Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1512

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xhv INDEX. Cgmmgrcg, Page. Committee on Indwkm Afaira, House of Rep- Page. a. ro riation for ex BHSSS, regulatin in- resentatives, _ pp Pte,-Sum _____ __________ 1%},888,1380 investigation of Indigm Serv1ce by memdg§cig¤cy ap mpriation for expenses exe- bers Of, 8-l1th01'1Z€d ··----···---···· 34 cuting Eaws regulating. 1159 approprmtxon for ... 34 Commum Fweign and Do,,w_,t.;c, powers conferred, etc .. 34 appropriation for promoting and develop- Committee on Post Ojiocs and Post Roads, ing .. . .,,.,,., 679, 1298 House of Representalwes, branch offices expenses ...,,, 1298 chairman and four members to serye on deficiency appropriation for promoting. Joint Postal Serv1ce Comm1ssion... 583 6tc -·-·-·--····-·-··-··--··-··· 524,1040 Committee on Post Ojius and Post Roads, Commercial Attaches, _ Senate, appropriation for salaries and expenses. 679,1298 chmrman and four members to serve on degciency appropriation for . . 524, 1188 Joint Postal Servme Commissaon. . . 583 Commission for Purchase of Diplomamb and Committee on Printing, .[o£n_t (see also Joint Consular Premises, Committee on Prmtmg), _ creation and comEsition of ... 1214 to determine printing of enrolled b1]1s on plans, or propose. for purchase of build- parchment or mtable paper ... 520 ¤¤s¤· ¢¤ be ¢<>¤s¤d<=r¢d bw - ---·· z-- 1214 cmmum on rum znfmmmm on azw PU-Wha-ses fmm f°T?1€¤ G°V€¥'¤m€¤t·¤ m" Public Infomation, Committee on), débwaifi ifmwd $$**96 subject 10 1214 closing up agzcézgnts and gffairs of. . . 327 3 V ° —·--—····----···---···-- miltee on zin a etc. rm pricelig be credited to debt mem: . 1214 C‘"" Naw, ,,,_f"_}”,,,,,€Sp}f.,3,,, ’ °f ”’ Cmnmismlon of Fine Arts, appointment of five Senators and five appropriation for expenses 177, 886, 1378 Members as ... 604 advice of, to be obtained, of proposed me- report of investigation and recommendamorials, etc., in Arlington Memo- tion. . . 604 rial Amphitheater . 1440 Committee on Revision of the Laws, House of approval of, required for monument to Representatives, mark starting point of motor convoy printing of bills, etc., authorized for use of., 370 Washington toSau Francisco ... 1062 Commwees, Joint (see under Joint Commit- Cmnmimlrn on nduatrial Relatiom, tees). deficiency appropriation for . . ... 1043 Cmnnwditnhs, Commimlon on Postal Servwe Sala:-ka, etc., foreign financial corporations prohibited Joint, _ dealing in other than speciied . 381 continued until next sessmn ... 1053 fixing grices, etc., of ,.. 381 Commiutoncrs of Coneiliatum, Common arrkrs (see also Transportation a1ggropriationfor expense? of . gg, Act, 1900), { cien appropriatzion orexpensesu , revisions relin u1shmg' Federal control o Cammisdmcxrs, ?7lI‘|a0d State: Courts, 210 024, 1413 P railroad. , 45; ap mpriation or ees . , regu1ationssstotransport' liquorsb 31 degciency appropriation for fees ... 52, 62. 64. Common Cambs by Water (.::15 abt}: Merclsiant 347, 349, 525, 1040, 1043, 1045, 1176, 1188, 1192 Marine Act), Commimbns, [ntenuztizmal (see International restrictions on transportation with foreign Commxssious). countries, etc., by- , , _,,... . . . . 996 Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, Senate, Common Carriers, Railroad (sec also Interchairman and two members to serve on state Commerce Commision), Short Time Rural Credits Com- appropriation for enforcing uniform system _ mxitee  : .-. 730 of accounts by ,,,,. 179, 889, 1380 Commune em; -Ag1'1»C1Ll¢’ll»T¢, House of Repr¢· for compelling use of safety applianceséég mm wes, chairman and two members to serve on for securing reports of accidents, etc ..,, ’ 179, Short Time Rural Credits Com- 889, 1380 mittcc ...-.---.--.--.---·- 730 for investigating block signal and train Commizuefvn Banking and Currency, House f contro systems, etc .. .. 179, 889, 1380 0 R¢P*’¤m!¢1¢w¢8» or ¤¤certa1mng` sical valuation of chairman and two members to serve on property of. .. 179, 889, 1103, 1381 Short Time Rural Credits Com- for securing infomation of stocks, mittee »·.-.. . ·---.---- 730 bonds, etc 179, 889, 1103, 1381 Committee cm Banking and Currency, Senate, for compelling use of safe locomotive chairman and two members to serve on boilers by ... 179, 889, 1381 Short Time Rural Credits Com- deficiency apivroprintion for ascertaining _ mxttee _ ... , 730 physics valuation of property oi, Committee cm Foreign Afam, House of Rep- etc ..,,,,,,,_,,_,,_____ , ___,,__ , , , 504 resentativee, prohibition against omcers, etc., having chairman and ranking minority member interest in purchases thereof, dete; serve on cogmimion on purchase 1214 E {erred tolnnuary 1, 1921 ... . ... 499 cemb•sy,e . premises . eectiveto¢orporationsorgn,n;'zedsince GPHWFUQGON Foreign Relzxtimu, Senate, January 12, 1918 .. . .. .. 499 chamnansnd nnking minority member to Communication Confemwz, International, save on on purchase of 1214 a¤th0t%e% to be convened at Wallington, 367 embssy, ., prenuna . . . . . tobeciuirmmotomndim .. 1214 •ppropu·iationforexpe¤¤s•.. ... 367