Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/275

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 by such means as it provides; but must be forwarded, at the

option of the despatchingupffice, either in boxes prepared exriressly for the purpose or in_ or ary mail sacks, marked "Parcels— ost, ’ and securely sealed with wax or otherwise, as may be mutually provided by regulations hereunder. 2. Unless otherwise mutually agreed upon, each coimtry shall °' °"‘P*Y promptly return empty to the despatching office by next mail, all such ags and boxes. 3. Although articles admitted under this Convention will be trans- Pwkins. mitted as aforesaid between the exchange offices, they should be so carefully packed as to be safely transmitted in the open mails of either country, both in going to the exchange office in the country of oriipn and to the office of a dress in the coimtri of destination. 4. ach deslpgtch of a Parcels-Post mail must eaccompanied b a D"’°"’l’“"° ustdescriptive t, in duplicate, of all the parcels sent, s owing tinctly the list number of each parcel, the name of the sender, the name of the addressee with address of destination, and the declared contents and value; and must be enclosed in one of the boxes or sacks sacks of such despatch (see Form 2 annexed hereto). P°"’P' ms' ARTICLE VIII. Exchanges of mails nmder this Convention from any place in either E‘°h""° °m°°“‘ country to any place in the other shall be effected through the &ostoffices of both countries already designated as exchange post-o ces, or through such others as may be hereafter agreed upon; under such regulations relative to the details of the exchange as may be mutualllg determined to be essential to the security and expedition of the ma' and the protection of the customs revenues. ARTICLE DC. 1. As soon as the mail shall have reached the office of destination R°°°ipt°'m°u‘ that office shall check the contents of the mail. Submhm 2. In the event of the parcel bill not having been received, a sub- mu. mr"] stitute should be at once prepared. Common 0, mm 3. Any errors in the entries on the parcel bill which may be dis- ' covered should, after verification by a second officer, be corrected and noted for relport to the despatching office on a form “Verification Certificate", w ich should be sent in a sppcial envelope. N 4. If a parcel advised on the bill e not received, after the non- "°'°°"“’°°"‘°'°"'· receipt has been verified by a second officer, the entry on the bill should be cancelled and the fact reported at once. mumdm, pn _ 5. If a parcel be observed to be insufficiently prepaid, it must mmr Y not be taxed with deficient postage, but the circumstance must be reported on the verification certificate form. D 6. Should a parcel be received ina damaged or imperfect condition, ““‘“"°°"°'°°"" full articulars should be re orted on the same form. Pmsmpmm 0, dg 7. Ifp no verification certiEcate or note of error be received, a uvery. parcel mail shall be considered as duly delivered, having been found on examination correct in all respects. ARTICLE X. 1. If a parcel cannot be delivered as addressed or if refused, it etii]°b`myt° d°uv°r’ must be returned without charge directl to the despatching office of exchange, at the expiration of thirty days from its receipt at the office of destination; and the coimtry of origin may collect from the sender for the return of the parcel a sum equal to the postage when first mailed. _