Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1558

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xc INDEX. Fort de Russy Military Reservation, Hawaii, Page. Fort Mackenzwk, Wyo., Page. right of way across, grunted to Honolulu, to be immediately taken over for use oi for sewer system; conditions 1438 War Risk, etc., patients . ,,,,__,__, 1365 Fm Douglas Mimmy Resmamm, Utah, ¤m¤¤¤Q allotted for incrming hospital _ licenses for removing sand and gravel from, _ f%¤1-11*195 ·-·-·-- ; -·--·---·-—-·---· 1360 1, 1““*°’“$;L; · 1; · ;,m.· · · or · 588 F‘Z$§""’”*”¤N“”?' ”5“"3‘*"" P“" 144 · t t , t ro na on_or_ re gang ng llligratlor watgg supply system .. 406 Fggxrgllzgaf/¤g¤pZ>1¤e Islggdsét, _ Fort Fairfield, M'e,, 10 01‘ C0l1r ru mg engineer appropriation for public building . 165 Fm Mojljlfzaxiibgé/-· ····-···——·-··· 610-1350 Fort Gibson, Okla. · · ’ " · bridge ¤¤¢h<>riz€d ww Ark¤¤¤¤¤ River 29 3pPm}$lll°ll .f?l-l`ll)l)?l l il'. T) . 1247 Dear ······-----·-··-······-- - --··~ 6 Fort Mojave, Ariz., Fort Hall Agenq; Idaho, appropriation for Indian school .. 9, 415, 1232 appropriation for support, etc., of Indians deficiency appropriation for Indian school. 66, at .. . ... 31, 434, 1248 345, 1039, 1042, 1171 Fort Hall frufian Reservation, Idaho, _ Fm": M0”{0€,_ Vao _ V appropnation for support, etc., of Indmns “PFY°PL*l·}0¤ E Cog: Am-UQYY Sch@-8él)g6i at ..,._,.,_.,_._.,,..._, 13, 418 1234 vryv r , r0 S, an S€W<¢r¤· - --

  • 0* mmm 0* muon mm- · -4,; 1;;; F‘;’;,£“;;%?;%;0£“fO?iiml.m plant at ' 961

comprehensive report on enlargement, ’ FO'! Ped? #@7163/, M0"!-» _ · eww to be gupupttgd _____ l _________ 418 appropriation for support, etc., of Indians deficiency appropriation for mamtenanco _ Ni ·--··~-·-- ······ 15,31»420»434» 1236 of irrigation system . .. 1171 d¤fi¤¤¤c{ ¤Epr¤1>¤=¤¤<>¤ for wppvrt. ew, Fm Hwy F P 2*],}* 1,*** ·‘·· by ············ lm Army medical supplies to be transferred to °" °° . . um “‘"'""°"# . °"t·2 . . Public Health Service for hospital at 1025 “PP’°¥;'}§::;"§B _“_’_‘g,“§‘_;';1, 1237 ·F‘”`t L"P""Z“' ¢'ig"“’y» Id“h"» . allowance for passenger vehicles . 16, 421 9·PP¥°P¤’·¤°¤ f°1' ¤“PP°1't» Btcw °f Indians allottess may select classified coal lands. . . 421 ¤*· ; ··-· ; ------—-~-·-·—··——- 3L 43% 1248 reservation or mining rights . 421 Fort Lapwan Indian Reservation, Idaho, allotments from irrigable lands allowed grant of of Indian school lands to Lap- unallottgd children on ,,,,.,._,,,,,, 422 wai Rural High School District 553 homestead entryrpen on ceded lands, al— proceeds to (lfédlt of he; Perce Indians. 554 lowed addmoual time for paymg Fort Lapwm. Indian Sanotonum, Idaho, installments . . .,.,..,... 365 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of 5, interest payments to be made ... 365 410, 1227 time of payment; further extension . 366 Fort Leavqmqorlh Kam., commutation payable m full 366 approprmticn {or Army Staff School and inuerestto credit of Indians . 366 _B€!'V1C\§ Schools Bt . . . . 106, 950 forfeiture of entry on failure to make for 1I¤pl’qVmg Wilter Supply . 961 payments when due . , ,.,.. 366 for buildings, motor traming school . 963 patent authorized of block for school purfonquarters for officers, etc . . .. 963 poses in Waukea town site on former. 549 deficiency approgfiation for bridge across of unappropriated blocks in each town gziimourite `ver; local contribution 510 I site cebiegdlandég . 549 or mam nance __,,__,.,,,,... n ` to `I; to . 549 Boughton Memorial Association may erect Fort Plain, lllpli, lm sc 00 building on , .. 130 appropriation for public building .. 165 portion for post ofllce to be given fme of Fort Randall Military Reservation, S. Dah., clings --.. . ... 130 cash sales of lands in former .. 550 Fort Lo¥an _. Roots, Ark., _ Fort Revere, Mas:. sale o portion of lands, to Big Bock Stone expenduure authorized for real estate at. . 455 and Construction Company. .., 625 Fort Riley, Kam. revocabls lease of additional lands to same appropriation for Army Mounted Service Qompsny , ..,...,. 626 School ... . . 106 to be immediately taken over for use of for Cavalry School .. 950 War Risk, etc., patients . .. 1365 Fort Sill, Okla., amount allotted for increasing hospital appropriation for Army School of Fire, facilmes, em., of . . . 1265 Field Amino;-y ,,______,,,,,,,...,. 106 Fort Iqyong, Qolo. for Infantry School of Arms . 106 appropnatgn lor naval hospital, public I 3 got Artillery School ... 950 Wof . - .. 4 or 'e Art11l' e inst ti ... 950 deficiency appl-ogriation for enlarging substitution of lrnlrfan mcS¢?lI:ool, Camp naval hospital at .. 1030 Benning, Ga., foylnfacntry School oi Fort M6D8Tm11¢ Agency, Nw., Arms at ...,... 453 appmpiation for support, etc., of Indians For: Smith, Ark., 31 . _ 4 34, 1248 site of old Federal jail, granted tp . 396 Fort .l(cHgm;y, Baligmore, Md., Fart Stanton Savéatorzum, N. Ma.,

 e d»ed1¤` ting up roprziation or wuhouss  875

1'¤¤¤1¤¤¤¤.t to Scott Key, Ear alterations, 5:: . . 1368 and at _ . . ... 1391 Fort Toaqz, Da}., _ Co¤g@mal oemmttee to attend". .. 1391 appropriation for Indian school . 19,424, 1240