Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1681

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INDEX- ccxiii San Franciaeo Bay, Cali., Page. Sanatorzkz, pm mvestagatron of ieasi ility, etc., of estab- industrial alcohol for, may be withdrawn I _1sl11ngnavalbase in, etc., by special free of tax . , , _ _ 321 om: commmtee ... 820 r-mite, ¤;_, ‘ gd ________ _ ________ deptlh of water, Mare Island Navy Yard, San¢i)cCreek, ati., Project, orag,, 321 , om --·-·-·-·---·-·---------------- 820 appropriation for maintenance, ew., or time extended for report 1088 from tribal funds _______________ 469 1243 San Framnlsco Jglrjdge Compazzy, Sand Point, Wash., ’ payment au or1zed` to or construction ° rio gd ‘ hui; , _ ·

11101-11;, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, dry 59 mvmuxinn gag; atjnliy speirnalitizoirif §

qc .. _ 1 mines _________________ _ __________ 820 6`M Fmmjv-SC9, C`¤Z¢, _ time extended for report of special joint appropnatron for assmtaut treasurefs office. 656 committee investigating naval base discontinued, July 1, 1921 ,... 654 at ______‘___ _ _____________________ 1088 for aircraft mail service from New York Sandpoint, Idaho, TD, V18 Ch1¢¤~g0 Md Om8l>2· -·--· 579, 1153 appropriation for public building ...,,, 166 go? b\¤'€°`*·“ ····-·-·-·-·-·-·-- 657 1;;% lands grimted to, for protecting water sup. 0* , -—---········· · ··~-~—--·- · p , etc . . . 1197 ior dispatch agent. , . 741, 1208 price; {egg,] rights not sgsstsd __________ 1197 ror marine hospital, alterations, etc . 1368 mjggrg] deposits msswsd. other use clenciency appropaiation for mint. . .. 1184 forbidden ______________ ’ ___________ 1 197 monument to mar starting point o motor { , mq to be msd __________ convoy from Wasluozton, D- G-, to, miodeamugcosiaihrre, ew".? .. iii; authorized.; ... { . .i1. . 1062 Sandusky, Ohta, re11mmary' examxnation, etc., o, ar or · do g H b · · _ _________ P Isl en&:¤1oo, to be mode .-.--.·..- ig}? Sal:i)i%?iE1r;;“Ooi;11¥?r:·ri;)l:;_l;'1§:m\L1;1y;id1?5¢;y_, *66 °‘° " —-·-·— . -: ·-----------——-····· rim , tc., Amkmamss W¤·*»o1‘ S¤PPlY %,FoV1¤¤¤¤¤ Mt ¤ff¢<?V#d bY apPmppatie(i1Ilagr.i:i·li%.? ... 9*16 1405 Federal fater Power Act .. 1077 Sanitary Bu,-wu, Immatmm ’ Soo Frame Nmmal 0¢z··¢wv» Colo'-, appmprnam at annual shine or mma. aprpopriauon for extensions .. 185 mms __________________________ .,45, 1211 San sabel National Forest, Colo., Samjtmy g0,,fe,.¢.,we Smh Imanmwmg appropriation for mamtenanoe, etc., of 250. dsgsgsssy appmérittion fm. __________ ’ _____ 1 022 709» 1328 Scmitation, Rural, Son Jwm xiqew N- Moo . appmprneen for new mveeagaeen es, by ¤PP¤>P£°¤°¤ i°*' ¤“PP°¥`*· €*°·» of hgm, 1248 S B PI;1blicg`Ei3g1lth Service .. 176, 885, 1377 Soo Jwm C°““'·y· N- M“·· . . prelirnQ1‘inzi.‘i*r5‘i7exa1i{.ii1ation etc. of harbor o>=<=¤¤¤;,s¤ permitted of i=¤>s¤¤ ¤¤· to ¤<·¤¤¤¤- m be made I . 1..i .. I 1013 Mo ¤<>ld¤¤s¤ ¤¤ who New --------· 1239 sam Barbara National Fmt ctw. Soo JM" I"'d“m R“”""“t’l°"· N· M“·· appropriation for maiutemince etc. of 250 appro riation for irrigation gmject on . 3, 408 ’ ’ 709 132é R"' g‘·l€hw“Y mm Mm ****16 Park w right of way through, to Los Angeles, Calif., ’ Galium lm ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘°‘' ‘‘‘‘° 18* 422 for power works, etc _,_,_,_, , ,,.._, 983 San Juan}/atronal Forest, Colo., Santa mam Rive,.) ”·PP’°P“““°“ for munwnmmv °t'°·· °f·· · · 250- appropriation for constnncting bridge acres, Sm Jun, P R 709,1328 S Fmrnwia Reservation, van. we • · ‘# . t t , . ., branch offices. etc., estabbshed, of post. a;;i?,,b$,,é,?:,r;,¥t Off g. inwmss paid on °mC° at ················••··••*·•· 323 bonds thereof . 947 San Juan_Pwgeblq, N. Mex., _ _ _ Santa Fc N_ Mn, ”·PPr°Pn“t}°“ mt SUNBY f°' mxgning ‘’‘·‘ 18 appropriation foi Indian school 18 422 1238 Sen Ju¢m.”°»3‘”· ., . sh, k ,, En public bending . ... ’... ’ me ”·PP’°Y’n‘m°“ for bm gmgr * p'°° ’ * ‘ detiaiency appropriation for Indian school. 1039 ¥§§§0Sr°P°Ym€°° from funds °f 18 use of public for United States for rcqonstrucxing apprgach _ to Iudi%n Soma Fc°?,c,*;‘,f%n;€¤€m, Form, -·--. 356 Q3? mmesr °t °‘rmmgt‘°°* * ‘ 1239 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. . 250, SETI. OIDQEJO, CaZ‘J, l Scum Calif 709, 1328 preliminary examination, etc., of harbor, a mprimién for Expenses Vohmmer SOL

 l'g;j3?d€····---·-··--·--·-··---··     ·   H0m9:-:-·-f·a.:-i·_-  

¤pp¤>vri¤¤<>¤ for public Pimding ··--·-·- -- 166 d€Ec1€i11igfmip1i;O¤i)é1a&ili.Oi7` §°ei°i$=i§ iiév use · investigation oi advisab1l1ty, etc., oi sub- Soma Rosa Sound F20 ’ ’ ’ ’ ` base at, by joint special · · ’ · "- N; §;m¤?tw€ 820 prelumnary exa.rmnation,i,<:;%c., of 1 anéows Sm S¤'*e€’°i~ S"!°°‘?°’· . ds igm Z? 1011 appmiii-lgiiiiulgi liii. . Z 1214 Some Amor. S· Doh. , San Xczzier Indian Reservation, .-ink., ¤PP!`0Pl’¥¤U0¤ {0T SUPPOYE €lF€·» 0 1*1* 434 appropriation for operating pumping d—“F at-- ~—·~·· - ······-·········· plants. etc., on. ._ 11, -116, 1232 Santee Rwer, _ deiiciency appropriation for pumping bridge authorized across, Murmys Ferry. p}g_D_t5,gf,c_______________,__,_,__, S.C., .,. .. .·.··-··..