Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1589

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INDEX. oxxi Irrigation——Continued. Page. Irrigation, Indian Rcseruations——Continued. Page. permits for prospecténg publiic lands in expendigxres for, oplFor1t]?elkg1t;pf Mona, Nevada for un ergroun water Ellp- a en agams an ene regar - ply for . . _ .. 293 _ _ less oi ownership .. 1357 plans for additiona.l, of l?1per1al Valley, Irrigation froyects, _ Calif., to be exarmn , etc . 600 appropriation for mmntemnce, construcamount authorized for expenses of ex· tion, etc,, of designated, on Indian nmjnationg, etc ,_,___ _ _,,__,____, 60], Rmervanons ,__,__ , .,,,,,,,. 200, 408, 1226 water suppl for other uses than, may be lands within, no longer needed, to be sold, 605 i\.I.l'l'l1B{. ed from reclamation projects; e c ... 1. . . conditions, etc . 451 Island Park, North Fork of Snake Rwer, · · · 1 , W tern Ida"? . Ifgvggiigfriiuqnwon 2:;* mvzdgédom in com 0010 author-lied ¢ Anthony, fqrpark 0 nection with, of mcbmed lands _ and memorial purposes, condmons. 1 93 under Reclamation Act 2%,703,1323 (gfegwm Caml). I""?“tl°"¤.I?‘d"h" R“‘"’“t':°""Y* preliminary examination, etc., of, to be ¤PPY°P§i;u9¥; f°Y,2°¤°°°? °·u°*m°“*§ 4*38 1226 mgdg _____________,_______________ 1013 nc ro ec . . . ... f<¤ mi¤¢<=U=¤?¤¤¤l¤ ¢¤P¢¤¤¤¤ ··-· . ···· 3;.*09:1226 Iuigimpmma for ambassador to 736,1206 {Oz °‘i°P?r°;ig° mum gmlging 1226 Itasca County, Minn., .°° °gl?°‘ . urvey ‘‘‘‘ I ‘‘‘‘° ’ ’ a rianon for tuition of Chi pewa In- . f°" mV2Sug°‘l‘m$ n°w Pmlegm ‘’‘‘‘ 4* 409* 1226 ppmpdian children in school di)strict No. for specxlied progects from tnbal funds 409,1226 6, {mm 1914 to 1920; hom Indian for irrigation ¤¤z¤¤¤¢¤?-,- · - ; -···—· 4»4°9» 1226 md, ______________________________ 1236 for superintendent of irrigation 4,409,1226 Rawamba Cwnm, Musa i01’ i¤}V€h¤8· 9*36-» °XP°“°°'.-ci · · ·i · 4·409· 1226 bridge authorized across Tombigbee River, P¥’°1°‘;1t:d¤P°°’£c‘1lY P1`°“ sd °’·4°;°69 122,, near Iron Wpod Bluff, by board of 391 C u ···· · ················ · » yvisgrs _,_.,,_,,_,_,_,_,,,, interchangeable amounts for , Bupa 0 ` damages, etc . ..:..-1 · . » J owners to reimburse irrigation charges Jack Rabbits ’

 fx?.   ji _   409 appropriation for devising methods of de- 1335

use of reimbursable mouegrestrictpd. 409 Jmwn ;°;°,Q,_Y,;‘;g‘ ‘‘····‘‘•‘·‘·‘·‘‘‘‘‘·‘‘ for maintenance, etc., Gila ver, Ariz,. 10é extension 0, Bémetkhmugh grounds Of, by - · 415* 123 New Orleans authorized 1354 for Colorado River, Ariz . . 10415,1232 . hu reserved · 1355 for %aint/enancp, etc., Ganado prxgbgrifis 1232 Jackglogrw Ky., ---·---·. . .. . §or eirtaeiqigrlg, Laps Ut-rgrl 1’ne1§lJ,'1(I;ll(0{.. 10, 4%% Jaliékgomyigglgvrgltlat ... . . , ..., 400 te , a wer, nz . · · ’ " - - mad fg; gitairgenllagnce, San Xavier, Ariz- . . 410, 1232 pmhmumfor v;°8°;;_°l*?wamm°J‘)1(iE1{:;li‘}'I’)°mb° ° mu for maintenance, San Carlos, Ariz. .. 416, 1232 Jackmmule Tam. Y ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ for 5\°;;°Stmcu°u’ etc" Fort AI?m3h,$i6 1233 operation, of scliool for children of emot d_3;¢¤i¤¤ dmv sm-» fa Gus 2*3,, ,.,,., .£’L‘il1?;°.?.0?£..? Tf‘.‘?‘?€‘?f’..T‘T7‘TTY‘f?‘T’f‘3 000 {lz ‘'‘' `‘’‘°'`'°' J `'`''` ·' “Jail D. C, (see Washington Asvlum and Jail, f tens. ce charges Xuma, Calif". 12 ’ . · sg; ;l;li¤0m:c0, FortHa1l, Idaho. 13,411%,1234 hmm 2,}; Y {OY m”im"““*°°°* Rm B°1k°°'p* M°°t’,i.;O 1.}.% proliminarr exarriination, etc., of, to be ¤ I “ . · . " ’ ". de including entrance .. 1010 { t t Flathead, Mont. 16,421, 1237 mx ’ - {Zi §§§SJE£§E£’ rm Per, Mm- 16,421, 1237 ¤*¤·e¤¤¤ mm Pecomc Bay *0 -·--····---· *°*° my construction; B1ackieet,Monc. 16,421, 1231 J¤m¢¤_R¤_v¢r, Va., _ _ for improving, Crow, Mont ... 16,421, 1237 PT`9hmm3¥'Y €X$F¤mU0¤» em-, Of, to for maintenance, Pyramid Lake, Nev. 17, Camp EHBUH to be made —·---·---·- mu 422, 1238 Jameatoum, N YZ, {Or maintenance, 3{oapa River, Nev 1238 terms of court, at .. 395 for maintenance, Laguna Pueblo, Nev. . 1238 Janitors to Committees, House of Representaior maintenance, Modoc Point, etc., tires, _ _ Klamath, Oreg ,...,,,.,,,.. *25, 428, 1243 appropriation for. , 63o, 125o for constructing, Uncompahgre, etc., apapcoilrixtmegit sitio Gigs, 1256 Ut ,Utz.h . . 27 430,1245 p e un or r per rcoseo _ {er magtenance, Yalcin§?gash.. 27;-131, 1246 J Congress 636 12aB ` . t nsion, Yakima, '· ... 28 apan _ _

 §cln;ru•;tionB$ho§roneKr\aY§i·o.- 30, 433, 1247 apprioprmtion {gc arx;1t§arl;sacg¤;r;11m  Zig,  

f improving, 1U om ey row or apanese · o _· i -, - or Mom; ________ T __________,__ [ _____ { 196 ¤.ssismm._ ... . L40, 1206 0r·ra01sir§y x0p§r05n0s0¤ my 0010,0%; 64 66 §g;;§§;?;$§g?¢g¤¤·-é ---·---·-- ,g;l2,g; ve , 1*1 . . . .. , , _ ¤ ‘‘ '‘‘‘ ,_ f K1 mh' O,.9g_ ____________________ 62 mr ground rent of embassy .. •42, 1208 fg; Sh$one, Wyo ... , . 64 Jatparaese Beetle, _ _ protisions govermng sllottees, etc., in encrency sppropnauon for expenses pre- (row, Mom. .. 753 venting sprcad of ..----·---·-... . . . . 338