Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/574

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1992 INDEX. 1longma—Conti1];ue;l. I ti _ ed Page. Mcrami, Elizabeth (widow), ‘emnityscooseecons1nopen pension _ .. I _ ... m Blackfeet Reservation limited to Morang, Ablne Dams (wadow), nonmineral and nonirrigable lands. . 17 Jfrension .. 1603 lieu school selection of lan s in_ former orattwq Creek, Va.,_ _ Flathead Indian Reservation by, preliminary examination, etc., of, to be authorized . . _ . 421 made -..-·...---- - --·- 1011 Sioux Natjongil Forest, S. Dak. and, d1- 1768 1{grggug. City,La., _ t_ f br build 1111111Bh . e crency appropm non or pu rc - 1{ontana National Biaogr Range, ing site ... 507 Mzggrggnagrog for mamtenance . 257, 716, 1335 Iwgan, Tv law a Representative in 8PP!'°P;i$·t1°¤ ii)? Public building -···-· - · 165 deficiency a;:;i·opriation for pay to widow F<m¢¢fr¤·M1 F‘¤¤¤¢¤•:¤··. , or . uso ydeticrency appropriation for services, e1:c.. 1032 ywgm Pie,.,,&,,,,' Gd f gift f . . · · . — accep c a onz o embassy =¤¤v<>¤¤¤e f¤>¤¤· wd ¤=P<>*¤¤1i.¤¤» whew pI' 1.l1 L¤11111»11, .¤111g°i1111.1,1m1. 1214 . snd_wheat Hour, prob: 1ted; ex- Hmm, Mmm J_ (,,.,],1,,,,,), m,,‘j§,§‘°““ ‘·········‘················ {$39 Ipweiouji ··-- B --(- ,- - -5 ---.-..-.--------- 1597 uommgm, " ```'`` °"‘"?· .‘”” · "’“’°“’ · M$ppmIKi2Y1:E(?;`for . . wu.--ann". 740 or§vm5rea.sed 1581 0nwyey’ agq .’ " . • . •- pr ;ion, etc., of, harbor 1018 d°§cm:;;;£pmpn?,u§m,,Efzggmmiggfggrgt Mme 1v,11.m111;,;;1;‘0a25·i, ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 0* ·A- G§l°‘P‘° °·>¤·P¤¤y ·----- ,,,,5 1;;, llgrlgopriatila/gn for maintenance, etc., of 249 Horgam Phebc (widow), · de¤¢i¤¤¢} ¤v1;>t1:iie¢i§;t§$>rIexp¤¤¤e¤_ of _,,f,°',},,}‘“§°'}5jg·j ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘··‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1497 §i11111,o031”e1e1ee,,1£,.1 1022 =v;;;¤g,¤;{·,,*,;·;,=;,§¤¤¤*d ¤*¤¤¤¤v¤·¤*·-= -·--- gg llonuzuma Natwml Forest, Colo., . dd, . ‘··· ri: ···· ····· ······· appropriation for maintenance, etc., ot.-i68, 249, °‘°;gn;*PP’°P““ mu °!' °°l ¤*°¤86 38 hang fland,tc.f addi' H°'°°"°·.. · °‘° 11{’11.‘L11m1.°..'f..i..‘Z' .. Y TTY? 1148 ·Pv~v¤=¢¤·¤!<¤ ·e¤¤¢=·¤<1 ¤¤¤¤·=¤z¤¤<=¤¤

 Alaw at T811g1€T..._.. . . . · » · .740,  

bridge authorized across Alabama River, d i°'.C“P° SP‘m°l·. **1*** hght; ---·--— 7421 1208 nw ___________________ _ __________ 1000 cficrency appropriation for interpreters ymummwry g,mmggrTmn_ _ an ggards at consulates in . 1022 may biriidlge Cum land 1fiver near Clarks- wh’;;t°;,‘gm“ 8w*(f¤ whwt e . . 282 . 1 ; excepllonument, _ ¤¤¤¤ ---·~------.. . 1759 erection of, authorized to xqpetum cmceled; —---~··----. : ... _ .. 1 77 memory of Chickasawan Seminole M°'““9° {Wm R°!°"!’¤“9'”» C'¤{1f» M Iindgng .. 1364 “PP*’°P¤¤¤¤¤ {GY 1¤'18¤¤¤¤ pmxect 011- - kbs $1 ommwn , . . . _ , erection authorized to mark star|;1‘ng lace MMV I·‘*¤¤¢ of motor convoy, Washington $$1,11 P<>¤}¤1¤¤·_·-; -·-····... . ... 1603 Francisco .. . . 1062 M°""“a Wmwm A-: 1{oody,Eva J. (widow), P€!1B1·0¤ .. .. , ,,,,_,,,,,,,_, 1601 Mpension . . 1596 Mm"w9"¤» Belle (MW), non, _Mary Rita (widow), Mpenmon increased ..,, , _,.,,,,.,,, 1572 Hpenswn . . 1618 omaqn, Charles Augustus (jam"), oore Company, John E'., Mpenswn increased ... . ..,.,,.. 1604 may bg!] suit for damages to tug ·‘E. M. ornZaonS¢;ect NF, D. C., ¤i1ard" . . 1553 appropria i , ·r111‘1·¤y. ‘ th 11.m,_11.111 (,1,11..,1, "" "s11e§l“101§’211§,"§1f‘? .,__._ 845 penmon increased. ... 1543 Morrow, Martina J. (1111110111), Moore, Jacob B., _ pension increased . . ,,,,.. 1486 iupoymgnt to, Jfgom Chrckasaw tribal funds. 24 Morrow cifamhp Company, 007% •1m¢-9 -,_ _ _ may nge name o steam "Charlotte Mpeymmtw for mrunes .. 1459 Graveraet Bl’&`itl1¤g"€1;,() ***1*, K, oorc,_ Josepli T., 1.11111e1··* _________ _ _________________ 355 P¢¤¤1¤¤ -··~-»-·..--..-.-. . ... 1619 Mmmd, E1-ik 0., Wgéiggllfo A· (wriivw). Mgr peymepiimgo, from Pottowammie ·I11dia11 29 11¥»’§~·._S111e;4:z11.1,,1,="‘s; ‘‘‘‘·············· ° 11,.1.,,B,,,,,,‘;,;; ··················· uP°“$*°¤ ··---···~--·· - -·--··-- · ~-··--~--·· 1591 i appropriation for constructing . 608, 1348 00¤‘¢1_Th9m¤8 F», Mortgages of Wssels (see Ship Mortgage Act, {emma increased ,.,, 1605 1920) <><#?~a¤·1.!·<¤·ur¤ -4-fwidviv)1 Mmm, comm W., p€!1810¤ Increased ...·»--·-... 1482 I defnmcncy appropriation for services .. 56