Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1631

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INDEX. olxiii No-vy——Continued. Page. N4wy—C0nti11u0d. _ Pago. eutombment in Arlington Memorial Am- prohibitions against unautlwnzed use of phitheater, of members of, who ren- uniforms, etc., to be enforced ... 836 dered conspicuously distinguished authority of Secretary of the Navy .. 836 service; requirements ... 1440 Reserve force retainer gay withhold on families ofdeomrmssioned officers, etc., al- gfailure to perform uty . owe transportation upon change use moneys . of permanent station ... 604 service requued of Fleet Naval Reserve. 837 permanent station defined ...r.. 604 age limitfor promotion by selection may be transportation of household effects allowed deferred until June 30, 1921 837 mmpemormel, asfor Armgr gr Manx? Corps. 604 naval supplgr account fund estabhshed ' 'rary stores, ew., including r estate, transfer o appropriations, etc .. . mag) be iutarchanged with Army, H2 to be chgrgegi wigliigt oftlitores prowi out compensation . · cure an c wx xssues or Naval Reserve Force in enlisted ratings sales .. 1169 mayhbe eiglployed on active duty. . . naval sérpply accognt priices to be fixed by 1170 number “mi aymaster enem . wm of duoy required ... 834 material purchased during the war to bs enrollment only for general service . 834 issued at reduced prices. . .: . . . 1170 limjtgggine officers on actxve duty gg: 1ossestcblecl)n;§edt(:0 rcépecuve gmds 1170 ta can . . .. tatonz ocersau enieserve otlioers gn aviation and andliary 834 paymelllgtedumeu employed to take census 1361 service aut 0nzed` . of ... - - existing tem rary appointments contin- ent directed to San Francisco Bridge ued tollgecember 31, 1921 .. 834 paym Company in settlement of constrqp- Naval Reserve officers continued on tion contract, Pearl Harbor, Hawau. 591 activeduty until December31,1921. 834 payments made and obligations incurred in Naval Intelligence Office .. 834 under, app riation act, 1920, apno reduction of Regular Navy strength 834 pmved from¤?u1y 1, 1919: . - . _. -_ 272 Naval Reserve and temporary officsrp my pension increased for semce m CIV}.! or be retired for disability m lms of 834 MexicanWari1 . 585 dm? ·-····· · ·—·-·---·-·-··---··-·- sfwfmwtéf WPP `¢¤ may 0118 Y temporary oiiloers may be transferred to qu CoastGuard officers, etc., from . 506 permanent appomfments. . -..-- : · · $34 Public Health Service officers. ..: .. 507 Limit. for line; from Rs¤Bl‘V6 FlY1¤8 834 rams allowed Eilusiouteilrs for loss of hmbs or 982 Corps ...--- sight w ein e .. Staff Corps. ... ci . 1 . , . 835 readjustment of payL§tc.,tgf, pgrsonneljo rankandp ence eivermm U1 s be iuves t ,e., ysp line. . 835 joint comggtee of Congress . 604 from Naval Reserwge Fyres .---- , .---·· $35 retainer pay of Fleet Naval Reserve re- Coaot Guard, serving m IMVY d\1¤J-18 Nw turning to active duty Wllilllll one World War may have permanent ap- month Z . . Z . . 603 .,,.3’°.l“‘*“°“‘E.?‘$°`?2 ‘‘`’`°°‘°```‘`‘` gg? ““‘° °"°m“md§‘L£°§ "§.‘i‘$“.m¥f 2£°§¤‘?}r£L’£‘ canons, , e .. z · - co 0 — gervice in, credited for naval l0¤gGV1W ing- Pacific Coast nava bases, etc... 1088 pay . - - 835 use of radio stations and ap aratus, for warrant officers holdizrg mmpggagy Navy mss and commeyqialp messages; 1061 mmisions in e war, SVG per- [’iuu'tations, etc . $¤¤€¤* 9·PP°iI£m€¤t$ -·--·-·~ ···- vocational 5ebabilitat§>’: of per- 159 ualifications; ran , pr ence, -.-- s wcharged m, e1d:e_ n _ : P¥g°°d°¤°° °f $**5 °m°"” t¤msf°“°d comggldsation al owed whxle recervmg. . 159 ugereby -.·--·---- 835 wanunt oiicers og grlrore duty abroad to 140 bo to reccmmell ; » -» ‘ receive sea u pay -.·--····---·--- ited .--- ·· · 835 ‘ warrant officers to have additional $240 a · f tame 'f warrant officers J 1, 1920 .. 602 ’°"’"‘£°£fi’¤ ‘§.£'§r2‘QSr.,..rl examinations as em>;§:,F ${33 ,°;,““'., 3%, mn ____ _ ,___ 604 age limitations for appointments under N A nezujguildi D C f‘·‘”€`°i°g ·························‘' 835 Tigicizncy appr0ggrls.ti:0¤.¥¤t Tl'¢U'¤1'Y Dv immense allowed in designated cases .. 835 putmem Omega mx rem____ _____ _ _ _ 43 not applicable to Dental (rorps . 836 pmvmom for line olllcers, other than Navy D¢P<P'¢Z"¢¤‘:f Secretary A t Naval Academy graduates .. 836 ¤ppr0pf;¤t;¤ctc°T » $3 1282 P*··¤¤**°¤° °‘ ‘*°“‘“““"“ “”‘“ J‘“‘° 3°‘ 836 for $J£p¤m·y’ "飤i;3i2»$?ééé*i§é§»` ‘¤-’

  • 923 ··-····-··-··-·-··· · -·-·--···· · ’ 663 1283

· · » · · l { _ UQD: - ·---···--- ·· -·-· · ···.. , °"g""§‘.;¥,,‘.‘3&,.,,,""°"i.‘i.t‘vl.."“,;,* §;‘§.;,°'L£}€c'L’L’.?. ¤·»s¤¤¤~»r,¤1¤¤,$mé;_, . va missions during late wa.r.. ..i 836 for :¤n9;¤1P0r‘¤1'Y €¤1P 0Y i·Il{Yn~ e · 663 1283 for :m(;5B¤w?5i??_g__???f 336 lor elerksnetc., Office of Naval Records bm { o' Pm for roealiounonme aim- and Library ..»... , .·.-- 664, 1283 us gixsshayggy 8 mnecw November 11, 1918; naval records of War with Germangéi 1283 h·ml·t_l_’_________________________ 836 Bti! .-··· · ····---— -6--飣1;·--éé or - Hsh£d_____"______ 836 for Jtldgé Advocate sn S ce: mhstulentwrms wah Beau Hc,b],,__ 836 gemporary euiployeea 664, 1283 reeuhstments, etc., be al tm 05ce. tem grades and ratings to be esta for for Nav Opera ns , 901*3;):4 1283 Navy and Maxine Corps . ».-· · · 836 °mpl°YB°° ‘‘’‘‘'‘'`'`‘‘' ' ’