Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/424

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SIXTY·SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 62, 64. 1920; 403 issue its bonds in anyhsum not exceeding $100,000 for- the purpeseiof K coustructirrigla schoo ouse in said town and equi ping the same. » Sec. 2. at before said bonds shall be issued a special election Qg¤¤!¤¥ ¤¤•¤¤¤¤ ¢<> shall be ordered by the common council of the town of Ketchikan, at °° °°°°‘ which election the question of whether suchbonds shall be issued shall be submitted to the qualified electors of said town of Ketchikan. Thirty days' notice of any such election shall be given by publication thereof in a newspaper prmted and published and of general circulation in said town before the day fixed for such election. Sec. 3. That the registration for such election, the manner of con- °°“"“°° °‘ °*°°“°”· ducting the same, and the canvass of the returns of said election shall ` be, as nearly as practicable, in accordance with the requirements of law in general or special elections in munic1pa1ity,_and said bonds shall be issued only upon the condition that gs majority of the votes céagstdgt such electron m said town shall be in favor of issuing said n . — Sec. 4. That the bonds above specified,_when authorized to be mmwést M6. we issued as hereinbefore provided, shall bear mterest at a rate not to ' exceed 6 per centum per annum, payable annually, and shall not be sold for less than their par value with accrued interest, and shall be in denominations not exceeding $1,000 each, the principal to be due in fifteen years from the_ date thereof: Provided, however, That_the mesa. common council of the sand town of Ketchikan mag! reserve the riggtt R°"°‘“"“°"· to pay oii said bonds m their numerical order at e rate of $i0, or ess thereof at interest periodt Provided maigmmmd PW That on all bon paid ot! the firstuyear after date there shall e paid - . · a premium of 2; per centum, on a bonds pa1d on the second year 0; premium of 2 per centum, on all bonds paid off the third year a premium of 1} per centum, and on all_bonds paid off the fourth year a hmm of ,,,,,6,. premium of 1 per centucm besides interest. Princtpal and interest W ¤¤d wwwshall be paid in lawful money of the United States o America, at the omce of the town treasurer of the town of Ketchikan, Alaska, or at such other place as may be designated by the common conmcil of the town of Ketchikan; the yilzce of payment to be mentioned in sand 8;,1:1,,,,,, md ,,,; bonds: And provzded fart , That each and eve such bond shall req · have the written signature of the mayor and cleih of said town of Ketchikan and also bear the seal of said town. _ Un M md, n_ Sec. 5. That no part of the funds arising from the sale of sand bonds mem. shall be used for any purposeother than that specified in this Act. S,,,,,,b,,,,d,_ Said bonds shall be so d only 111 such amounts as the common council shall direct and the proceeds thereof shall be disbursed by the school board of such town under the limitations hereinbefore imposed and xmder the direction of said common council from time to time as the same may be required for the purposes aforesaid. Approved, February 7, 1920. <:¤u·.e4.-as is Auumnn are seeremyec wuwrm Am mam *`°"é‘T‘Ht‘lu"““ posts of the American Legion. g Y Be it enacted the Senate and House Re eeemetives the United {States xg Amerigya, in Congress a.s·sembleg‘Th§’t the Secregrly of War igiiiih-lines to be 15 bore y authorized, un er rules, limitations, and regulations to be ‘°°,§‘g‘§_§m_ prescribed by him, to loan obsolete or condemned Army rifles to posts of the American Legion for use by them in connection with the funeral COYGHIOHIBS of deceased soldiers, sailors, and marines, and {0I' Qqwf mak mmmmm post ceremonial purposes; and to sell to such posts blank ammumtgon .• ss:. 1¤ Sultabh ¤·¤10¤}ntS for said rifles at cost price, plus cost of packing %'2g,,,,,_ and transportation: Provided, however, That not to exceed ten suc niies shall be issued to any one post. Approved, February 10, 1920.