Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/850

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SIXTY·SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 228. 1920. 829 books and forms, models, maps, and periodicals; apgiaratus and materials for instruction in physical training and at letics; expenses of lectures and entertainments not exceeding $1,000, including pay and expenses of lecturer; chemicals, iphilosophical apparatus and instruments, stores, machinery, tools, ttings, apparatus, and materials for instruction purposes, $110,000. ub hPu1§has31 binding, ank repaiih of books for she lgbaary (to be pug- m` c ase in e open mar et on e written or er o e superinten - miie $2’500` r ai ze d of v· ·t t ui N 1 A (1 "°°"‘°""“"°”· r expenses o e oar isi ors o e ava ca emy, $3’O00' . Superintendent For contingggcies for the superintendent of the academy, to be ` expended in discretion, $3,000. commmdmt ggdcontigsgeénges for the commandant of midshipmen, to be ex- ` pen in ` cretion, $1,000. In all, current and miscellaneous expenses, $119,500. mmmmmmdw MAINTENANCE AND nn1>Ams, NAvAL AcAnm¤r: For general main- pam. tenance and repairs at the Naval Academy, namely: or necessagy retpglrs cg puliligbugldings, wharves, and walls mclosiréggle groui} s o e 'ava ca emy, im rovements, repairs, an tures; or books, periodicals, maps, modiels, and drawings; purchase and relpair Ho wu mf of fire engines; fire apparatus and plants; machinery; purc ase ees,eZZ.°k° " and maintenance of all orses and horse-drawn vehicles for use at the academy including the mamtenancehoperation, and repau· of tléeealhorse-drawn passeng(¢;r-aarrtygingcvlghicleis to be ustedthonly for o ci oses· an p an ; o an repairs o e same; stationeiiylgp furniture for Government buildings and offices at the iacggemy, geludiirlng furéniture f¢;;1£°1;11:1dshipmeniis;1i1c;;oms coal andlothtgr u ;ca11es,o,an gas;a anceon an powerpan; cleanmg' and clearing up station and care of buildings; attendance on iires, lights, fire engines, Ere apparatus, and plants, and telephone, telegraph, and clock systems; incidental labor; advertising, water tax,_ postage, telephones, telegrams, tolls, and_fer1;1age; flags and awnings; packing boxes; fuel for heating and lighting bandsmen’s quarters; pay of inspectors and draftsmen; music and astronomical instruments; and for pai of emplogiees on leave, $1,205,000. Rm_ Rent of buildings for e use of e acedemy, and commutation of rent for bandsmen, at $15 per month each, $13,500. In all, maintenance and repairs, $1,218,500. In all, Naval Academy, exclusive of public works, $2,420,407 .52. mums oonss. ""'i°° °""" PAY, Magnus Cones: Pamf officers, active and reserve list: For E§é,,,,_ pay and allei;ances7ggeS§;1 by law for all officers on the active and reserve t, $3, i -_ For pay of officers prescribed by law, on the retired list; For two Rmnd °m°°”' maj or generals, four brigadier generals, eight colonels, Eve lieutenant colonels, twenty-three majors, thirty—mne captains, sixteen first lieutenants, seven second heutenants, two marine gnmners, one quartermaster clerk, two pay clerks, and for officers who may be placed thereon during the year, mcludmgsueh increased pay as IS now or may hereafter be provided for retired officers regularly assigned to active duty, $278,740. Emmdmem Pay of enlisted men, act1ve and reserve list: Pay and allowances Active and mm of noncommissioned officers, musicians, and privates, as prescribed USL by law, 81'ld-fO1‘ the expenses of clerks of the United States Marine Corps traveling under orders, and including-.-additional compensation for enlisted men of the Marine Corps ua ed as expert riflemen, sharpshooters, marksmen, or regular y detailed as gum captains, gun