Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/903

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2222 nmsx. Postal Serv£ce—Contimred. _ P¤z¤- Postal Service-Continued. Paso. increased compensation, 1919; salary in- fourth class postmasters, no advance in crease not to exceed $200 a year . 752 _ class for temporary increase 1199 classifications effective July 1, 1918 . 752 increased pay of prior year continued . 1199 allowances for employees at less than minimum for assistant postmasters and ‘ $800 9 YW- ··-·------~·--·--··--- 752 supervise officials ,,.. 1199 rural carriers on horse routes . 752 employees exlcluded ... . . - . 1199 not apphcable to rgpecial amistant to ten and fifteen per centincrease for 1918 Attorney Gene , and first, second, and 1919, not computed as saIary... 1199 and tlllfd (31888 ..-. . 752 d£p1'0p1'l8.tion for in(·;·g3_ggg_ _ ________ _ _ _ 1200 fourth class postmasters; allowance for ad tional appropriations from the Treaa cancellations, etc._ . ... 752 ury to and States in building mm] not advapced to third class by tem- _ postms,ds ______,___________ _ ______ 1201 porarirgncreaee ...·-· ; -------- 752 additional pay or $120ayear not applicable rates esta lished for substitute, tempo- to employees in 814 rary, and auxiliary clerks and car- of $240 a year not applicable to employ- {‘°” ·“··‘‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘‘‘ $23 ·‘‘‘·‘·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ W em o ees excep _ , .. aerop e m rates established. . 548 fivganjd ten per cent addltloual pay,1918, cotton fabrics for magobags, etc., to be pur. not computed SB salary -. ... 752 chased from Government factory at appropriation for ... 753 Atlanta, Ga., penitentiary .. 896 limitation of eight hours a day for watch- employees to assistin sale, etc., of war exmen, etc., in first and second clam _ _ cpiense bonds .,..,.,_,_____ 292 offices ..·.-..-.--------·.- _ -----··- 7 53 mnt pzresnmnal commission to ¤->c1¤¤-

 clerks at terminal and ¤1f}f,_etc., salaries, authorized. . 1200

er omces .. _ . . . 753 composrtrorr powers; etc 1200 not to extend over ten hours; overtime data from officials, etc . 1200 pay for excess . 753 ilelport; payment of expenses ...- - .. 1200 railway clerks allowed compensatory m matter on omcial usiness with Centime for Snmday, etc., work at ter- sus Office transmitted free . 1301 minal and transfer offices .. 753 penalty for private use ...·-- · ·-..-- 1301 rsadjustment authorized of contracts made matter violating National Defense, Espiopriortoluly 1, 1917, for vehicle serv- nage, etc., Act, nonmailable 230 1ce, envelopes, blanks, etc · · 753 0p0111-llgletbers, restncted .. . .,.,. . 230 cancellation allowed by mutual consent. 753 advocating treason, msurrection, or readditional ten per cent pay to emplpiylees, instance to law, nonmailable- ... 230 1918, extended to requisition ers, PUmShm€Dt_foI vrolatrons ...,.._ 230 watchmen, messengers, and laborers- 753 Venue of acuons .. . . . ...,, 231 liberty loan bonds may be accepted in penalty franlred envelopes allowed for hen of personal, etc., securmesfrom Army emergency increase correcontractors. etc 753 spondence . 81 motor vehicle truck route expmiments pneumatic tube commission continued to authorized for selected cities 5):918. . .. 431 appropriation or; re rt o results. . pneuma c u invss tion approprra-' aeroplanee and autonilgbiles suitable for ‘ _ tron immedmately available . 102 Wstal use may be received from prmted matter in foreign languages relatsr Department . -. 753 ing to the Government not to be ps ent for operating expenses . ... 754 circulated, etc., during the war 425 empgglees entering military or nayal serv- permitted if sworn translation Bled with ice to be reassigned to postmaster _ .., 425 duty; con tions. . 754 nonmarlable otherwise, . .,,.,,,,,, 425 adjustment of postmasterf claims for losses circulation of nonmailable matter unto include war savings certificates, lawful ,. , ,,_,, 426 and Government thrift stamps, etc.. 754 matter prohibited ·in Espionage, etc., limitations . z .. 754 Act .. - .. . 426 payments to postmaster for recruits, re- publication, etc., of matter not detrimental pealed _ . 754 to United States allowed on permit postal savings deposits; maxrmum allowed from the President . 426 _for, increased .. 754 notice oi permit or revocation to be nonmterest bearing, not accepted ... 754 posted m post offices ... 426 postalsaYmgsstampstobe1ss¤red;use tobeprintedinEnglishathead¢»f _ designated . 754 matter - .. 426 grading pay of clerks in nrst and second rate on first class matter increased one cent class offices and carriers for fiscal an ounce . . ... 327 year 1920 ... _ ... 1 198 drop letters at two cents an ounce .. 327 promotions; for servrcein prior year . 1198 postal cards, etc., additional one cent railway postal clerks graded; clasrfication- 1198 each .. 327 railway post offices, etc., clamified; sala- restored July 1, 1919 . . 1150 ries graded - . . 1198 letters by soldiers abroad, accepted assignments to division offices, etc .. 1199 free of postage . _ 3 27, 1150 pmmotionin classes; qualifications., 1199 second class matter;ma1led by publishclerks in charge of crews . 1199 ers, news aims to subscribers, etc. - 327 rural carriers? payforfiscalyear1920. rated. 1199 on portion other than advertisements, fourth clam postmasters’ pay rated for fiscal at Hat rates, increasing after July 1, year 1920 .. 1199 1918 . . 327