Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1706

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ccxxxviii INDEX. Toxins, etc.-Continued. Page. Trading uith the Emm1y—C0n@inucd. _ Page. deficiency appropriation for regulating sale, deportamou of pndesuable ahem convxctcd em, of ,..,,,_., , ..,.., 508 of violating Act regulating, etc., and Tmchoma, axpepdments: ._ 594 appropriation for prevention, etc., among Yeadmmsion PI'°hibm9d· · ·_ ---··---·-··- 594 Indians . .. 4, 410, 122: property bale! by the Mmm, etc-, my for prevention of epidemic .. 175, ssa, 1377 _ b¤ ¢1¤¤¤¤¤d Eg other than enemy- · 35, 977 deiiciency appr0priation for prevention of B€1Z_€d PTOPGYW ded -··---·--···-··--· 977 epidemc ·-----···----····---------- 5% $3%.;% "§J§""‘.,;;y 1;.; ;r;1gr;z1s,>‘e11e35’ 977 T""""’“» A""y· I’res{deut·, as 977 dehvm of 17259 *2 S·=¢¤¤*==~¤* of Ag¤¢¤*· ¤ghmgmtc1ai1¤1a¤&g5ra;ge;6a;.1- 35; 978 me fm dmmbuting *0 Sm hgh- uit mm allowed mmm, warif a - ways departments, for road con- Bq y P Y struction- _ I _ _ 1349 _ xpeqt pot ordered, etc .,,,.,... 35, 978 loan to States for highways construction ]u1;:g1§;(g1,k?fc?1§;`~$m° °°"It’ D‘ C"5 978 Bmplu§‘u:§'§i{;‘;‘§;’,i;1gd·tb· hg; HQ 1155 deterngiuatioxg of couiiz I I I i I 2 I : . ’ 978 highway construction; conditions. . . 584 retglgggn of Pmperty uhm final ludg`35 978 Trade Cvmmiwiw, Fedmk is owner A `éI§é&{§§biéi§'6§`£€§i&i£»§`i¤ ’ appropriation for salaries and cxpenscs..éé7 gerlxiiml-y Occupégd By Ggfmy gm-ces. 3 , e very may a ow ..,.. - 6 Trade Mark lRegistration Bureau, Intema— receipg to be 2. full acquittance of cus- 36 ticna to ian etc appr0priati0;1 for quota for, Habana, rights ofbther persons not barred . 36 Cuba .. 750, 1216 dehvery of money, atc., without applicaregister to be kept by Commissioner of tum, to nationals of other than Ger- Patents, of marks communicated by. 533 many, etc . .,...,.,..,,.,,. 978, 1147 Tmd, Marks, etcq oiBcia.1 oi,_ etc., in United

 to be   of au marks, etcq cgm-   when relauons B€Y'€I'9d. - 1. . .  

municated to Commissioner of Pat- *0 W0m¤P of ¤6¤t¤¤l 0i' ¤u10d ¤?·t10¤» ents, by P:mAmerica¤ bureaus . 533 m3·F¥1€d *0 G€¤¤¤·¤» ¤t<¤·» Pm? to details to be entered 011-- 533 _ APU1 67 N]? ··-· _ --·---··------ 978, 1147 other maglis 1:1Xt registemble under if §ti‘gP6¥'tY ¤0:»1fo<&10¤§§1nh0m$€;f£§;¤?¤, 1147 Trade ar ct .-.. 533 -,8U 6B muy , ·- dif ;{ _______________________ 534 intemed enemy alien . . 979 gxalgry lg? r;?§z·ed is identical with to woman of Ammcw citizexgship, mark owned and used by another m%¤'¥¤¢d to G6¤¤¤¤» 6%, P¤0¤' **0 on similar goods, etc -... - .. 534 f APY!] gy 191; -··- ht - - -·-- 978, 1147 · · _ 1 prope y no ac u om Yermam PMEEET`$°$§£.YT'TY.??¥{lY.s?r.?”T'???¥l?. 534 ¤*gég¤¤b*¤¤¤¤(€¢;2J¤¤=t;vr *3*7 **47 cwh-nga. Puls partue 1 co ra 1cms,e -. en nre {K0. d. . ’a'p . . ’'`'‘`’`‘' ‘ '°‘’° 534 0WT16f?)%’0¥§1p§!thRHGBYm£D8, etc. . 979 fm Y. ¤=. mms ¤¤z¤¤ <>f.¤¤¤k·>·i z·><>·i¤ Governments of Bungam or www 979 Ilglisvtfhriuw and f°m*8¤ °°mm°'°°v 534 Govemuge¤ts(;>f Gern;:my, etc. , of Giplo- . . . ·················--··-·-·· matic am cousu ar pm rty ... 979 iwblgguggf d9·m¤§€$» eww *0 Person 534 status of persons of free cities, gzqformerly ¤·*»¤i¤v for ¤¤·i¤g_€¤P¢éi¢i¤§»` `étéii C5·i·ii<é : $$523 £f¥£“.£{?$;, Stf?. P`? .T‘f’TT 979 rgdwgewd ereby, wd Mug m 534 1 regnmmngliiaxt mem: .. . i 979 ·-··· · ·····---··---·--·-·--· t a acquittaucc of all c sims treble damages, etc., allowed 534 mcelpmlder 979 compliance with law of country where l · ' b" m` 'd `'`'`’` °`' _ vrizimliy registered required- 534 ¤p§3€{'€;1¤¢l}§§¤m:§;tr6mm éf Qéliééti} Hhiéé} 980 no recovery for infringement on faulurc provisions hereof _ 980 unless defendant duly notified . 535 bv legal mp,9senmd`}é'(;{ gr, generagotmdi prrcgiisions applicable s0m___ _ ____ 980 mr ·¤ mgm ----·------ - ----- 535 conditioué i;11g»5g.;&Z‘.‘.`j I I I lj jill 980 certified copies of records, etc., relating tp claims of citizens or subjects of Allied na· ?a.rks on regxster acceptable as ev1- 535 tinge not ag;>;1edA;1less reciprocal ence ..,.. ua ° _ °¤i us fees required for cogieg of papers, etc .. 535 {yl? wcgcngotions .. Qi E . 980 appeals to Commmsxoner of Patents . 535 ownership prior to October 6, 1917, reextensiou under general law, of registered qulfed --·· - --·~-·-··-·------··-·- 980 wks, to maiuom articles me no ¤¢}¤¢rh¤¤ <=:¤f¤r·=e¤b1e -·-----.-------- 36,980 and yggd by gging Pgrsgn one year; p1'0V18I.0DB DOE 8g>ph(‘8b]6 TD p&yID€l1Y8 OH mmcum, _________________________ .59,5 _ pccomigq patents, . 36, 980 Trad; wm, provxsmus re tmgm not ec y resoappgpdaéil? gr my ’ 5 · lution declarixgg date of termination penses, 0 ce of Ahen _ · Pm · of Wa.: with Germany, etc ...-. 1360 perty Custodmu . 176 885 1378 - . deg . . . RRAHBR ’ ’ Tram Cmgtrql Sysugns and Applumces, _ cmécy ‘P]§"';’J’fff·?‘?{‘· · . · - - - . 35 appropriation for mvestigaming and 9 authority of Uu§ted Stutge over patent, Tmining Campo, Military, 2 ¤¢¢·. of they €¤émIQ,_¤0t sHoc·¤ad appmpgiadon for ordmuce supplies for by Act mlsting to pnonty, atc . . 1315 cwilian . .. ... 128