status of "f12.g officer" not affected . 89 services of retired officers, itia, etc., former provisions repealed. 89 mt affected ... 85 Canal Zone district court to punish 0Ee¤pes chaplains to be appointed; proportion. . . ‘.» 85 against military property, defensive eligibility for appointments . 85 sea areas, etc . . .. . 89 maximum agexigmit .. . ,. 85 staff officers in be examined for promotions cadets and commissioned warrant officers to higher ranks; limitation  : . . . . 89 not required to have temporary up- 'records of examisuingboardsforpmmotiouto poiutments .,,. 86 beactedon bySocretary of the Navy. 90