Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1520

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Iii INDEX. Crow Indian Reservation, M¢mt.—C0ntd. Pago. Custer National Forest, Mont. and S. Dak., Page. consolidated fund made from all trust funds appropriation for maintenance, etc., of 249, Iglalzyncestgzzi ... . 707 , 1327 uses Eslgua ·; ----·····-·----···· Custer State Park Game Sanctuary S. Dak., bahuces to b? dmmbubed Pm Tak}- · · 755 areas in Hamey National Foreét set aside competqnt Indmns alloweq. to recewe 111- as breeding place for game _____ _ ____ 986 d1}'*d“al sham °f M6 °t°°k from ,, unauthorized hunting, killing, etc., in, a mba] her?} ····· 2 ·················· 55 misdemeanor. . 986 °f wife and mm"` children ······-······· 755 unishment for. ... 986 °°mZm}°“s» etc ········· · ·············‘· 755 Focal game laws as to private or State commmsxon to complete enrollment ... 755 lands not affected 986 provisions governing, pay ew .. 756 ' '· '`''`'``’ ·=¤mv1¤*i¤¤ wi**·i¤¤*¤m¤*·**·¤ ~--·--·-··· 756 f°’§$§;‘—22°1;¤“§Sf§$€ed°%$§?Z€Si;;¤ `’‘‘`` gig

    • °“‘g”°` aff; °‘ h°m°°“"“* "“°"m°“‘ °‘ 6*0 ,56 exchange ¤r_1¤mas with south D»kJ£i,`i;i

tmgegtgdodr ¢==¤¤¤¤i<>¤ *0* imjnveg ,56 {‘£Q’{£'§`22%¤€§’£?}Z,L3€s‘??i.¥?T ffififj 986 me Ofbgg on approval of Sccmmry pep 756 othsr nghts not restncted .. 987 mlt ..-· ·····--- -······ ··-· - -·-· Cuswmv character gf, restricted __,, , ,__,_ _ ___,,, 756 appropriation for collecting revenue from. 174 allothois {slowed to make changes to group 756 d tecf f fm d t 174 388% o ings,ctc .., e 10D.0 n s,ec..-..t.. , sale of trust lands to actual settlers who only one appmmer for Baltxmoro al- ’ served in the World War, ctc . . 756 lowed. ._ . . . .: .. 883 gymentg allowed ,,_,___,,,_,,,,_.,.,. 756 for automauc rocqrd1ng scales. . . 174, 883, 1376 scgool sections granted to Montana 756 for compensauon m heu of moieties . 174, lien selections for allotted lands, etc 756 _ _ _ 883, 1376 appropriation for lands granted to State. . . 757 deficxency apgzopnatxon for port of New minpral rights reserved to` Indians ... 1 . 757 York ters. 44 Indmn chddreu to be admitted to public for collecting revenue from . ... 61, schools of Statue .. t . 757 _ _63, 65, 344, 347, 5212 1023, 1183 tracts to be set ande for public uses at 75 lnding ang}; unlading vemels at mght, town sites . 7 Sun ys, ctc ... -. . 402 paul; at Crow Agency not included.: 757 extra compensation to customs emrece1ptsfor1;>t.s to begcditecg-E30 Indmns. 757 ployees for .. . . 402 appropriation or ne coun expenses 6X8Il11.¤11]g' , t ., ’ baggag .. 402 from tribal gud Z . 757 basis of mts; ... fz. . 402 wart of commttee to Washmgton .. 757 payment by master, etc., for customs Grow Imhgmg, Mont., _ _ _ 0$cig,1g ___________ _ ________________ 402 nppropnatxou for fulfllhng treaties Wlthxéoy to bl? t]-Laid if Egorting under orders, 2 _ we erwor'gornot 40 Ou¤i1:V6Y. ==\U0t¤¤8» Gtc-, of l¤·¤1d¤ to -····~·-- 751 bourdinlg ofgicers allowed exga compensa- » , , , . ~ t · ii, . .. 402 nppropmmon for preserving rpouuments, wO;5¤g01?o¤?;;B;$;Y;;§?1§i;gg;gp0n(;t§0 dew;. ctcl, to soldmrs who fell m ... 185, 896 mine Overtirnet ________ 402 ?°" ”I§m*°*°' *° ·--·—--·····—-·-····· 73*% 1206 pay of tcmpvmry laborers may.};-f}$=$Z1`£st Culwnv ; Q; { { I t al _ _ not exceeding local rates ... 536 appwgzzigs OF cam 0 €P€¥`¤» 8 c·» mv B4 814 hmxt; crecéxgs for allowances paid in ex- . ······ .· -: ·--—-··-···-·-·-- — · r cw 0 ormcr rates 536 d€fi€1€¤(‘Y ¤PP?0lP*'mt}0¤ f°*` Cam 0i l€P€‘*`B» authority to cease December 31, 1920... 536 Cumbnhfig “**““°“ “* ··············- 49 restrictions <>¤ importing coal-tar products, bridge rlatuthorizbd across, near Clarksville, 2 Cmmms gggzzedcmglojmmw 20’ 1920' ' 361 ann . . 82 . . · . » construction of lock and dam on, above °ppr°pmm°“ for ”a!“n°“ wd °XP°¤·”B- 68'L1306 Nashville, Tenn., authorized when UWBOMS CZGGQS, loca; interests have complied with Sppfvpmgouugg Salaries and expenses, con itions imposed . 1014 com uc . . .. 207, 921 1410 "Cumberl;md," Sgagoing Dredge, for fees, etc., witnesses before Board of I transfer authorized to appropriation for General Agpraisers . . 207, 921, 1410 xmlyrovinlgg, etc., Savannah harbor- - . 1014 Custmna Division, reaaury Department, Curremzy, jmbted tutes, Bppfopliatinn for chief of division, etc . . 645, 1266 gold certxficatcs payable to bearer on de- Cmcoww Tar{j“s,_ Internacional Bureau for mnnd made legal tender for all debts. 370 Publwazwn of, Curt/iss Aeroplcme cmd_ Motor Ccrizcratalom, appropriation for annual contribution. 743, 1209 paymegf to, a.u&:h3¤zedBinE21 for "Cycl0psi;’ DQS. Ship, mwoo p ant, u , A'. .. 455 war ris ·i ~¤umn granted th I t 37" cwm.E1m»u»O0d Pam, Y, O czeczw-szm-GIEQ, ce °S° °S °° ° payment for, authoriqed_ from Army Air _ appropriation for minister to ... 739,1206 Gush Sirvxce ayhzroivnamons . . .. 4o5 man U3 ., D. approprizticn for support, abc., of Indians 3 D ¤ ·--·---·-·--·-·—····----·—-····- I airy Crm , TV ld’ , C'wh‘m¢m lmlwhn School, Tawnw, Wash., foreign giimmzntsc to be invited to be tpprvpmmcu for support, etc., oi. . - . 27 represented in . ... 1347