Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1497

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INDEX. Xxlx Bureau og Steam Engirreering, Navy (see also Page. Bureau of Yards and Docks, Navy, Page. _ureau of Engineering, Nayy), , approlpriation for maintenance. ... . . 143, 819 appropriation for machinery, repairs, etc. 149, 827 c erical, etc., services ... - . 143, 819 coast _ signal service; radio shore purchase of nger automobiles 81a`£UOI18._ 149, 827 therefrom fotgidden . 143, 819 Office of Director of Naval Communica- motor vehicle opgrgmm ______________ 820 hom ... . . . : ... 149 for contingent ,,,,__,,,__,__,____ 143, 820 equipment supphes. . . 149,827 for public works, designated yggdg and clerical, etc., services . 150, 827 stations _,_...,,,,____,__________ 143, 820 rgdio station, Otter Cliffs, Me 150 for hospital, Fort L on, Colo., etc 143 limit for radio shore station sites .. 150 for Portsmouth, N. ... 143, 820 D§II1€C118l1g€dt0"BuIB8u0fEDg1D88I· for New York, N. Y., storage facilities; lllgn . . : .. 828 for building ships, etc.. 820 for engineering experiment station 150, 828 water front improvements suspended. 820 for Coa»¤t_Guard_cuttors . 150 for Philadelphia, Pa., dry dock, etc, - 143, 820 for machinery, increase of the Navy. . 156, 833 for Naval Academy .,,,,,, , ,,__,_,__ 144, 820 for clerks, etc., Navy Department .. 666 for Washington, D. G .. . ..., 820 temporary force; pay restriction . . 666 for naval maigfazines . . . 144 drefmmen, etc., may be pmd from for Norfolk, a., storage, water front im- _ "Engmeermg," etc. . _ .. 666 rovements, etc _,,,,,.,,.,,,,__., 820 deiicleucy Appropriation for engineering. . 345, for (lliarleston, S. C., ... 820 522, 1041, 1185, 1191 for Key West, Fla . 820 Bureau of _SupplLes and Accounts, Navy, for New Orleans, La ,,. 820 appropriation for pay of the Noszriy . . . - 146, 824 exchan e of lands radio station, South name of Pay Corps chant, to Supply San ligranczisco, Calif 821 Corps . Z. . 147 acceppfance of land from San Diego, allowances for death in the service Ca ., for naval purposes ... 821 modified . . ... 824 for Mare Island, Calif . . ... 821 for provisions; commutation of rations, for Puget Sound, Wash .. . . . 821 etc . 147, 825 for Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, electric power for maintenance. . H . extensions, etc - . . . . 821 equi ment supp 'es . . . , exchange 0 part oa e credils allowed for losses in of Range, Pearl Harbor ... . ..,... 821 excess stocks .. $25 exclmnpe of of naval station, food inspection . .. 148, 826 Hono ulu, awaii . 821 clerical, etc., services . . ... 148, 826 for fuel depots .. . . . . 145, 822 employees in Department on salvage for Cavite, P. I.,fue1 oil storage -- 822 etc., of excess stocks, to be p¤1<l for Olongapo, P. I., pontoon. . . 822 from proceeds thereof . . S26 construction of hgipital at Olongnpo- - S22 for freight .., . . ., . . . .. .. 148, 826 for Puget Sound, W ., magazine ... S22 for fuel, trims rtation, etc .. 148, 826 for Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, ammunition no charter for Government ves- depot . 822 eels .. .. 148,826 for Great Lakes naval training station, for mining, etc., coal in Alaska ... 148, 826 Ill. shore protection, etc .. 822 selection of coal areas ., 148. 826 for Noriolk, Va., naval hospital ... . S22 purchasing from Government coal for Philadelphia, Pa., nav hospital 822 vard, D. C., not a plicable to Navy 148 for Son Diego, (`alif., xmrine barracks 822 for clerks, etc., Navy gepartment 667, 1286 for San Diego, Calif. , naval fuel deg?. . . 822 for temporary employees; pay re- forsubmarmoa.n¢1de¤tro}·•»rb¤se, lumstricuon ,,__, , _ _. ,,,,,.. . ... 667, 1286 bis. River, on site given by Astoria, deficiency appropriation for psy of the ... Z ... , 822 Ngvy ,___,__,,___,, , ,,,.. . 61, for Sqn 'ego, Ualnf., naval training sta.- 63, 65, 522, 1039, 1011, 1044, 1169, 1185, 1190 tion. . . . _. . . 822 for freight. .. 345, 1041, 1044, 1185, 1191 for Hampton Roads. Va., operating for freight, from former Marine Corps . .. : ... 145, 822 appropriation ,.,.. . . . ... 1169 for repairs and greeervutxon ..,_, 145, 822 for fuefsnd transportation . . » ... 522, for clerks, etc., ovy Department. . . 667, 1286 1041, 1170, 1185. 1191 for temporary employees; pay restriction. 668, for maintenance . 1041, 1044, 1185. 1190 _ 1287 for provisions., 1185. 1190 dmftnmen, etc., authorized ... . 668. 1287 limit ror services of chemists, etc., for 1921, deficiency spproprmtion for Naval Acadinc·reased.-. . .. 1169 emy . - 49 naval suppl · fund account established 1169 for mA1.¤w1m11€G - ... . . . 511. 1190 unexpendyed balances for 1919—1920 to for Norfolk, Va., drv dock . 511 be transferred to .. 1169 for Pearl Harbor. dry dock 511 deficiencies for 1920, to be charged to. . - 1169 for Port Royal, S. C., Mamie Corps statransfer of value of all stores to . . 1169 1101; ..-··-·------.·..-.--.-..--... 511 to be charged with com of store; procured for contingent Z ... 1.929, 1169, 1135 and credited with value of issues or for temporary hospital construction, etc., sales- . 1169 Newport, R. _ .. and Brooklyn. N. Y 10*29 imyment authorized of claims for oi’6cer¤’ for Portsmouth. IM H . . 1060 uarters prior to July 1, 1918 . . 511 for fuel depots- . . . . . ., 1(B0 Bureau. 0} War Risk Insurance (sec War Risk for Fort Lyon, C 010.. naval hospital .. 1030 Insurance Bureau, Treasury Depart- iorPl1iladelphi2, Pa., publicworks .. 1.169 ment). for Mare Island, Calif., public works 1169