Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/535

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mnnx. 1953 Indian Sclgoo}:—Continued. _ _ Page. Ind12ms—-Continued. Pago. ¤PPl‘0P1“¤¤·¤0¤ i01' l¤¤¤¤P01‘l>1Hg pllplls; citizenship granted American, honorably Alaska pupils . : . _6, 411, 1228 discharged from service in World per capita expenditure mgtncuong; War .. . ,. 350 _ exception., . Z . Z .. 6 tribal rights, etc., not impaired ... 350 defimency appropriation for buildings. 61, 64, 66, Fort Belknap Reservation Indians, _ _ 345, 348, 1039, 1042, 1186 Mont., receiving trust patents .. 1356 for transporting pupils, etc. ... 61, 345, 1042 Osage Indians, Okla 1250 fo1’ support .. 64, 345, 523, claims of Sioux, referred to court of Claims. 738 1039, 1042,1045, 1171, 1186,1191 fee to be charged on sales of allotments, abandoned, etc., buildings, may be sold... 415 leases, etc., of. ... 415 sale authorized of land etc., Tucson, Ariz., payment by vendee, lessee, etc . 415 _ for public school ... 1233 nnal enrollment of any tribe, authorized . . 9 Indwn·$cr"m9e, effect of enrollment . . .. 9 investigation of conduct of, by members of tribes excepted ,,... - . 9 ouse_Committee on Indian Affairs. 34 Osage civilization fund claim, referred to appropriation for expenses . . . 34 Court of Claims .. . . 1097 powers conferred ... 34 restricted, may lease allotments for farming Indian Sermbc Inspectors, and grazing purposes .. 1232 appropriation for pay and expenses. . 7, 413, 1230 regulations, etc., to be prescribed 1232 deticiency apprepriaticn for ... 1042 Five Tribes excepted .. 1232 . Indian Supplies, _ restrictions on sales, etc. of live stock of. 9 · appropriation for purchase, , branding, etc., ... 9 etc - . 7, 412, 1229 punishment for violations ... 9 warehouses restricted to three- . . 7, 412, 1229 mmm, ,4,,,,,.;,,,,,,, ¤¤¤l d¤hV°1'¥&§t°-·P*Y$bl°f!°m*€°¤°Y appropriation for ethnological researches or schwl ds ----·--··-··-··-·--- 412 among , 181, 891, me fo¥_Wl€8¤·Ph~m8» qw; ------·~----· '7r412»1229 rmzwmuz Azmmz (W also Nmomn mm. deiicxencg appropriation for purchasing bitiou Act), an ¤‘¤¤¤P<¤’¤¤8 --·-- 6, 62, 64, 66, 345, 348, meaning of #·nc¤1w1*· and ··¤0m1¤s¤~ as 523, 1039, 1042, 104§, 1171, 1186, 1191 used heroin ________________________ 319 · for wlczmphmz and wlephcnms -------- 64, alcohol meme my register asindustrial _ 66, 345. 523, 1039, 1042. 1186 alcohol plants ... . . sm IndwMP°]¤»_ Indo bond and Permit for operating., 319 ¤PP¥0P¥?$¤°¤ f°!’ cm °f C°¤f°d€¤W° °°c‘ warehouses or other t an beverage alcohol tion, Greenlawn Cemetery. - 184, 196, 1387 my bg wgabyjshed _________________ 319 Indl}1Y•}W1¢{, Md-, _ bonds and permits required 319 l])])l`0PT|$u0D fo1’ OPGPBUDS, 9%-. G0V6T¤· containers to be used ... 320 111611* 1101186 ¤·t ··-·····--··-·-···~-- _ - 223 transfers of product to other plants or ware- {01* 0pG1’8tlJ1g, EUC., GOVKDmBD$ dorm- hguggg gutheyizgd _________ __ ____ __ 320 _ tones at --—---··-·~-··-·····-··--· · 224 tax on product when made 320 Induzm, _ _ lien or, on product and premises _ . . . 820 ¤·PP!`0PY¤m°¥{ f°Y ¤¤”°Y» °t¢·, ffl? ¤u°V· beve spirits on hand may be with~ mqursmseveralyytv, -·-·----- 3. 408, 1225 mil-Btwn for demnw ... 320 restriction on use m Anzcm and NSW for deposit in indust alcohol ware Mexico, _ ...·...·.-.-·· 3, 408, 1225 houses ,,.,,,,,,,,_,_,,,,,,._... .. , 320 for Huppfeylhg 11q11¤1' $1*8150 8¤1Q¤8· 4. 408, 1227 redistillation of, for nonbevsrage use 320 for relieving gh¤t1‘6¤¤, p1’6V9¤¤¤8, Md present distilleries, etc., may be operated nearing diseases, etc. . . t . . ._4. 410, 1227 as industrial alcohol plants or ware amount for new hosp1tals;11m1tation. . · 4 hguggg ____________________________ 320 general treatment, etc. . _5, 410, 1227 alcohol may be produced from any matefor maintenance of designated hospitals, rial at, plants . 320 etc .. z .. . ...- §, 410, 1227 disposal of, or any lawful use 320 for directing farming and stock raising exemption of, from general distillery and among . . Z ... . 6, 411, 1229 warehouse prowisions. . 320 for legal expenses in allotment and reggations authorized .. 320 3;roperrty'suits.: ... 8, 412, 1229 tax- alcohol {revisions . _ ... 3 20 for etermming hens of deceased allot- denaturing alco ol plants authorized on tees. . ... ..- 413,1230 industrial plants, etc.; conditions- 320 payments by beneficiaries. . . 413 product of, free from tax 321 for encouraging industry and self support distilled vinegar; proof, etc. , exemption- 321 among; repayment 8, 413,1230 alcohol may be transferred from industrial restriction on expenditure for any one plants for denaturing, etc . - . 321 tribe .-. . .-...-..- 8, 414, 1230 proof allowed for denaturing .. 321 for live stock of, destroyed to prevent for Government, State, etc., uses ... 321 contagious diseases, etc 8, 414, 1231 for scientific research, hoamitals, etc . 321 for care of insane, Benson County, N. permits required for pur ase ... 321 Dak  :. . 19 United States, etc., excepted; reguladeiiqiency appropriation for suppreming tions to be prescribed ... 321 liquor trallic among 61, 64, 66, 1186 additional penalties for violation of these for relieving distress, etc., among 345, mprovisiops. . 2 .. . . . . 1. . 321 348, 1042, 1186 gene provisxons to be prescribed for m- for legal expenses in allotment, etc., dustrial and denaturing plants and suits ... - .. 523 warehouses ... . ... 321 for encouraging industry among. 523, 1042, 1186 details specified . . 321 44282°——v0x. 4l·—P·r 2--36