Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/489

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. INDEX. 1907 I Enlisted Men, Army—C0x1t.i.¤ucd. Page. Enlisted Men, Marine Corps—Conti.uued. Pwa. appropmtion for pay, etc., Army reserv- authodzed enlisted strength temporarily ists, on active duty .,,..,,,..,_ 111 increased _,,,._,,,_,,,.,... 152 for pommutation of quarters, etc .. 112,956 average maximum on active duty durfor mterest on deposits .. . ,.,,_., 112, 956 ing fiscal year 1920 .,_.,.. . 152 for extra duty pay, Artillery and Ord- authorized enlisted strength establishedu. 830 nance service, scacoastfortiiications. 112 · death allowances to, on active list . 824 for switchboard operators, interior posts- 112 retired list, when on active duty S24 for extra duty pay, Alaska telegraph jestrictedto Regular Marine Corps . 824 system. .,,,,, : ,,, .  :. . 112 dmchauged to recnlist in Navy or Marine for 20 per cent increasc, on foremgn orps to receive $60 bonus and f qemqg E . , . U} -·-·-. ié&.81;})2i gig travel pay- .-’ 836 or dmpom on o remnmso .. - - · muy removal, etc., from abroad . , . , .’ 896: 1386 mhsmiglgorégyhizzrs SWJIS gigtmcd is deticiegggggppropmtion for family allow- 1 for tile wan ap; be honorably dis. fcrexm d·1&&$&;&%ii黣·i&¤»r·¤»¤. `‘‘°°`° 61,63. if §i1(;%I1(g0§l};11;,:)(':1I;'s&{'1;)&££l;é-£({I`-}6`[1;' 139 65, , 347, 522, 1041, 1044, 1184, 1190 · f . . . { . f 345 years to have gratmty pay . 139 °’ d*¤P°°m°¤ ° '°m°m¤° -·---··--··-- » or dgxring the war, ugay eytend periods 348 522, 1038, 1041, 1044, 1185,1190 Instead of accepting discharge. Pay death allowances {0; wounds 01: disease ox- privileges etc ____ _ _________ ____ Z 139 mdqdwrehmd, <>¤ Mevegilw--- gratuity aliowsmce as sor rmusrr ¢¤1<?¥§€¤°Y 1¤<¤°¤¤°d Patbgi °°¤*¤1g1:_ f- 21- — — ments 140 °ut°t'° °°°'°° lm mlm ° · °°° pay increased 20_pey cent from January 1, ` ¤¤*ii<>;j¤¢<>d 175»°°°·l1éi;éd -·--—----- 109*; mo- mmcem wz gggdgggn g,ggpg,ygg|;3,b° _____ _ ____ _ 76 • ’ · --·";·""·u-"u" 1>·¤<¤¤¤+=~g¤¤ of zmdw ¤¤<>w¤d· ----——-·- 761 peggxisygzi °0%0Lgg;%`i1§%' `éshéii 604 t¢¤¤P<>¤?·1'Y i¤¢¤'<¤¤? P§Y mmkuwd °¤ lished. ,.. 830 Huggy? gpphwmggtxwééé 761 promotion of reti§od,1;ga1ac;%’c duty, to 53 grmn 1 1am1m1mam¥me¤gma6¤.. .. 761 -“Z ‘g”‘ ""“*· “ ‘‘‘‘ - ···‘‘‘ <¤i¤¢i¤1gI;•;£:}§e(§¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¢¤i<=¤ wv ¤¤<>w=~¤<=¤ 761 r°°°h smgé,°{0t°£¤ve C1'Bdgi:i(g'H;g‘;;V::1861;"Vci 6* ·---- - -·--·--·--·--··-·-- ‘ ‘ ,___,_,_,_,,,,__,,.,,,. 141 increase of 10 per cent for each Eve years of if gglrnbl. three months to have . €°rV?°°?.Hmit···Bigl; ············ former grade, etc .. 141 Wwmm ’“¤¤€8"“t“ ····· · ····· germs of enlistment established for; reen- _ ¤¤¤~ wv f<¤ g·¤=*a ¤¤¤¤gu- --é& ----·—---- gg} listment meats, em .. : .. J. 836 P¢¥<:;1t*;8l¤:;>fo!:*§·*{§ish;:i' ··--··--—· 761 warrant omcers, zgiiaggng gzommmixns m · ····•········ es r to ormcrs uson ¤° €°d“°“°“ °§ Pmseqt WY ··············· 762 termination of active service therein. 141 euhstment penod opuonal for one or three WF Enumd Mm Navy r€e¤},1Z°$éi»iA isi .`.`.ZlZZZZ2Z ng “·PPl'°P’i**t§°¤ fo? ¤1><>¤i¤1 {·¤¤w¤}¤e·>¤ ’¤¤i32 813 “u·°w“”°°° {QL"; ‘‘‘‘ b‘(,]",=, ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘' $$5 forrzg-·Y•;];1€>;ug€g`l2;1Bm (mdmmm 134,815 spetec1m1egrI?p¥1;smg¤exm§»0{$1¢§‘%];€‘;,;:Zag;I 772 ;g;·»·¤¤¤~. 135.815 discharge permi 'y epcn ent · V1"? . {mm death, ctic., occurring after en- 77 for I - -1]% i -·-············ 12- istment ... 5 » : ·············· # enlistment réquiraanent of gpility to speak, 10 ;_<;;;;;;¤£¥$:giéw¤¤¤w¤¤¢ ·---··-- tc. is r pes} .. 77 • , ·-·············-··· ¤ pay in§;g$3edn%0 piygcent from January 1, 602 gg §z0tr3§lS•; $r ... gg; - ; res nc 10n . » ·-··--· - effective until June 30, 1922 .. _ . 604 deficiency approprinxion for family allowprivate property of, lost in the serv1ce to {meas Z . I be paid for, etc.; conditions . . . 1436 authonzed strength temporanly increased; retired, having served as commissioned of- periodic reductions, to January 1, iicers during World War, to receive 1920.._ 137 pay, etc., 0 retired warrant cfiicers. 786 personnel mcluded. 1. ._ 138 travel pay to, discharged to roenlist ... 291 proporgxcu of commmsxoned officexs rediscggrge from old enlistment author- 291 . - . z. 138 iz ,___________________________,,, permamen s ren commmmon or allowance of $60 on reenlisting ... 291 enlisted, not affécteq Z .. 138 to retired, and reservists, when entering dead; allowances to, on acpve hst 824 or leaving active service 288 reurgd hst, when on actxve duty 824 Enlisted Mm, Marine Corps, restncted to Regqlsu·_Na¤{y .. T., 824 appropriation for special allowances to, dxscharged to reenhsj: m Navy or Manne serving under unusual cond1t10us. 132, 813 Corps to recexve $60 bonus, and forpay .. ...- , . . 152,829 travel pay  :.- 836 ' for retired . . .. 1§3, 830 emergency mcreaaged psy contmued durmg for undmwn clothing . 1a3, 830 _ preseut euhstrueutq, etc 140 fortransporting remains of, dying abroad, enhsting for four {gas smc? February 3, etc ...,.,,_,,,,._,,,_,.,,,. . _,,,,, 146, 823 1917, may ve penod construed deEciency appropriation for family allow- as for the war, ggd be honorably ance; _,_______,___,_,__,,,_,,,_,, 1 condnmns ,... , ,__,,,_, 139