Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1502

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miv INDEX. Cmsus, Director of, Pago. Chandler, Honorable T. A., Page. to collect, and publish monthly, statistics deficiency appmpriauon for contested elecof hides, skins, and leather. . .. 1057 Cha I tion expenses . . . 58 inf f designated .. . . . . 1057 p ain, Cmm_,,,0%L,;;1nm’ appropriation for, House of Representaapproptxgisgion fc; salaries and expenses for 678 for Stggié ···- · ·—-·-·····---·-····-· gg? avai1a.g§éi0r·{.€vr>- §eX»§ZiZZY:: I i I I ZZ 678 for Hem N- Cwdqn. emeritus, of House ’ suspension of other work, authorized. cvs _ of R<>vr¤¤¤¤¤¤t¤v¤¤·- -- - -------·---- 1255 deticiency appropriation for expenses, 1919, Ch°Pl“"”· A""?/·. preparing {OL ________________ _ ____ 54 nuxnber authonzed ,. 769 for salanes and ex cuses for taking. ..·· 515 smivlca ¤·g1=k»lP#v, °t°·i{ ·········‘········ gvgilgble mtg jpum, 30, 1922 ________, 515 ch:g C0fa.p ams, ran , pay, etc. ..., 769 GMM 01¤?¢¤·.D¤p¤¢»»¢¤¢<zf ¢'·>mg¤¤~» mug v.wg¤;ei1>s`il1i,>`i,‘i©é6Z I I I I I I I I I I ii 769 °pPr°pn°tt*°n fm umm an expemzsés 1297 future promotion, service credits allowed. 769 avaxlqbla for two years , Charcoal D_ C_ supwmm °‘ work °th?I thm Four- provisions reéu1a.tin¤ sales of ... .. 1219 . teeuth C°muF* ?'uth°nz°d"'. '°‘° 678’ 1297 Chargés d’Aj`aires Gd ifitcrim, d°¤¤¤¤¢Y ¤m>r¤§¤¤¤<>¤ for ¤¤¤¤¤<>¤ ¤·¤d54 51, ap mp,i,m,,,, go, www ______________ 746,1206 °‘P°“”°“» °‘“'°°°“*h 9°”““" ····‘‘ * ° degciency a pmpriamion for salaries 523,1022 Center Market, D. C. (ue Wxmhmgtou Market g)w.,].;“ and gm-eqiom, D_ C_, ‘ · C°mP’mY» D· C-)- appropristion for Board of Ch3:I'1t1BB: 93, 863, 1135 Central and Somh America, Eur reformstories and correctional msutu- Spplopriaticn for promoting, etc., com- tious... . 93, 863, 1135 merge with . ..,,... . ..·· - · - · 679. 1298 for medical charities .,,,._,__,.,, 95, deficiency appropriation for promoting for child-caring institutions ... 96, etc., corgmeree with- . . . . .·-·· - - · ·: 1040 ior temgorarg gmm5.;g__i;_ _________ 3;, enu·alOi¢,Nbr. °¤‘¤}¤¤1¤1 Q 8 <>¤¤<·> ----— ·· » Csppmprizuioxf for public building . 164 iw §¤d_t¤ ?%Q blind ····.--·------ 3;, . IPI-M arm en msane , , Cm! M EMM H0 L EZ? ‘°“¤»i‘%2’€€}‘¤‘;‘T;’»°5;4.; ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ 3%%% 533

  • PP’°P”°°°“ *°' °‘“° °‘ ""*‘8°"‘ *’““°"8‘§6 Iggy mr wm me .. . IZZZZIZZZ asf ssa; 1139

_ , ’ for reformatory ... . ... 98, 869, 1140 Gmail fwfgggggg ggemmyimd m in °"“'l"‘ T°””‘· W V“·· P5 ¤ ° · appropriation for public building .. 164 Utah, C0¤6!'I!1€d. .. . . . . 553 Charleston, S. C- Cmzral Powers of E¤é‘¢3P¢ (M6 also W1! with appropriation ’ for navy yard, public44 820 GGHDSD 0 · . wor s . ... 1 , termination ofy With. d6¢i¤1‘¤d. _¤¤ if- for naval magazine, public works . 144 fecting l?·¤l8¥·10D, BVI-. ¢0¤¤113¤¤¥· completing lighthouse depot at, authorized 1058 upon nts uratxon .. _ ...,.. . .. 1359 immngrant. station and dock at, may be cmzml Rnilmd Cvmumy Q! Mw Jvwy. leased ... . . 280 may bridge Delaware Rnver, Esston, Pa., conditions for maintenance, etc .. 280 no hiilipelgug; N. J. . . . ... 1955 Charleazon, Va., _ Newark Bgy,Ehz ath wBay0¤.¤¤, NJ. 277 appropmmon for operatmg, etc., Governtime extended for . .-- 1099 Clmrlomuiientllgouie .,...,., 223 Gaeal Beverages, _ _ ma se, ’irgin s a of low alcoholic strength not included m branch offices, etc., directed {or post. 0Hicc \Va,r Prohibition Act prcwswns .·-.. 30·’g at ..., 323 permits, em., requuqd", -.- · ··-· 300 "CMrZ0¢tc Graveraet Breim- ," Steamer, in Constitutional prohibition. . . ... 308 name of, changed to "T. Mshe.r" .. 365 germits, etc., required ., 308 Charlogee Harbor, Fla., cam! umu, _ _ _ pre11xm% _· examination, etc. to be made appmprigmop for investigations of ¤g¤¢¢¢¤ of channel to Puma Gorda, {mm,. . . 1011 affevvng ----·~·..-.·-.. 2-%,715,1334 Chwlvfw, N. C., Cer ala, terms of court at ..,.,, , __,_,,_,,,,,,.,.. 532 gigpmpriation for improving methods of Ckm-un, qu., Shipping, production, etc ...-..--· 2454, 702, 1322 control of rates, etc., repealed ... 988 for investigation and control of rust dm- Chatham County, Ga., mes of wheat, etc.; wheat scab or bridge authorized across Savannah River blight . . _ . _702, 1322 by Beaufort County, S. C., and, at for eradicating soil and seed mfecting Savaunnh .. . ,,...,. 1366 dxseases, Hag smut of wheat, etc". . . ZM, Chauzahooehee Rzrcr, 703, 1322 bridge authorized across, Columbus, Ga. . . 1055 cooperation with States, etc. .. 244, 703, 1322 West Paint, Ga. 370, 1055 Chmlli: Nacional Forest, Idaho, loan of material, etc., by Secretary of appropriation for maintenance, etc., of 248. War .. 370 707, 1326 Chattanooga, Tenn., Chamberlain,_S, Dah., time extended for bridging Tennessee appmprionou for public building .. . . . . 164 River at. .. . . . 292 Chandler, Okla., Cheboygcnu, Mich., appropriation Inv public building ... .. . 164 appropriation for public building .. . . . . 164