Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/160

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SIXTXYSIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 9. 1919. 139 The provision of existing law which requires the Secretary of the b0§{g"§j}i‘jI§€j§‘€a‘jj,§‘{{f Navy to make computations semiannually as of July 1 and Zlanuary aug. 1 of each year and to convene the boards to select officers of the line roll?} p` 578; V°1' and of the staff corps for promotion is hereby amended so that said computations shall be made and said boards shall be convened at least once each year and at such times as the Secretary of the Na may direct, and the boards shall recommend for promotion subvii number of officers as may be necessary to fill vacancies then existing and which may occur during the next period of time. _ That nothing contained in this Act shall be construed to reduce eigiiiiiiiieiiiiiiilrilziriiirif the pay or allowances of any commissioned, warrant, or ap&ointed officer or any enlisted man as authorized by law for such officer or enlisted man in his present ermanent status in the Regular Navy. R _ Enrolled men of the NavalpReserve Force and of the Marine Corps Irisdziifiiisiiuty our- Reserve, other than commissioned and warrant officers, who have {§;§1;h,$,‘;;*r(}?]?g’€;g*{; performed active duty during the war, may, upon their own applica- mgm: Navy, em. tion, be transferred to the regular Navy and Marine Corps, respectively, to serve the unexpired term of their enrollment in such rating or rank as the may be found qualified under such regulations as the P __ Secretary of the Navy may prescribe: Provided, That men so trans- C§§£§§,,_ ferred shall have at east one year to serve in the regular Navy or the Marine Corps before the expiration of their currentenlistment: N0, to Exceed aw Provided further, That such transfers may not be made in excess of morizeasueurth. the authorized enlisted strength of the Navy or Marine Corps: Pamm Provided further, That enrolled men so transferred shall be entitled to and receive the same p)ay, rights, lprivileges, and allowances in all reslpects as now provided y existing aw for men regularly discharged an reenlisted immediatel upon expiration of their full four—year enlistment in the Regular Navy or Marine Corps. rmei auowameto All enlisted men of the Navy and Coast Guard who have served g,§2§;Bf,°*§,8g{,*rg“6n‘,§'§,g in the war with the German Government and who may hereafter be ruuterm. discharged or who have been discharged from the service since No vem er 11, 1918, and before the expiration of their full enlistment shall receive, under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Navy may prescribe, an honorable discharge and shall receive 5 cents per mile rom the place of his discharge to his actual bona fide home ,,,0,,,_,0,_ or residence, or original muster into the service at his option: Pro- S¤¤¢r¤··*¤1¤11¤w¤¤¤¢·~ vided, That for sea. travel on discharge, transportation and subsist- C0m,m,m_ ence only shall be furnished to enlisted men: Provzkled, That the records of such men warrant such honorable discharge. · M ust M Any enlisted man of the Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard, who, r¤m°§¤a»i».Iimei»nigebmsince Februaigy 3, 1917, and before November 11, 1918, enlisted for “Q>’,,,,·,,§‘§{’i,,,$§§’,,,*’,§ the period o four y ears shall upon his a plication made to the discharge. etc- Secretary of the Navy on or before Septemliier 1, 1919, be held and construed to have enlisted for the duration of the war and shall when discharged be granted an honorable discharge, and upon the taking effect o this Act shall be notified by the Secretary of the Navy of his ,,m,m_ rigpt to file such application: Provided, That said enlisted man IS gcrédgtivtpéh mm ot erwise entitled to an honorable discharge; Providedjuriher, That- 0;;(§,,,,f Y ” the return home of the American Expedition Forces shall not be thereby delayed: Provided further, That any Zhilisted man who takes saw? pay if ¤¤· advantage o the rovisions of this par aph to secure a discharge whim; °r °°ry°°”’ from the Navy, Mparine Corps, or Coastagruard, and thereafter reenhsts within four months in the Navy or in the Marine Corps, under conditions as now prescribed by law, for a period of four years, shall be_ entitled to receive the benefits of the gratuity pay provided by

 law for r€B¤1i$tm8¤tS•   periods

Enlisted men of the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard, who myr»e¤e¤ae¤,m. enlisted for the period of the war or enlisted for a period of four years between February 3, 1917, and Novemberill, 1918, and have therr