Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/857

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2176 mzonx. Ojcgpg Army—Cq¤·|;inued, Pece- O oers Navy _ _ P°8°- not above colonel, to be appointed by `lgppropriatzibn gvpagay, active list . 728 President alone, when promoted to or pay ofre _ .. 728 vacancies made by creation of emer· for commutation of quarters . .. 728 gencytgetggrals . % for mg quertgrs ashore for, attached 728 permanen s us re . . ... _ mann .. · uga, f r ml allowances to under un- °"*“*’;_§‘§1f,f§1,,,1°“°“1,f§_;_1“¥‘,;;‘,’,‘;';,°f‘{’ff’Yf‘f ____ .,7 ° K1 mqaoom abroad...i . ,.. vos private property of, lost, etc, in service to fm. aiwlt ng _ re ____ J l _ _?_’__g]_ _ g_ 727 be paid for, etc.; conditions zo 479, 880 deficiency for ‘ . quarters or commutation allowed families · - f · h 5 ld b dd · tb rgmgm30f,dy1¤g3brmd ____________ 15,3], ovélin the e or a ros. uring e 530 forwgrgxpegsgghuouwonmgmmdmogw 600 ‘2 '°'°`` I ‘``'‘`° I " - ymga r -... , retired. wzned fe active dv? ee Mme {01- pay, active ust ______________________ zoo uartermasters notregar ed as serv- 1 of umd ______________________ 209 gw with -·••··-· 3 · · · ; — ·•·~·· 48 fg; gggmurtgtigu of quarters ,,,_,,.,... 209 d°t°“l°d t° °‘quv° duty °°d1@dm°r°°°° additional, allowed for temporary increase °‘ *° “*Y Pa? *°’ “°’“°° ·--·~·-·· *8 ot ouuma strength- goose umm as having han§€servicemEngineers, eligible additional d mils of {0 H dmgm for active duty in Engineer Corps.- 231 ° . · Y P maybe · edwith fun Y _ 0Hic<3aut11or1zed 38

      • 8** . '°·“k.• admiral vice admiral fades au ·

--···· z--. ········ · ······• *·:• o ‘ officer n . mY b° °°m¤¤**“°¤°d ” °“°°”° “‘ Admiral miaiilcs somnn, to receive sidraftedforces , 76 hwmca of gmk of Gemma md ¤°* :,‘°°"°,°°‘,‘;¤°‘· "° ’§§°“g’ P“Y· °*”·· 89,, Lieutenant Gown in the si-my - . . uv on waive dYn;?::¤;?ge`;§o `gyéi `QEQQ Ckiefef Neveiglperetieng. *(€ereB¤;>;ye_¤¤<;;1v;

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retirement for disability of royisiomtlly °°‘Pt’m?°’ r°p°°'& ° um mn °u year}; 87 appointed at rank h d m active m‘¥‘*‘°°° ······· . ······· : ········ me-·-I ---~-·-····-···----··-·- ***2 °°“’“$,°£°€2,“1§2'.¥,;”.i'2°,“$°,‘,i’;£,‘lf,‘,i¥,?’§°tZ““ 86 » • • » I ' ale, ¢§$Il1t0I\@ll¤ to, in uniform un- 82 dmpwd from the rolls if absent ‘ pu¤ss1tmo{€£<§£.ZZ2ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ sz §°c‘$§,°,‘{,‘,Ehc‘§‘§,§1l§§Z§g{,’{,§§f‘Y}Y___ 51,1 0 ¤nif¤¤;¤, etmbmay be furnished, at cost. . 957 rooppoiotmout bouiod _ ________________ 501 finer: 'nc insuran v1810` ns . . 409 approprigrtlion fgippgy 734 medals ciélmhonor for retired .. o . . {1;- 735 medalshdnd Navy crossto be awarded 1056 r commutation o quarters wi ou to; co 'tions ... .. troops. . Z ... _ .’ . 735 pay, etc._, yestrictions, extended fp in- §orcommuta.tionofquart4;ra(iwithtroops.. fim-ies caused by personal m1sc0n· 717 ortransp0rtmg' remainso , yinga . act .,.. . . {1 ‘ ‘ ‘ { pgngg romotions of staff to ranks of commander de .. I 213 P mdgwvo. €¤belgr¤elee¤¤¤ ------· gg comm · 11,;;,,;, gsm; com on o boards ... for w“h0‘:2*:lj0*0•¥;.-if- 213 mpompzilpmmodon examining be¤rd¤ W for commutation of quarters, with troops. 215 _ be ¤¢¢ed ¤P0¤ bY S°¢¥¤l¤*}!'Y -----· ; · 90 fog transporting mmm of ___________ 209, 600 rotued,_ may be ordered to active duty m additional, gllowed for temporaryincrease Umg of WM'? P¤'0m0¤0¤» Pay, QV! ··-· 717 or enhsted strength; grades umueo. . as may be wmperenlv advanced. my. etc- 717 detached for Army duty, eligible to tem- sea service requirements for promotions pora.ry·promot;;gn 1mder,Army er- 30 lilghtcgd grade liollisppphcablo 111 717 smt£ency_increase Act_..: .. _ ... 1 054 _ Eglsgllii exceggo gasee.fH.,. . retained, vacancies, duration . 1054 ¤¤ IMP 8§‘¤¤¤l·Y¥0 ¤€6¤¤{’Y0 _Ym8 dropped from the rolls, if absent three ¤¤ q€!'V1¢¢» ¢!W{d¤<W>¥¢¤1’<¢d 1*5* °¤ ·;¤¤**·· *.;“*··»:·,;*·*·:,,·,,,· 5,, to 1:*;*:;:1,% .:*.;.12:% ;.°."t". M o crime y Cl au . .. ¤ 1 _ pqipun t bgggd _______ _ _________ 5g] ments in rank . 89 imrzsnw prozljggg fg _________________ _ 409 uniforms, etc., may be furnished at cost to. 1054 `major generals created; one permanent, 0_$cers’ Reserve Corps, Army, ]\1¤101‘ to C0}!\1!Q211d&I1t. .- .. 715 appropriation for pay, on duty ... . . . . 45, 852 one temporary, )u.mor to permanent": .. 715 xgrmileage, on mgtiye duty . 854 pay restrictions, etc., extended to injuries deficiency a. propnqtmn ior_war expenses, P re . ac ve service . m“2s”§’£Z.EL°a’3r°s‘3‘t,?¥£;°§$2‘h°§1;;; m "`§““°" °i°“°“ °‘ S“g“" °°'*’° “ io time of warivpromotionétpay, etc 717 for enlisted men training for ..,,,,...,., 188 maybe tempom yadvanc guy, etc. . 717 for mileage on active duty . 190, six months’ gmtuity to ben ciary of, 357, 475, 827, 1028 _ servige, extended to re- appointment of former officers of the _ tired on active dpty. .. 392 Army, etc., in, at higher grade, auumforms, etc., may be furnished at cost to. 1054 thorized; conditions 73