Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/995

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2314 INDEX. War Departmen¢—Continued. 1’•¢•- War tinued. · P•¢•- appropriation for clerks, etc.,OGceofChief appropriation tullilitary Academgn 90, 620, 1836 of Ordnance . . . 784, 1239 or standardizing gauges an screw Olilce of Chief of 784, 1239 threads in cooperation with Stand- Bnreau of Insnlar ° .. 785, 1239 ards Bureau, etc . . . 808,1260 Militia Bureau 785, 1239 for fortifications . 815, 1305 Oihce of Chief of Coast Artillery 785, 1239 for expenses, registration and draft . 851 for contingent expenses . . .. 785, 1239 deficiency appropriation for contingent for ibtronery. . 785, 1239 expenses .,,.,...,,__,, 10 {gr .: . . - .. ag 7 86, 1240 Eur Gettysburg lgftiokplal Parléi . rpu c dings groun ,-super- orrerm nrsi us gum 'ver emacs intendent, clerks, engineus, watch- for river andliiarbor work, damages to r $22 ‘‘‘‘‘ mmm ‘‘‘‘‘·‘‘ ’?.“ ·‘“° { l’.°°°°“‘1¤,‘s6,‘e.¢‘3;+s‘sms+·er‘ei°13B”3 or _ v , ur ‘vY or my- r a r 1 r Bu1ld1¤8¤, Bti! . . ... 786, 1240 for National Home for Disabled Soldiers. . 13, for temporary office buildings for Navy 382, 483, 839, 1039 Department and, in Hep.? Park. . . 787 for printing and binding ... 28, 378 for Potomac Park office b dings for for judgments, United States courts Navy Department and ._ ._ .. 1240 under ,... 20, 378, 836 for office buildings rn the for judgments, Court of Claims under. . 29, . ._ ... 1241 ars, sev, mss for opgnting force, temporary offics for California Débris Commimion . .· 2 so budding, Eighteenth Street and for public buildings and grounds, D. C.. 30, 831 Virgrma Avenue NW., D. C . .. 1241 for scientific assistance of Bureau of ger operating `eigpenses . .. . six Standards with, etc . ... 216 OY C1 BX§E . amen eo , . . - » HQ · BQIBW for 126 , in cocicpgation with Stand- mi ••·••·--•··•••·•·•----··<· UIGSII, 8 ... . . . aé.. fo1’ 8l'¤i0l'l$ Bhd arsenals .. - . 127, 653 for Henry C, Chappell ...,,,,.,., , .,... 476 detailed plasma for quartering ¢!00P¤» for national cemeteries . . . . . 826, 839, 842, 1025 etc., to Bubnutted . - 129 for disposition of remains of officers, for mrhtu? ,,,_,,,. ._ .. . . 129, 655 etc, ,,_,..,,,,... . ,,.,., . . , 826, 1164 for Schee d ks, Hawaii .. 129 tor- Frankford Arsenal, Pa ... 828 for Fort Monroe. .. _ z . 129, 655 for pay, etc., War with Spain . . 839 for seacoast defenses, Hawau, etc 130, 655 for war expenses . ... 184, 351, 473, 596, 826 for national cemeteries . . 130, 655 for emergency force; report to Congress for disposition of remains of officers, en- of employees .. 184 listed men, civilians, etc.; retired, for additional temporary employ- on active duty ... 130, 655 ees .,.,..,, 351, 473, 596, 1164 for national parks. - . 131, 656 limitation of higher compensafor flood control, Misimippi and Sacra- tion ... . 351, 473,596, 1164 mento Rivers . .. 132, 661 detail of Ordnance officer as disbursing for buildings and grounds, Washington, officer of Ordnance Office, D. C. . ., ... 132, 658 employees . 473 for tidal basin bathing beach, comple· reinstatement to former 'tions of tion, etc.; 658 persons honorably discmd from for Executive Mansion .. 134, 659 military service ... . 1104 for traveling expenses of the President. 134, 659 for contingent ex .. 185, 851, 473, 597 for Government telegraph .. . . 135, 660 repairs to by bulor Washington Monument 135, 660 reaus . 185 for Wakeiie d, Va. . .. . . . 135, 660 for stationery . .. 185, 507 for Commimion of Fine Arts .. 135, 660 for rent . . 185, 473, 826 for Grant Memorial .. - ... 135, 660 telephone exchange building for, aufor new Aqueduct Bridge . 135, 660 thorized . .. 473 for rivers and harbors, contract work.. 135, 660 requisition of buildings, etc., for Defor engineering maps. ... 136, 661 partment uses; ayment, etc ... 826 for survey of northern and northwestern for printing and binding . . 185, 498 lakes ... . 136, 661 reimbursement to appropriation for for California Débris Commission . 136, 661 selective draft expenses . . . 498 for New York Harbor . 136, 661 for armories and arsenals ,. 185, 352 for artilicial limbs ... . 136, 661 for Army ..., 185, 355 474, 597, 827 for appliances for disabled soldiers 136, 661 for expenses, registration for selective

 ·‘·‘ e.;rs‘o ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 62;% fo ".'i.““ ‘··‘·········‘·········· "’5·“"*§§2

or vi ce ospi , . . . r m' `tary posts ... for Garfield Hospital D. C . . . 136, 662 for national cemeteries .. 355 for National Home lor Disabled Volun- for fortifications, Panama Canal- ... 355 teer Soldiers 137, 662 for fortifications . 367, 481, 1031 for aid to State and Territorial homes. . 140, 665 for Military Academy . . ,.. 367 for back pay, bounty, and commutation for public b\]Ii1 &l1?l1DdB, D. C. 368, 483 ofratrons, volunteers of Civil War. 141,666 for temporary office b dings for Navy forarrearsofpav, Warwith Spain, etc,. 141, 666 Department and, in Henry Park 368, for printing and binding for ... . . . 174, 700 482, 598 Army medical bulletum 174, 7(D br State, etc., Departments Building. . . 369, riverandhxborreportstobeprinted 482,1032 from 174, 700 for armories and arsenals . . 474 hr Army . . ... 40, 845 for military posts . 474