Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1495

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INDEX. Xxvii Brussels. Belgium-Continued. _ Pago. Buildivgg MateriaL·1—Continued._ Page. appropgxgyon gnlr Buaoaxé fortRepression;>§4 1010 deficmgcy appropriatiogn for investiga.ti11g A can ave ra, ga ,,,,____,_ V y ., s` `t° f, ,_____,_,_ 524 for Bureau 0¥ Iuterparliamentaxy Union Buildi1mgs,r%T€C%iuDg qua ws 0 for _Pr0moting Iutemational Arbi- creation of Zoning Commission to regulate tT3·t1?I} at ... _ . . _ .. Q7 45, 1212 height, area, and use of 500 for a.<;qu1ring {/zremnses for d1plomst1c, 1214 statement of,re11ted for Government use,to e c. usesa . .. ho co t f t' uare limit of cost; subject to approval of ?oo:of a;acg..??lj.1ig 691 _ COmm1SS10D.:..· .. . . 1214 Bu.·¢ld·ing.s,_D: C'., Condemnation ofDanger01w, “““€&$%§Y£’§2L‘{’i$£“J§§0}3`?»$“¥£L£‘X B“*i5’°p"‘}}‘°é‘ “F °’f}’°'”‘i“·°*‘ yr “Y? 84* lm _ _ _ _ _ uz mgs. z ., on mma wno mam ary, mg IDt€I’D8t10D8l Arb1tra.t1o1x at 329 appropriation for expenses of board for. .é&9 1; B t, J h M., . . lyggmpggigou for services, hom funds of Buddmgs, D. C., Government Qwncd, , gonjedemted Bands of Um, _____ __ 430 departments, emhto s}1bm1tla,m1us11y in Bryant Shut NE-, D. C., ;t:(ti¢;1:1gn12o _ oga.tion, va ue, etc., 0 , . . - ]unsd1ction thereof . . ... 945 “PP’°p&°*{§£ §§1fee§“‘“€# °“" °f Nmh mc om of cm, maintenance, om., pe: B b _ PIP ···· · ‘*‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ _ _ square foot of Hour space ... 945 1; mx r1$%1$Z’so v tion of piamac 175 B“"d'"”’f°*E’"b”“‘S’ “"" · PP P IPTG ¤¤ ° -· » appropnatxonfor purchase at desngnated _ _ _ _ 885» 1377 pigies; hmit of cost, etp .. . . . 1214 d€H¤¤§;1}:ig·I£>1l;;°P¤¤¤°¤ f°¥ P¥°V6¤u°¤ of 508 commission cmatod to consxder purchase, 12 4 ...--·----- · ----····-·-·- etc .. . 1 Buchanan Street NW, D. C'., _ indebtedness of foreign governments may appropriation for paving, Georgm to Iowa _ be credited for purchase price: 1214 B MT i\venues . . 845 Bgifgts of, may be accepted by the President. 1215 uc as u arm appmrpxliation for acquiring premism for apgroygriation for minister to ... 739, 1206 _ diplomatic, etc.,_uges at. ,. - . -. 1214 de `ve%etc., of property held by Alien l1m1t oi. cost; sub]ect to approval of petty Custndmn to Government commission . . . . 1214 cf, ctc .. . . 979 Budapest, f Bullion avgd Quiz, 651 12 2 ~ appropriation for acquiring premises or appropnatxou or frengh ton ... 7 diplomatic, ctc., uses at. . . 1214 Buoyage, _ _ ’ limit of cost; subject to approval of appropmmon for . z 213, 926, 1416 commission ... - 1214 B defimenjoy ippmpriaugan img,} . ( . . 516 Buena Vista, Fla., ureau o merican epu ics see an acquiring site for new cmp plants pxggi- American Bureau). gation, etc., station at, suthonz .. 730 Bureau g Biologrioal Survey (see Bioloiicql Bufczlc, Af'. YZ, i bu build 164 ;§‘ey)Bureau. Departmentofx gna. ro anon or u c 1110 c ure. c§ n creatgd to submit Elaxxs, etc., Bureau of Census (see Census Office, Departfor bridging Niagara Rxver to Ca- ment of Commerce). nada, {mm _____, , ___,...,.,.. . .:.. 400 Bureau o{ Cbem~Lm·y (au Chemistry Bureau, payment in fg11l_ from Argny _Air Service Uepartmenp of Agricultuye). a. propmmous for Lurum-Elmwood Bureau of ikmstructwn and Repazr, Navy! pint, at ____ _ _,,__,_,, . . . . 45; appropriam;1 for construction and repmroi Q W t rms f court at . ... 39 vmwe . ... . . 14. ,8;. » ehemgngs, admiralty causes, bsnkruptpyf equipment sppplies .. Z l49,S‘26 proceedings, etc., of western d1¤· ropmmtof lxeo.y¤sge"0r"Ixe_nt11cky ’. S2? trick at .. :...2 . 395 repairs, lumwuous out aguphcablon. . 149 Bujalo Public Bridge Cmnmimzm, 400 ucfeptonsg from,Iir1e, a., of naval 89 t' d co `tion of . .. mv "l w.gua' . ... .7 gl?1 l(;:ra-bddé1¥1r§Pé)mNiAg¤3 River from clerisal, etc.. services . 149, 827 BuEa1o, N. Y., to Canada to be de- for construction plants ... . 149, 827 viged, etc., by ,,.,. 400 for construction, moreqse of the Navy. , 156, 833 authority for bearings, etc. . . . 400 for authorized submarines , ,,,, 833 to terminam in two years, __,,,,_,,,,, , ,. 400 for clerks, etc., Navy Department, , .667, 1285 Bufaloaa (see Bison, American). for temporary employees: NY— "Bufo~rd," Army Trangparz, umn . .. , , , 1, , ,‘, 667, 1236

 of, authorized __,,, , ,,,,.,.. 961 dmftmnen, e!;o,, may bG_D&1d {rom

Buil ing Inazuction, D. C., _ _ _ _ "G0¤struct1op gud I§epau·" . . _667, 1286 Sppwpriauon for salaries, 8tC.,dlV1S'10H 0828 13% I deicxencg appropriation xor co¤%t{·u6¢;;nxg§2 HSV , < an repay: . Z . . , a for motor vehicles used by elevator in- Y for coqstrucqon plants, Xavy Z .-1 . . 61 gpectors , ,,,,,,,.,,..,.. 74, 844, 1115 I a.mou11tgog<lra.xts,m4:;1;c;, etc., H1 D€p&ttment, 49 f fpecu' fel wlbuildings, 11-mcrw ..·--- · ·---··- - ...·- ees Ogtlgéto bo°;r;cri?»;$..t? .. 69 { limitazion on expenditure for dmfrsmen, schedules to be posted, etc- 69 etc.. Hgcreszed .·-.- - ---·- - _ . - 50 deposit of rgqgiptg ,,..,, , ,,,, ,,, 69 allowances zo! clggyjlgd employees m· Building Mmenhis, B qcéasedkég)?0. . . t . . T. . .t. . 334 pr1a.ts¤` f omg} tingiizeremst-° ureauo mp mules {see top _ umaes appro ing p1·§ ;f - ...,,,, , _ . 682, 1301 £u_rga,u_ Dgpgrtmem;