Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1043

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1022 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 253. 1920. uota due from the United States as an adhering member of the llnternational Geodetic Association for the Measurement of the Earth. rmmanmi sem- Srxrn IN·rnRNA·r1oNAL SANITARY Conranmrcn: The President is “*§’cggg[,§{,{g§$,pS,0b, authorized to appoint or desI?nate two officers of the United States Bppointed re. connected with the Public ealth Service to represent the United States in the Sixth International Sanitary Conference of American States to be held at the city of Montevideo, Uruguay, in December, Expenses 1920. For the expenses of such representatives in attending the conference, including the assembliilgg of necessary. data and prepacm é d.,,,,,,,,, ,,,, ration of a report, $2,000, to be av able during the fiscal ear 1921. ( sz s . . . . Y interim- For salaries for chargés d’afl’a1res ad mterim, $8,000. cqmmzpnp expenses, Comxnenm nxrnnsns, Fom1:1GN MISSIONS: To enable the President ‘°'°‘g“ m‘“'°°S' to rovide, at the public expense, all such stationery, blanks, records, and so forth, includin the same objects specihed under this head in the Diplomatic and Léinsular Appropriation Act for the fiscal years 1914 and 1917, as follows: For 1914, $2,200; For 1917, $15,000. Travel nllewnnces To pay the cost of the transportation of diplomatic and consular mi officers in going to and returning from their posts, or when traveling under the orders of the Secretary of State, at the rate of 5 cents per mile, but not including any expense incurred in connection with leaves of absence, fiscal year 1915, $70.30. Relief of »¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ RELIEF AND PROTECTION OF AMERICAN snAMEN: Relief and prommm tection of American seamen in foreign countries, and in the Panama Canal Zone, and shipwrecked American seamen in the Territory of Alaska, in the Hawaiian Islands, Porto Rico, and the Philippine Islands, $35,000. ggparselgr Service- Sananms or rim Consrmiuz Snnvrcnz For salaries of consuls genvei.zs,`p.s0e era.l, consuls, and vice consuls, as provided in the Act approved February 5, 1915, entitled "An Act for the improvement of the foreign service/’ for the fiscal years that follow: For 1916, $1,025.26; For 1917, $2,163.25. P°“ ““°""“°“s‘ Posr ALLOWANCES TO CONSULAR AND DIPLOMATIC orrrcnnsz To enable the President, in his discretion and in accordance with such regulations as he may prescribe, to make special allowances by way of additional compensation to consular and di lomatic officers in belligerent countries and countries contiguous ghereto, in order to adjust their official income to the ascertained cost of living at the posts to which they may be assigned, fiscal year 1917, $634.26. Clerls ei ¤°¤°¤¥¤'°e- ALLOWANCE FOR 0L1=:RK HIRE AT Umrnp Srarns c0NsULATES1 Allowance for clerk hire at consulates; to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of State, for the fiscal years that follow: For 1916, $174.99; For 1917, S550. ,,,§ff’§·’,‘,f,',§‘,,§{" g“"°S’ Expenses of Interpreters and Guards in Turkish Dominionst Interreters and guards at the consulates in the Turkish dominions, Persia, Morocco, northern Africa, and at Zanzibar, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of State, for the fiscal years that follow: For 1916, $622; For 1917, $2,729.81. ¤¤¤¤l¤ee¤f e¤l>e¤eee» Commons? EXPENSES, UNrrnn Srrarns coysunarnsz Expenses of °°°`“1°°°s‘ mv-iding all such stationery, blanks, record and other books, and so i)orth, including the same objects specified under this head in the ?§plomatic an Consular Appropriation Act for the Escal years that o ow: For 1916, $908.44; Igor 1917, $5,893*11.1; ts { f _ G ts _ t { ¤ev¤*e¤%*i¤¤ **3**** e resentation 0 m eres 0 ore overnmen owing ou 0 $?niii.[°m@ G°wm` hostiliities in Europe, and so forth! Tg enable the UI§lé8d States to